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Jeremy Corbyn's Labour

As I've said on here many many times before but still you clearly choose to ignore it I am neither right, left or middle leaning.

I see things for how they are in the here and now and how me and my loved ones are fairing. For the past 10 years or so I've been doing very nicely thank you and I've only ever voted once in my life and that was at the last opportunity, and it wasn't Tory. Still, you carry on engaging brain before fingers. Your good for a laugh if nothing else :smile:

Back on topic. DA is bigoted and totally out of her depth in the position she holds. It's a shambles any time she get's in front of the camera. I mean come on, she's only where she is because JC couldn't keep it in his pant's and dipped his wick in the odious woman some years ago.

You may not vote regularly but that doesn't make you any lesss of a right-wing bigot,as your opinions voiced on SZ show.

Your opinion of DA apart from being just plain wrong is also misogynistic.
If Diane Abbott was a Tory spouting anywhere near the stuff she says then our left wing pedestal posters and out of touch overseas buffoons would have a hissy melt down. Its alright throwing your standard, have no argument, racist card at your fellow posters but lest look at some facts.

Apart from 'It would be good if the British army took a beating in NI' quote. She has also spoke of defending 'Her people' against yuppies and gentrification.....In other words white people. Can you imagine for one second the MP for Richhmond saying the opposite against black people.

Anything she sees as white and institutional she wants to destroy. The sad thing is with DA its not just the 'masonic' or school tie upper echelons she has a problem with. Unfortunately she slags just about everyone everything in some very good professional bodies. Having worked in that part of London for well over a decade, I have met countless dedicated public sector workers who have all been smeared by Abbott. Army, Police, Fire Brigade, Teachers.....

Even nurses at Homerton hospital don't escape Abbotts racism.....For those of you needing to look directly into orange flames for evidence, I give you "We don't need blond haired blue eyed nurses, they don't understand black peoples needs".

That is hardly looking after the interests of 'Her People'. No what that is Diane Abbott looking after her self. Being a racist she thinks blond haired nurses, yuppies and gentrification might see through her utter stupidity.

Anyone who has worked in those sort of areas certainly earns their wage each week. Not many off you have had a gun thrust in your face and threatened but Firefighters have in Hackney. The powers that be took the usual lets not investigate this and deny it happened because of the 'political climate' surrounding such an event.

I remember being directly involved in a serious fire when a mum and her two young children were trapped. The fact that they were black made no difference to their 'needs'....As far as I'm aware fire doesn't discriminate and our crew certainly weren't all male and white. The two girls needed resuscitating but all 3 made a full recovery. Their older sister who wasn't in the house at the time came down to the fire station a week later to thank us. None of us were yuppies, gents or supporters of white supremacy. No just ordinary people from different back grounds having fun, relaxing and appreciating each others company.

For those reasons Diane Abbott is f****** disgrace. The only thing worse is the bigoted left wing response and accusations of racism to the rest of us.
I've managed 2 paragraphs before this has become too ludicrous to read on.

Which zone posters are you accusing of playing the race card?

'Gentrification' is a racist word - WTF?
'If the MP for Richmond...' that is satire yes? His own sister called him out on his divisive racist campaign.

I can't tell what is supposed to be taken seriously and what is for comic effect.
You may not vote regularly but that doesn't make you any lesss of a right-wing bigot,as your opinions voiced on SZ show.

Your opinion of DA apart from being just plain wrong is also misogynistic.
I don't understand people that invest time in political debate and then don't vote. Tommy Robinson being the classic example - spends his whole life organising and cajoling and has never even registered to vote.
You may not vote regularly but that doesn't make you any lesss of a right-wing bigot,as your opinions voiced on SZ show.

Your opinion of DA apart from being just plain wrong is also misogynistic.

She's coloured. She's bigoted. She's a woman. That's not being misogynistic, it's just a fact (in my opinion) If she was a he I'd be saying the same thing you clown.

And explain to me why I'm a bigot? Because I've pilloried and lampooned her and she just happens to be coloured/brown/black?
She's coloured. She's bigoted. She's a woman. That's not being misogynistic, it's just a fact (in my opinion) If she was a he I'd be saying the same thing you clown.

And explain to me why I'm a bigot? Because I've pilloried and lampooned her and she just happens to be coloured/brown/black?
Maybe it's partly because you're a bloke? I'd say the same thing about her, cannot abide her, never have.
I don't understand people that invest time in political debate and then don't vote. Tommy Robinson being the classic example - spends his whole life organising and cajoling and has never even registered to vote.

Because I don't agree with any one party enough for them to be worthy of my vote. And it's my right thank you. I can have as many opinions on political matters as I like. Discussing about a current situation and not having voted, now that's a different matter but here's the rub, I don't moan and I don't gripe about this that and the other. I rip politicians to shreds when they deserve it. I chastise them when it's warranted. What I don't do is moan about the state of the nation when I've had no input in the process of putting the people there that have caused it to be in the state it is......or not, as the case may be.

As I said previously I choose, or chose not to vote, for a few years because I was, and am, doing very nicely with the way things are and have been and I don't see that changing significantly any time soon.

Debate is just a formal conversation on matters of general interest to parties willing to get involved. It has nothing to do with whether I see any one party or another being worthy of my vote or not. Or are you saying because I don't vote I'm either not entitled to an opinion or to unintelligent to formulate one?
"Tommy Robinson being the classic example - spends his whole life organising and cajoling and has never even registered to vote"

And ***, I do sincerely hope you weren't comparing me to that scumbag of a human being Tommy Robinson
So much easier to make personal attacks based on appearance, quotes out of context and false accusations, with a particularly unpleasant implicit undertone of racism.

Always amuses me when you lefties try your hardest to turn specifics point of criticism, into a race-related matter.

It's one of THE reasons why Brexit happened, because people with that mindset, were quick to shutdown 10-years-worth of rational conversations about mass-immigration, by hysterically screaming "racist!" at anyone who dared to mention the problems & downside to it.

The fact of the matter is, not a single post in this thread has been racist in any way, shape or form.
"Tommy Robinson being the classic example - spends his whole life organising and cajoling and has never even registered to vote"

And ***, I do sincerely hope you weren't comparing me to that scumbag of a human being Tommy Robinson
he is the first person I think of in terms of someone who has a lot to say but doesn't vote. Does anyone else spring to mind that is a vocal non voter? Russel Brand is the only other I can think of but he switched and started voting.

Personally I would think people would vote against something if they can't find something to vote for.
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She's coloured. She's bigoted. She's a woman. That's not being misogynistic, it's just a fact (in my opinion) If she was a he I'd be saying the same thing you clown.

And explain to me why I'm a bigot? Because I've pilloried and lampooned her and she just happens to be coloured/brown/black?
IIRC didn't a lefty poster get the **** ripped out of him for months on end for using the word 'coloured'?
he is the first person I think of in terms of someone who has a lot to say but doesn't vote. Does anyone else spring to mind that is a vocal none voter? Russel Brand is the only other I can think of but he switched and started voting.

Canvassing during the 2010 and 2015 GEs I found many people who would not vote because they couldn't see any difference between Tories and Labour and there was no real choice. How different it is now as tonight's results will hopefully demonstrate.
Always amuses me when you lefties try your hardest to turn specifics point of criticism, into a race-related matter.

It's one of THE reasons why Brexit happened, because people with that mindset, were quick to shutdown 10-years-worth of rational conversations about mass-immigration, by hysterically screaming "racist!" at anyone who dared to mention the problems & downside to it.

The fact of the matter is, not a single post in this thread has been racist in any way, shape or form.
it happens on both sides of the spectrum. Mr Javid has been doing that very thing today - trying to paint Labour as a racist party the day after he voted to bury Windrush documentation, the day after the Muslim Council of Britain renewed their appeal for an inquiry into Islamophobia in the Conservative Party, and the week that the Tories have had to ditch 18 candidates mostly for racism. It's a tool that people will use. But Abbott does receive a barrage of racist hate on a daily basis. The court case going on with one of her abusers right now is pretty shocking. When most MPs get criticised on here it's fairly specific to policy or ability, even on here criticism of Abbott seems more vitriolic and as people know the kind of hate she receives I think for some people alarm bells ring. It's in the context of how she is regularly treated.
Canvassing during the 2010 and 2015 GEs I found many people who would not vote because they couldn't see any difference between Tories and Labour and there was no real choice. How different it is now as tonight's results will hopefully demonstrate.

Ever thought of standing youself?

Opps, thought *** posted that. Never mind, have either of you thought about standing?
Ever thought of standing youself?

Opps, thought *** posted that. Never mind, have either of you thought about standing?
all parties need 'paper candidates' who stand no chance of winning so you do get sounded out for standing. I have too many secrets so I couldn't risk it personally.

Edit: there is a Shrimper who is a Labour councillor in Manchester, don't think he posts on here though, and I think one of the posters on here was a Labour Councillor in South London....I think
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Canvassing during the 2010 and 2015 GEs I found many people who would not vote because they couldn't see any difference between Tories and Labour and there was no real choice. How different it is now as tonight's results will hopefully demonstrate.
absolutely back this up, so many people were disillusioned with politics because they felt the choices were the same policies under different names. That's the reason why Labour membership rocketed - many people feeling they were being offered real change.

And those that don't witness that think Labour would wipe the floor with the Tories if they jumped to the middle and put a David Miliband in charge. In 1997 sure, but many more are sceptical of the middle ground and want something to get behind.
IIRC didn't a lefty poster get the **** ripped out of him for months on end for using the word 'coloured'?

Dunno, did he/she? Personally I don't see what the problem is. Coloured, black, brown, Caucasian, white. They are just terms used to differentiate between one group/person and another and have no racist connotations to me whatsoever. If others read something else into it then that's their problem and although I have I see no real need or reason to explain or justify my use of those terms.
which quotes are you referring to?

Come on now mate, don't be coy, you know full well which widely publicised & heavily criticised quotes I'm referring to.

The fact you've avoided the question twice, and are now stalling by asking for the exact quotes, tells me that even you know, it's hard to defend her for that.
How different it is now.

That depends on what side of the coin you fall on. The Labour side may look better in your eyes, but to us on the right, you've got an even bigger wet blanket in charge now, than you did back then.

Myself, and I dare say many others, including contributors to this very thread, still feel party-less.

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