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Breaking News Latest news on the sale of the club.

Just listening to Ron on BBC. In addition to comments already made...

Justin and Ron will represent the club if Stewarts Law goes to court

Ron still paying £100k per month (not convinced if this is cash going in or a share of guaranteeing the consortiums cash investment if it goes belly up)

He still talks to King Kev frequently

Finance partner (bank) has been in touch with consortium yesterday - no reason why they should talk to consortium as their relationship is with Ron

Ron will hold a staff meeting before completion of the sale to reassure them of the future!!!!
If that is true, despite having a bout of Sciatica at present, i'd do a Mexican cartwheel around the bedroom tomorrow!.
Why doesnt some one ask Justin if it is all true that he and Ron are in constant talks as he stated .That way we will all know if the statment he told glen pennyfather that he is in regular chats to justin .To let him know how thw sale is progressing .
Had it been Sunday i'd have been there, as haven't missed any so far. But arrangements made for tomorrow, plus after having acupuncture earlier on my recent bout of Sciatica, standing for a while is uncomfortable.
And no doubt if easing the discomfort by sitting on 'The Rat's' wall, one of the security goons no doubt in attendance, would accuse me of trespass on a private property??.
Hope you're back to normal soon mate. Enjoy Yorkshire.
Why doesnt some one ask Justin if it is all true that he and Ron are in constant talks as he stated .That way we will all know if the statment he told glen pennyfather that he is in regular chats to justin .To let him know how thw sale is progressing .
They definitely spoke this afternoon. Doesn't mean they talk speak every day, but I think they would need to speak fairly frequently due to the nature of the deal and the work going on to get it completed.
Why doesnt some one ask Justin if it is all true that he and Ron are in constant talks as he stated .That way we will all know if the statment he told glen pennyfather that he is in regular chats to justin .To let him know how thw sale is progressing .
Way too sensible. Especially as Ron said that he spoke to Justin at least three times today. If that is true I doubt they were discussing where they were going on their summer hols.
Sadly the pitchforks and torches approach is way too tempting for many on here.
It's not obligatory, but some might just find it therapeutic to totally irritate the rat and family and just remind him that he's had an easy ride for far too long.
Fair enough and good luck to anyone going 👍

Just personally, I’ve lost the energy sadly
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Just listening to Ron on BBC. In addition to comments already made...

Justin and Ron will represent the club if Stewarts Law goes to court

Ron still paying £100k per month (not convinced if this is cash going in or a share of guaranteeing the consortiums cash investment if it goes belly up)

He still talks to King Kev frequently

Finance partner (bank) has been in touch with consortium yesterday - no reason why they should talk to consortium as their relationship is with Ron

Ron will hold a staff meeting before completion of the sale to reassure them of the future!!!!
How many of the staff will bother to turn up?
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Why doesnt some one ask Justin if it is all true that he and Ron are in constant talks as he stated .That way we will all know if the statment he told glen pennyfather that he is in regular chats to justin .To let him know how thw sale is progressing .

They do speak fairly frequently.

During this process they have been in constant dialogue. They aren’t best mates texting all the time, but they’ve spoken enough.
Just get the sense we’ll never be rid of him till he’s dead to be honest. He may no longer be in control post takeover but his stranglehold over us will cast a legacy for a considerable time.He’ll have some sway still with RH and other things, he’d never fully relinquish his narcissistic grip on his plaything. Unnerves me every time he talks about OUR future. Anyone else worried by his rhetoric?
I didn't waste my time listening to his waffle because the man is quite simply a serial liar, who will say literally anything to get him what he wants.

Take EVERYTHING he says with a pinch of salt and lets keep the absolute pressure on him and SBC to finally rid of of this absolute ****bag.
What the hell does anyone think puttin pressure on the council will acive anything As you should know Due diligents take time It did with theconcortium and folk moaned about that .so just wait the end game will get there .
I didn't waste my time listening to his waffle because the man is quite simply a serial liar, who will say literally anything to get him what he wants.

Take EVERYTHING he says with a pinch of salt and let’s keep the absolute pressure on him and SBC to finally rid of of this absolute ****bag.
“My fault? I have only the clubs best interests at heart & no, my pants aren’t on fire either…”
What the hell does anyone think puttin pressure on the council will acive anything As you should know Due diligents take time It did with theconcortium and folk moaned about that .so just wait the end game will get there .
Putting pressure on the council to move things forward and keeping this whole thing moving is important because our friends in the public sector aren't exactly quick in getting things done.

I am not talking about bricking windows of all the local MP''s but email reminders and other softer reminders of what's at stake does no harm whatsoever.
Putting pressure on the council to move things forward and keeping this whole thing moving is important because our friends in the public sector aren't exactly quick in getting things done.

I am not talking about bricking windows of all the local MP''s but email reminders and other softer reminders of what's at stake does no harm whatsoever.
I doubt Anna Firth needs any encouragement to up the ante where the Council is concerned. With a certain event coming up later this year, she will be on this like a rash, complete with Echo photos with obligatory SUFC scarf.
So a few key points. For anyone not signed up to BBC Essex.
One contract to be signed off. Will happen. Council have agreed in principle. His bank lawyers has signed off the majority of the documents 3 weeks ago, and they're now working their way through the payment agreement. An amendment to the existing and then they'll complete.(Glenn, who did great, didn't pick up on this bit, he should have pressed Ron on this amendment). Target for completion now middle of May. The longer it goes on the more it costs Ron. Consortium are cash flowing the club, but since the 4th October, Ron has guaranteed and underwritten 50% of some of the costs, the wages etc, so every Month that ticks by costs him £100,000. The consortium have put in £3m of their own money. Nothing is holding it up as far as Ron Martin is involved, he said. He thinks Stewarts Law has jumped the gun and got impatient. Ron and Justin will seek an adjournment, to allow it to overlap the deal being finalised. Ron said he feels sorry for the fans, it's been a tough time, but he thinks next season will be a great season for the club. He doesn't think the club would ever have gone out of existence. (Not sure about that). It may have gone into administration. Great staff that will be rewarded(By who?). Going into the National League was the worst day of his footballing life, he never thought it would happen. Ron doesn't think the 10 point deduction was fair, and shouldn't of happened for paying HMRC late. 10 points deduction is reserved for administration. The last steps, in the final straight, and it will be done. Sorry to the fans, sorry to the staff, and he will be having a meeting with the staff before they complete, just to reassure them of the future.
Just listened to last night’s interview. One snippet that caught my ear amongst the usual bollocks, was Ron stating the sale of Roots Hall for £1 to the consortium was subject to Planning Consent, which presumably is consent for the revised residential only Fossets Farm.

If this is actually the case, we will be waiting years based on past progress. The Martin’s will still hold the prime asset that they asset stripped from the Club years ago.

Does anyone at the Trust, know the mechanism / timing for the transfer of the freehold of Roots Hall to POSU ?