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It is an odd one re sponsorship. I don't think sponsors would be too bothered about our finances, the non-stadium etc. It's all about exposure for them. And in the last 3 seasons we've got into the play-offs twive and the JPT final, meaning we've had plenty of Sky games for a club at this level. And newspaper inches due to high profile managers like Luggy & El Tango. Seems weird to me if it is Martin Dawn.
I have heard from a wee little bird, no not that one, that the shirt sponsors will certainly be Martin Dawn but we did have other offers of sponsorship.

My understanding is that no one met the 100k they wanted so we are going with Martin Dawn.

This alone puzzles me as the parent company put money in anyway (not always their own) so Im not sure how this benefits them at all as Ive said before. Who is going to rush to use Martin Dawn because of a bit of advertising when they cant deliver Fossetts Farm?

What I have heard that is even more baffling is that there was an offer to sponsor the shirts for 50k+ but the club chose to stick with Martin Dawn anyway.

Someone please explain how that is of benefit as we appear to have missed out on enough money to pay for one senior player for the year?

On the positive note, this surely means money can't be too bad at the moment ?!

£50k isn't enough money to pay for a senior player for the year. The cost of employing someone is likely to be much higher than that after you've considered NI contributions, pension, insurance etc.

Not sure how tight we are up against the wage cap but by booking that as sponsorship income rather than a loan that will count towards turnover.
£50k isn't enough money to pay for a senior player for the year. The cost of employing someone is likely to be much higher than that after you've considered NI contributions, pension, insurance etc.

Not sure how tight we are up against the wage cap but by booking that as sponsorship income rather than a loan that will count towards turnover.

Thats true, but 50k goes more towards paying for one than not getting 50k. Interesting point about it may be classed as income.

I think the thing to note though is that we did get offers of sponsorship, so comments others are making that the clubs reputation is too bad to attract anyone isnt accurate.
well I do hope that could be the home shirt a throw back to the blue that was the blue I remember seeing us playing in for many a year Royal Blue. Prefer this to the dark navy blue as under lights it will show up a lot better.
Its good to have a lot of white in it sparks a trip down memory lane to the early 80s Access and Charterhouse sponsored kits.
If it's Martin Dawn it will be a transaction which will enable one of the MD companies to reduce its tax bill.

It's not the first time we've sponsored ourselves - Martin Dawn previously, GK Communications (owned by a certain Geoff King) and who can forget the frankly fabulous Crevette Clothing Company?

There are of course also the shirt backs and shorts still available for sponsorship.
They'd be very silly not to be selling them.

Unless there is stock issues and with Nike that is a huge possibility!!
I thought last year you could buy the shirts from a tent there.

Cant see why not.

that was indeed the case.. they revealed and sold the away shirt. The home shirt was revealed before MTBD last year, but both shirts were on sale. This should be the same on Sunday
That'll probably also mean the new shirt sponsor will also be confirmed on Friday.

Its Martin Dawn. No need to wait so not sre why they havent announced/explained it yet but maybe doing a massive kit launch on Friday :smile: