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Breaking News Official at last. Maher,Currie,Bentley.

I take it by all the posts on here that all have forgiven Ron. The Banner has been foled nicely and stored away until next year. Football supporters are so fickle.

I am ambivalent about Ron and do not see him as being responsible for ALL of Southend's woes.
I did not the see the point of the protests, as. in my humble opinion. 'Martin Out' = the end of the Football club but that is just my belief.
And it does seem he has put up some money to try and improve the fortunes of the club. In view of the present climate I thought that was worth pointing out.
This is actually quite a bold move from Ron. You’d like to think most people agree, with the week we’ve had, that the focus is on getting behind the new coaching team and the lads on the pitch. As I say .. you’d like to think. I can’t make Dagenham which I’m genuinely gutted about as I think the atmosphere will be electric!!

Let’s remember though these are the same players, we’ve had a rotten run going back 3 years and this’ll take time and patience to turn round.
This is actually quite a bold move from Ron. You’d like to think most people agree, with the week we’ve had, that the focus is on getting behind the new coaching team and the lads on the pitch. As I say .. you’d like to think. I can’t make Dagenham which I’m genuinely gutted about as I think the atmosphere will be electric!!

Let’s remember though these are the same players, we’ve had a rotten run going back 3 years and this’ll take time and patience to turn round.
I like to say most are not players who been with the club the last 3 years , yes some are but a good majority are PB signed carthorses from preseason .
I like to say most are not players who been with the club the last 3 years , yes some are but a good majority are PB signed carthorses from preseason .
Oh yeah absolutely I just mean we’ve been in freefall and the whole atmosphere around the club has been wrong and at times, toxic. It’ll take time to change that. Might not be an overnight success but let’s trust the people who are tasked with doing it and not turn on them after a couple of defeats.
I hope this all works out well but I can't help feeling a bit ?, after all the talk of the process and contacts throughout the football world we have ended up with two of Ron's candidates from last year and another ex-player.

I know I will get hated for this but we will have to see who else comes in but it all feels a bit job's for the boy's to me.
I hope this all works out well but I can't help feeling a bit ?, after all the talk of the process and contacts throughout the football world we have ended up with two of Ron's candidates from last year and another ex-player.

I know I will get hated for this but we will have to see who else comes in but it all feels a bit job's for the boy's to me.
Did you watch the Zoom call last night? You'll hear how it absolutely wasnt that.
I just don't get corks popping over yet another manager being put in place, I find that kind of sad...…….lets hope this trio can get us back to the dizzy heights of yesteryear...…….but that will take time and money
I get where you are, and most should if they take a moment. We’re not out of the woods by any stretch… but no one is claiming we are.

After years of decline and accelerating downhill momentum though, it’s important to recognise any positive steps that start to address that decline.

And there’s a lot to be cheerful about if you listen to to what Stan is sharing, not least:

- A talented leadership team that blew away the recruitment panel including a presentation that showed a deep knowledge of our strengths and weaknesses, and which was for Stan, “the best I’ve ever seen in my time in football”
- Knowledge of the local pool of talent and the league we’re playing in
- A plan and structure for improving our recruitment
- Accountability

Plus Ron taking a step back in favour of a CEO taking on the running of the club, a head of football operations taking charge of important aspects of our on the pitch progress, a head of recruitment, etc. Etc. How can we not celebrate that?

Then all of this on top of the clearest communication we’ve had from the club… ever!?

Christ, we celebrate goals because they are fleeting moments of success and sometimes they lead to wins.

If we can’t celebrate what’s happening right now as a step in the right direction, we might as well just give it all up now.
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If you can't be positive now then I don't know how you ever can be, right now we've been place in the best position in terms of structure and planning than we have in a very long time.

It's time to back the new backroom staff and the team and push on for improvement, time to stop dwelling on the past.
I hope this all works out well but I can't help feeling a bit ?, after all the talk of the process and contacts throughout the football world we have ended up with two of Ron's candidates from last year and another ex-player.

I know I will get hated for this but we will have to see who else comes in but it all feels a bit job's for the boy's to me.
The only reason you'll get stick for this, is because this opinion shows that you're just not listening. It's been said SSOOOOOOOO many times now, by Stan and by people on here, that it's not about the person - it's about the process. Listen to what Stan said on the call last night and read some of his previous posts, because it seems that people with this opinion aren't doing so......or maybe are doing so, but have already made up their mind and decided that they are right so that no evidence to the contrary will change their minds.

It literally doesn't matter one tiny little bit whether Kevin Maher has been a candidate for the job in the past. Not a bit. He absolutely smashed a rigorous, professional and in-depth recruitment process which this club has never done before under Ron Martin. If a 4-person panel went into the interviews without bias or favourites, and they all came out of KM's interview with their jaws on the floor and in unanimous agreement that he is the man for the job, then he is the man for the job.

I'm pulling my hair out here, it's so simple to understand.
I hope this all works out well but I can't help feeling a bit ?, after all the talk of the process and contacts throughout the football world we have ended up with two of Ron's candidates from last year and another ex-player.

I know I will get hated for this but we will have to see who else comes in but it all feels a bit job's for the boy's to me.
Hi pal

Really important you watch the zoom call from last night which goes into detail about this and equally important to get involved in the meetings (zoom and face to face) moving forward because it's an opportunity for everyone to get answers and accountability.

We're hear to listen, be accountable and give you as clear answers as possible. Your question was one that was answered fully so have a watch of the zoom meeting from last night.

Stan ??
Could someone tell the actual job titles or roles of Kev and co please?
Really positive news about the new Coaching set up and the changes that are happening at the club. However, it so important that we remember that it is the players on the pitch who will ultimately both score our goals and prevent the opposition goals if we are to be successful. We cannot change the squad overnight so we have to hope that the slow players run faster, the lazy players increase their effort and the indifferent players start to pull their shirt on for the club and the fans. We're all buoyed by Stan's involvement and if we had his 92/93 self on the pitch, we would be feared again. Other's MUST step up and become implements that our new Holy Trinity of Coaches can use.....rather than just being useless tools!!! COYB!!
Kev Maher = Head Coach

Darren Currie = Assistant Head Coach

Mark Bentley = 1st team Coach

That is all that has been confirmed so far.
Will need a head of recruitment specialist for this model to work.... if Stan doesn't take up the head of football operations then I can't see the person Stan identified coming are way. Ron would end up reverting to type and kev maher will be incharge of recruitment if their the money to do so (which I have my doubts).
Kev Maher = Head Coach

Darren Currie = Assistant Head Coach

Mark Bentley = 1st team Coach

That is all that has been confirmed so far.
I'm more than happy with this, as hopefully all fans are. But being a Dinosaur with a 70's mindset, back then we had a Manager & Trainer & that was that.
Appreciate the game's moved forward technically, & this seems to be the norm at many clubs these days.
I just can't fathom why we need an Assistant Head Coach & a 1st team coach?. What will their roles be?.
I'm more than happy with this, as hopefully all fans are. But being a Dinosaur with a 70's mindset, back then we had a Manager & Trainer & that was that.
Appreciate the game's moved forward technically, & this seems to be the norm at many clubs these days.
I just can't fathom why we need an Assistant Head Coach & a 1st team coach?. What will their roles be?.
I can only think maher and currie will be a tilly and brush situation, sharing the workload, bouncing ideas, studying oppo, strategy etc, and benno will be day to day coach and motivation.

I do wonder if its too many cooks. But if everyones on the same page it could be a masterstroke having 3 talented people working towards the same goal, ie, winning!
Having three coaches gives so many more options to training.

Some days they might all be training as a group with one leading, the other two could be pulling players aside and giving them pointers and instructions.

Other days they could split the players into two or three groups. Maybe the defenders will need a different session to the strikers.

Having three pairs of eyes on training means there is less chance of them missing something.

I remember going down to a session years ago when Brown was first in charge and saw a 30 by 30 area will all the players in playing a game. I think Coughlan ran it with Brown on his phone. They barely made three passes in a row and looked like **** if I'm honest.
Taken me a while to react to this properly whilst I let it all sink in. Over the moon with it though. 3 very good coaches, and 3 great blokes who will all bring something to the table. Currie as Assistant is a coup as you'd think he'd be in line for a No.1 role. Good contacts, connections to the club and good man management skills. As Kev has already said, hopefully they will improve morale and dressing room atmosphere loads. Really looking forward to seeing what other positions are filled too.

My only extra wish would be for all 3 men to suddenly return to their playing primes and register themselves ?