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Kacper Lopata

The funny bit is Ron broke the HMRC agreement to sign Lopata.

Claiming he wasn't as good as on loan is nonsense. We immediately improved at the back because he was a natural captain of the back 5.

The problems started when he showed his public dislike of Blondy in goal.Then he went quiet and his heart wasn't in it for last few months.That was before breach of contract.

Having met and spoken to him i don't think last night was anything malicious just naive to the situation.

Previous mangers have had problems signing players because agents don't want to deal with us. However this is just a stepping stone as his agent will profit nicely from his summer move. Which I have no doubt will be will already be lined up anyway.
If you were unhappy/couldn’t live without your wages, why not leave a month ago if you were genuinely leaving over the pay issue? At that point he would have gone 28 days unpaid and could have triggered his notice. He could have left 15 days later, in Mid-Feb, so why not then? All that leads me to believe he has had his head turned in the last few days, as he certainly didn’t look like a man who wasn’t invested in the celebrations at Torquay a week ago.
There is a legal process involved. He could have served his notice of intention to terminate just after 28 days of non-payment, but the club then has 15 days to make it right (it didn't). He could have left then if the club didn't challenge it but it did, so it went to tribunal which adds another couple of weeks on. So you're looking at at least an additional month.

He was invested in the celebrations last weekend because he was still invested in his team mates and the fans.

Ultimately though, whatever he felt about his team mates and the fans, he had to do what was best for him and as we all know....the club could easily be back in the same position again in 5 or 6 months time. Can't blame him for wanting some stability.

There was some additional fire underneath his particular situation due to his agent, and I have heard all sorts about what an odd little man his agent is....there are plenty of valid questions too about why young players let their agents take *quite* so much control and why they don't grow a set and try to think for themselves a bit more. But despite all of that, his agent was promised a wedge of money by Uncle Ron for Kacper signing here and he hasn't seen a penny of it, so of course he's going to be in Kacper's ear too. Why wouldn't he be?
When the dust settles and the capital has run out, and we're back to players not getting paid with a winding up order around the corner again, then maybe people will understand losing Kacper is fully down to Ron.
Oh this I absolutely and totally agree with. Ron is 100% the reason he has gone. I very much doubt anyone would blame him for doing so either in the circumstances.

But he could and I think should have seen the season out and headed off then rather than cause more despair to an already beaten up fan base. Looks bad for him and leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

I wish him well, a Rolls Royce at centre half. I hope he heads upwards though and not to another NL side which would again be another kick in the teeth.
Firstly ... This ****ing hurts 😔 and to me, this feels like the turning point in our season. Something huge has just come loose and I don't believe we will have the resources to fix this and make the playoffs.

Secondly... This is no reason to turn against Kacper. We've signed a young player and frankly lied to him and not paid him. What would you have done? The vast majority of fans have been very understanding, the one ones of you who are sending sarcastic or outright rude comments to Kacper really need to adjust your sights on the person that is really to blame.

Martin needs to **** off! I knew that the HMRC wouldn't be the end of it! I knew something of this magnitude would happen and the wheels would come off this season.

I feel sorry for the coaches and remaining players who have stuck together and fought to try and push the club as far up the table as they could and I'm worried that Kacper may have opened the door for others to either leave or even take their focus off the games.

All the best to Kacper, hopefully we kick on and his spell here will be forgotten but sadly, I feel like we are going to be talking about him for a long long time😔

Martin Out!
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There is a legal process involved. He could have served his notice of intention to terminate just after 28 days of non-payment, but the club then has 15 days to make it right (it didn't). He could have left then if the club didn't challenge it but it did, so it went to tribunal which adds another couple of weeks on. So you're looking at at least an additional month.

He was invested in the celebrations last weekend because he was still invested in his team mates and the fans.

Ultimately though, whatever he felt about his team mates and the fans, he had to do what was best for him and as we all know....the club could easily be back in the same position again in 5 or 6 months time. Can't blame him for wanting some stability.

There was some additional fire underneath his particular situation due to his agent, and I have heard all sorts about what an odd little man his agent is....there are plenty of valid questions too about why young players let their agents take *quite* so much control and why they don't grow a set and try to think for themselves a bit more. But despite all of that, his agent was promised a wedge of money by Uncle Ron for Kacper signing here and he hasn't seen a penny of it, so of course he's going to be in Kacper's ear too. Why wouldn't he be?
What tribunal gets arranged that quickly? Is there a different process for football players?
Ok… fwiw - yes agents are generally a nightmare (I even had to deal with them at semi pro level in NLS) but not all bad by any stretch - one of them I dealt with worked with the player and club to build his community activities, which helped with getting people through the gate and in turn, built the players confidence, bond with the fans, and he and the club did very well at the end with a sale to an EFL club.

But let’s just put agent to one side at the moment, and think of the player.

Imagine waking up early on the 31st, in fact the middle of the night, as you’d heard rumours that staff in the office hadn’t been paid the month before. You’d probably have a sneaky look at your online banking to see if it’s cleared at 2am. And 3am. Etc

Then through the month, obsessively checking whilst juggling your own bills.

And so on.

I can’t blame him at all, and doubt it was out of any malice to the team, the football management, or the fans. He didn’t sign up to be a footballer, commit to what it takes personally and professionally, to be an unpaid volunteer.

I doubt 90% of those on here who are blaming him wouldn’t do the same if it was their and their families livelihood on the line, working out which credit card has space on it to pay the bills. And frankly I’m amazed the team has performed so long under these circumstances anyway.
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Andy hessenthaler was in the directors box last night with his notebook
Don't doubt there's a good chance he'll go there in the summer, Gills have been sniffing around him all season. Fact remains though that if he signs for them now, he consigns himself to not being able to be registered until the summer.

Pre-contract at Gills or another EFL club and short-term deal with a VNL club until the summer might be his way forward. He wants to be down south so I can't see him signing long-term deals at Wrexham or Notts but money talks so you never know.
What tribunal gets arranged that quickly? Is there a different process for football players?
It would be a league dispute hearing rather than a traditional employment tribunal, and I imagine this stuff gets triggered at the point of notice rather than expiry (although I don’t know without checking). So I wouldn’t discount this suggestion.
Again, one has to ask why other Directors on the Board with deep pockets sat on their hands and apparently refused to intervene when the players and staff were not being paid as the Chairman struggled to get a loan. It is a commercial disaster when a player with considerable re-sale value could claim his contract had been seriously breached and could simply walk away from the club. It is a huge own goal not only by the Chairman but the entire Board of Directors at the club.

This isn't intended to be patronising so please don't read it so. But knowing how the operation of a limited company works is extremely important.

So, to start with the basics - firstly, a limited company means limited liability. That means that if the company goes under, the liability stops with the company and the directors and shareholders don't lose their own personal assets (unless they have given personal guarantees, which in the case of SUFC, apart from Ron I would imagine they haven't).

The company therefore has to stand or fall by it's own assets and liabilities. It MUST - by law - remain solvent in order to trade. That basically means that the assets have got to exceed the liabilities.

If the company is insolvent it ceases trading and is dissolved or wound up. Any assets are divided between the creditors at a pro rata rate. That's it. The end. But the directors generally can start again in another venture (unless disqualified from being a director, which is another subject) and have retained their personal wealth.

This is a very simplistic explanation of course.

But to be clear, there is absolutely no legal requirement for a director to stick his hand in his pocket to keep a company afloat. None whatsoever. That's the whole point of it being a company. If there was, companies wouldn't need to exist.

Now, plenty of directors do, of course. But they are not required to, no matter how much they might want the staff and players paid at our beloved football club, for instance. The liability is limited, any excess debt dies with the club. They are not generally going to risk their own assets to pay company debt.

So, with SUFC in the position it was, no-one in their right mind - from a strictly financial point of view - was going to expose any more of their own personal wealth than already exists or might exist.

I've said it on here before, running a company can be extremely difficult and if you run it with a proper moral compass, then the likelihood is that when bad times come around, the company will go under. It is very easy to pay all your debts on time when the money is available to do so but when it isn't, it might be the right thing to prop it up with your own funds so that the staff and other creditors can be paid, but if bad times continue then sooner or later the money will run out. And then what? The company has to close, you've lost everything, possibly your house, you can't support your family and you have nothing left to start any new venture.

Yes, I know there's several people on here who say they have run businesses and who have paid all their debts in full and on time and if that's the case then very well done, but there must also have been other factors, whether that's starting a business at the right time and it working, taking over an existing business and it staying successful, being so small it is very easily manageable without having to pay staff or just being lucky and never having had hard times. But not all companies have that good fortune.

The company absolutely must succeed or fail on it's own merits.
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There was some additional fire underneath his particular situation due to his agent, and I have heard all sorts about what an odd little man his agent is....there are plenty of valid questions too about why young players let their agents take *quite* so much control and why they don't grow a set and try to think for themselves a bit more. But despite all of that, his agent was promised a wedge of money by Uncle Ron for Kacper signing here and he hasn't seen a penny of it, so of course he's going to be in Kacper's ear too. Why wouldn't he be?
unfortunately some agents promise the earth, and they prey on the rising stars of academies.
To the best of my knowledge the only two teams in the top 5 divisions that have paid their players late this season are ourselves and Scunthorpe. Scunthorpe’s late payment of wages was only a few day’s late, whereas ours was over 4 weeks late. With the outstanding wages to non playing staff and numerous other bills to pay which has an effect the players, we are a club that shows a total lack of professionalism in financial matters and indeed care and compassion to our staff generally. If we have breached a player’s contract then they have every right to leave and we have every right to blame Ron for this mess.

This isn't intended to be patronising so please don't read it so. But knowing how the operation of a limited company works is extremely important.

So, to start with the basics - firstly, a limited company means limited liability. That means that if the company goes under, the liability stops with the company and the directors and shareholders don't lose their own personal assets (unless they have given personal guarantees, which in the case of SUFC, apart from Ron I would imagine they haven't).

The company therefore has to stand or fall by it's own assets and liabilities. It MUST - by law - remain solvent in order to trade. That basically means that the assets have got to exceed the liabilities.

If the company is insolvent it ceases trading and is dissolved or wound up. Any assets are divided between the creditors at a pro rata rate. That's it. The end. But the directors generally can start again in another venture (unless disqualified from being a director, which is another subject) and have retained their personal wealth.

This is a very simplistic explanation of course.

But to be clear, there is absolutely no legal requirement for a director to stick his hand in his pocket to keep a company afloat. None whatsoever. That's the whole point of it being a company. If there was, companies wouldn't need to exist.

Now, plenty of directors do, of course. But they are not required to, no matter how much they might want the staff and players paid at our beloved football club, for instance. The liability is limited, any excess debt dies with the club. They are not generally going to risk their own assets to pay company debt.

So, with SUFC in the position it was, no-one in their right mind - from a strictly financial point of view - was going to expose any more of their own personal wealth than already exists or might exist.

I've said it on here before, running a company can be extremely difficult and if you run it with a proper moral compass, then the likelihood is that when bad times come around, the company will go under. It is very easy to pay all your debts on time when the money is available to do so but when it isn't, it might be the right thing to prop it up with your own funds so that the staff and other creditors can be paid, but if bad times continue then sooner or later the money will run out. And then what? The company has to close, you've lost everything, possibly your house, you can't support your family and you have nothing left to start any new venture.

Yes, I know there's several people on here who say they have run businesses and who have paid all their debts in full and on time and if that's the case then very well done, but there must also have been other factors, whether that's starting a business at the right time and it working, taking over an existing business and it staying successful, being so small it is very easily manageable without having to pay staff or just being lucky and never having had hard times. But no all companies have that good fortune.

The company absolutely must succeed or fail on it's own merits.
This is *absolutely* spot on.

And further point - hypothetically, when directors are not the beneficiaries of a project that might be causing some of the challenges as well as an opportunity, why would they bail out the end beneficiary when they’ve not been repaid before?
So was the breach of contract the late payment of Jan wages or some other contractual issue? Important to know as if the former it probably means other players can walk as well (it was rumoured more than 1 had put in a intention to terminate contract request)? Whereas the latter may indicate some unique circumstances for KL.

And whilst I think Ron is the major culprit here, KL is not totally blameless. RM has created the conditions that has allowed KL to walk, but KL has chosen to take that path. Be interesting to see where he ends up next.
I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that anyone could blame Lopata for the situation. What would you do if you’ve been paid 28 days late?

As of yesterday he was still in the squad so he did what was told of him.


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