The degree of sournessness on the face of May can surely only be matched by the contortions Corbyn has produced to appear not to come down on one side or the other. Although, when push comes to shove the latter leans more to the BINO line than to the apparent beliefs of his own membership. Now he has leaned a
little too far to the left, a plate or two on the right risks falling. I don't know whether he'll be able (or wants) to redress the balance to avoid losses. What's the harm in losing a few 'pinkoes' any way..............those not of pure blood, and all that!

Who knows whether May's brain-numbing, robotic, repeating of the same mantra will not win through in the end. Presented for a vote in mid-March, hard Brexiters may in the end fall in line, prefering that Brexit to no Brexit at all. I'm reasonably convinced that parliament won't let us crash out with no deal, even though that is the most logical conclusion from the referendum result. I think I will be in agreement with many of the Labour supporters on here when I reiterate the fact that we were lied to in 2016. A deal on the terms suggested by the Leavers was NEVER possible, so the only
real Brexit deliverable was a hard Brexit, with all its pain and consequential harmful effects.
Corbyn knows full well that his latest conditions are never going to be accepted and nor should they be. The 52% didn't vote to leave only to find us still tied to the EU but without a voice. The 48% didn't vote for a deal which is worse than the one we have at the moment. NO ONE would be happy with what Corbyn has proposed. NO ONE, as far as I understand, voted for us to be not only to be in a worse position (neither in nor out) but also worse off. You better hope that it is never agreed because if ever Labour were a handmaiden to such a monstrosity, I believe they would pay a very heavy price some time in the future.
So, I await for someone to ask, what is my solution? Well I ain't really got one and worse still, I doubt there is one. I didn't get us into this bloody mess.

Maybe in the end this sorry situation will have to be handed back to the people. With all its faults this may be the best solution.................better than a deal which is less worse than the others.