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NFL 2015 Season

What a terrible game of football Giants vs Eagles was.

The Eagle's D scored me a win in my fantasy league. Bradford did as much as he could to stop that by throwing 3 interceptions. Fun game, but bonkers. Perfect for a 40 min watch this morning on Game Pass.
So I dont check tickets and after deciding to go to the game today a little later I realise the kick off is an hour earlier. Get the 11am train and get to Wembley at 1, plenty of time, except the queues are massive, still get in before national anthems so all good.

Jaguars go 7-3 up so we decide, as we didnt get a chance before to grab a quick hotdog. Out for 10 minutes and return to find the game is now 27-3. Wtf.

Leave early as game looks to be over and dont want hassle of post wembley park station, then learn it finishes 34-31.

So overall I think I saw about 20% of the points scored :smile:
So I dont check tickets and after deciding to go to the game today a little later I realise the kick off is an hour earlier. Get the 11am train and get to Wembley at 1, plenty of time, except the queues are massive, still get in before national anthems so all good.

Jaguars go 7-3 up so we decide, as we didnt get a chance before to grab a quick hotdog. Out for 10 minutes and return to find the game is now 27-3. Wtf.

Leave early as game looks to be over and dont want hassle of post wembley park station, then learn it finishes 34-31.

So overall I think I saw about 20% of the points scored :smile:


Having that big restaurant and shopping complex next door takes a lot of the pressure off the post games queues. Loads of people head there instead for a quick pint or some food and rather than 80,000 folk all trying to get out of the area as quickly as possible, it's far more civil now. I can heartily recommend the 9th floor bar at the Hilton :smile:

Game-wise, that was the most entertaining of all the ones I've seen at Wembley (which is around seven or eight). Not the highest quality, but really good fun.
I left the Lions vs Falcons game early last season and missed the huge twist at the end of that game. Never again. Tbh I've been to Wembley loads of times and never had any real delays in getting the tube at the end of the game. It's a pretty easy process.
Yeah the lions game was a good one too.

I put up with the scrum normally, but for the NFL games where Im a neutral, plus with my daughter its too much hassle. If it had been close at the end I would have stayed but it looked like game over.
Still can't believe the Giants lost yesterday. Unbelievable drama/ineptness.

I had Brees for my fantasy team:

Looks the Raiders have a franchise qb with Carr, great performance against the jets also with murray running over the jets defense.4 and 3 now and a few winnable games coming up we could sneak into a wildcard spot this year.