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Breaking News National League Statement

Arnold was out for most of the season! Glad hobson went never rated him! Ok with the addition of 1 or 2 we will be just fine! I just think your comment about not picking up any points first 4 games is ludicrous.
Okay please tell me where I said this???
I wonder if Martin and Co will stay in Essex. Hes not exactly going to be on the Xmas card lists for a very , very long time. Thats the nicest way I can put it, even if he sells now, , given what hes put people through , and the way he has treated very special loyal folk, our club and Community
Agreed, possibly his offspring as well. His probably made plans to relocate a long way from here. When 'Tango man' was manager, they were sometimes seen on a Sun morning chatting in a Coffee shop in town.
Last couple of years his absence from local establishments ( apart from 1 case when a poster on here , saw him in a local restaurant after 1 of our many court cases ) has grown?.
So where does he go?. Does anyone ever see him throughout the week?.
He must be under mega pressure from his wife, who must be so peed off with hearing car horns tooting outside their domain on a daily basis ( what a shame? ).
Problem is, with mop of straw on his bonce he is easily recognized?. My advice is, shave it off, get a black syrup & grow a moustache!.
I really don't think RM will give two monkies about the point deduction, he will probably see the dates as another lifeline for his negotiations with any buyer.
A points deduction devalues what he is trying to sell even further, of course he will care.
Maybe, maybe not, but he's under intense pressure from all quarters so I don't think he'll be allowed to let it die.
Yes. I can't think he would let the club get a 10 point deduction.

It makes it harder to sell.

Hopefully the pressure from all sides is forcing his hand.
He’d have sold up years ago if league position/potential was where he saw the value
That was exactly Rons plan 25 years ago. There were no houses involved back then because football was booming and clubs rocketing in value every few years.

A Championship club with a new stadium and fan increase potential would have been the often mentioned pot of gold. I always felt back then that Ron would never be owner when we played our first game in any new stadium. Not because it would never happen but as a developer he wouldn't need to see it through to make his money.

Obviously we never got to a stage where he could sell but there were some huge opportunities to fold the club if he had ever wanted to. Not matter how many time people claim otherwise Ron has backed plenty of mangers with good budgets.

Rons endless crime sheet against staff and local businesses is well documented. At the same time mangers were well funded but still had their hands tied as various clubs and agents weren't paid so wouldn't deal with them. On top not that new arrivals and loanees were not looked after and neither were their families....So here we are.

Rons legacy will be It's how, not how much
Totally right ..the club being wound up was I believe that was always ron Martins end goal ..the land not the football club
I don't understand how people can keep thinking this. Every WUO has been an opportunity to let the club die if that were his aim. Many WUOs presented multiple opportunities each.

So, why does he keep the club going if he's had so many opportunities to see his end game in sight?

We all know he has the uncanny ability to scupper things and mess up, but is he THAT incompetent that he screws up getting the club wound up on a multitude of occasions.?
A hard but fair statement by NL that they’ve have had enough of Martins sh!thousery & will come down on the club like a ton of bricks if he continues to mess around with repayments next season.

Take a hint Ron, nobody wants you- get lost!
As my youngest son said a few days ago.

"The League hates him, the players hate him, the staff hate him and the fans hate him. When is he going to take the hint?"
As my youngest son said a few days ago.

"The League hates him, the players hate him, the staff hate him and the fans hate him. When is he going to take the hint?"
About time to resurrect this again, duly shrouded in secrecy. Don't open if of nervous disposition.

I think RM is far too thick skinned to take any kind of hint no matter how obvious. Like everyone on here I am hugely relieved the staff have finally been paid but my fears haven't eased as his lines of credit must surely be exhausted so where is he going to find the money to pay HMRC?

🤬 Is just how I have felt for so long and still feel whenever I think about what this selfish, arrogant, pompous man has done to our club. Just hang your head in shame and go very far away and never return please...