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If Corbyn and Abbot were not such high profile members of the Labour front bench, Labour would be absolutely annihilating the Conservatives - as they should be at the moment with the Tories in chaos. Abbot is almost a Tory secret agent with the faux pas the vile woman continues to make.

I have no doubt there will be massive Labour gains of local councils tomorrow but that still needs to translate to the country as a whole for them to realistically offer an alternative.

The whole world of politics is a shambles.

Does the world need another New Labour, another Blair/Brown/Millband? A rizla paper away from the loathsome Tories and their hateful policies? No thanks, I'll stick with JC.
The personal animosity and bile displayed on this forum towards Diane Abbot is utterly reprehensible and one can only wonder at the motivation behind such personal attacks on someone who has been an MP for over thirty years with a distinguished record of acting on her constituents behalf during that time. No, she doesn't deal in the mealy mouthed platitudes that are the standard responses of the average middle aged white male politicians and thank goodness for that. Real people who don' t have to be programmed for responses will sometimes say the wrong thing or appear caught off guard. That doesn't detract from their authenticity and general appeal to people who want more from their politicians than stock answers and waffle. Far from being a liability to Labour, she is a great asset and the dignity and forebearance with which she endures personal and often overt racist abuse is a credit to her.
The personal animosity and bile displayed on this forum towards Diane Abbot is utterly reprehensible and one can only wonder at the motivation behind such personal attacks on someone who has been an MP for over thirty years with a distinguished record of acting on her constituents behalf during that time. No, she doesn't deal in the mealy mouthed platitudes that are the standard responses of the average middle aged white male politicians and thank goodness for that. Real people who don' t have to be programmed for responses will sometimes say the wrong thing or appear caught off guard. That doesn't detract from their authenticity and general appeal to people who want more from their politicians than stock answers and waffle. Far from being a liability to Labour, she is a great asset and the dignity and forebearance with which she endures personal and often overt racist abuse is a credit to her.

Considering she so obviously has racial leanings against white people, middle aged males or not , it is hardly a suprise she is singled out and unlike her it has nothing to do with colour and everything to do with not being able utter a sentence on policy without making a complete pigs ear of it or alludding to blaming tories, white people or both for all the countries woes.

Of course, she hides her racist bile (barely) behind the colour of her skin. The rest of us using the same sort of language would be labled racist scum. I often wonder why that is so.
If Corbyn and Abbot were not such high profile members of the Labour front bench, Labour would be absolutely annihilating the Conservatives - as they should be at the moment with the Tories in chaos. Abbot is almost a Tory secret agent with the faux pas the vile woman continues to make.

I have no doubt there will be massive Labour gains of local councils tomorrow but that still needs to translate to the country as a whole for them to realistically offer an alternative.

The whole world of politics is a shambles.
Dianne Abbott - was proven to be on the right side of history again, was instrumental in getting justice for victimised British citizens and was instrumental in getting another Tory cabinet resignation - another step towards getting rid of this incompetent government.

No begrudging respect for her doing her job on this specific and very important subject consistently right?
Whether the question was answerable or not is really here no there. She's like it in every interview she does. Plenty of other Labour politicians could have batted those type of questions away with ease, as they have done before on many previous occasions but not good old Dianne Abbot. She could have at least tried to explain why she couldn't answer the question. She didn't. She could have gone into a little detail like you have to me about why the question was pointless. She didn't. She could have at least tried to give PM a piece of his own medicine. She didn't. She could have tried all that but no. She stumbled, mumbled, paused and gaffed, and generally made herself, and by association, her party look incompetent.

She's a car crash for the Labour party and a Godsend to the Conservatives. A bit like Trump, totally out of her depth and not fit for the job.
Dianne Abbott - was proven to be on the right side of history again, was instrumental in getting justice for victimised British citizens and was instrumental in getting another Tory cabinet resignation - another step towards getting rid of this incompetent government.

No begrudging respect for her doing her job on this specific and very important subject consistently right?
If Corbyn and Abbot were not such high profile members of the Labour front bench, Labour would be absolutely annihilating the Conservatives - as they should be at the moment with the Tories in chaos. Abbot is almost a Tory secret agent with the faux pas the vile woman continues to make.

I have no doubt there will be massive Labour gains of local councils tomorrow but that still needs to translate to the country as a whole for them to realistically offer an alternative.

The whole world of politics is a shambles

The local council elections are due to be held tomorrow.No date for the next general election has been announced yet.When it is, Labour will win.It's the Tories who are a shambles, not Labour.
Your obvious right-wing diversionary tactics beggar belief.The fact is that the Tories are set to make huge losses in the local elections, largely thanks to the Windrush scandal and other factors.Labour is clearly a government in waiting and all you can do is bang on about Dianne Abbot.Pathetic.

Ah yes, the "Governent in waiting", which would be headed up by a pacifistic, terrorist sympathising, anti-Semitic leader, and a number 2, who is not only racist, but someone who melts under pressure. Oh, and to top it off, her wig looks ****.

I can't wait for that reign of calamity.
Dianne Abbott - was proven to be on the right side of history again, was instrumental in getting justice for victimised British citizens and was instrumental in getting another Tory cabinet resignation - another step towards getting rid of this incompetent government.

No begrudging respect for her doing her job on this specific and very important subject consistently right?

Ok, I'll go first. I begrudgingly give her respect for fighting for those affected by the windrush debacle.

Now, do you feel comfortable, with her racist tendencies?
Ok, I'll go first. I begrudgingly give her respect for fighting for those affected by the windrush debacle.

Now, do you feel comfortable, with her racist tendencies?

Awaits the 'there isn't a racist bone in her body' bollocks.
Ah yes, the "Governent in waiting", which would be headed up by a pacifistic, terrorist sympathising, anti-Semitic leader, and a number 2, who is not only racist, but someone who melts under pressure. Oh, and to top it off, her wig looks ****.

I can't wait for that reign of calamity.

Suck it up.It's going to happen.:smile:
Ah yes, the "Governent in waiting", which would be headed up by a pacifistic, terrorist sympathising, anti-Semitic leader, and a number 2, who is not only racist, but someone who melts under pressure. Oh, and to top it off, her wig looks ****.

I can't wait for that reign of calamity.
could you post up an anti-Semitic quote from Corbyn or retract that please
Your obvious right-wing diversionary tactics beggar belief.The fact is that the Tories are set to make huge losses in the local elections, largely thanks to the Windrush scandal and other factors.Labour is clearly a government in waiting and all you can do is bang on about Dianne Abbot.Pathetic.

I'd probably agree with you that Yvette Cooper had more to do with Amber Rudd's demise than DA but that's about it.

As I've said on here many many times before but still you clearly choose to ignore it I am neither right, left or middle leaning.

I see things for how they are in the here and now and how me and my loved ones are fairing. For the past 10 years or so I've been doing very nicely thank you and I've only ever voted once in my life and that was at the last opportunity, and it wasn't Tory. Still, you carry on engaging brain before fingers. Your good for a laugh if nothing else :smile:

Back on topic. DA is bigoted and totally out of her depth in the position she holds. It's a shambles any time she get's in front of the camera. I mean come on, she's only where she is because JC couldn't keep it in his pant's and dipped his wick in the odious woman some years ago.
could you post up an anti-Semitic quote from Corbyn or retract that please

I can't give you the fire, but I can give you the smoke. You'll then have to decide if it's beyond reasonable doubt, although as a Labour supporter, I'm sure you'll be all too aware of these points, and would have dismissed them already, but anyway;

- Diego Viera's Anti-Semitic mural, wasn't deemed anti-Semitic to JC. That is, until it was pointed out to him, and he quickly backtracked claiming he "hadn't looked at the picture properly"

- He is a member of a Facebook group, which regularly posts anti-Semitic feelings/opinions/conspiracy theories

- He's admitted that there is anti-semitism within the Labour Party, but hasn't done much to combat it.

Again, this isn't the fire that you were looking for (although, me & you both know that JC isn't dumb enough to get caught out publicly like that) but it is a substantial amount of smoke. You'll have to decide where that smoke is coming from, and if it's purely coincidental or not.

Although I'm fairly sure that Nigel Farage (for example) has received a kicking from you boys, for a lot less.

Oh, also still waiting for your take on Diane Abbots racist comments, and if you're ok with them. Thanks
I can't give you the fire, but I can give you the smoke. You'll then have to decide if it's beyond reasonable doubt, although as a Labour supporter, I'm sure you'll be all too aware of these points, and would have dismissed them already, but anyway;

- Diego Viera's Anti-Semitic mural, wasn't deemed anti-Semitic to JC. That is, until it was pointed out to him, and he quickly backtracked claiming he "hadn't looked at the picture properly"

- He is a member of a Facebook group, which regularly posts anti-Semitic feelings/opinions/conspiracy theories

- He's admitted that there is anti-semitism within the Labour Party, but hasn't done much to combat it.

Again, this isn't the fire that you were looking for (although, me & you both know that JC isn't dumb enough to get caught out publicly like that) but it is a substantial amount of smoke. You'll have to decide where that smoke is coming from, and if it's purely coincidental or not.

Although I'm fairly sure that Nigel Farage (for example) has received a kicking from you boys, for a lot less.

Oh, also still waiting for your take on Diane Abbots racist comments, and if you're ok with them. Thanks

so no anti-Semitic quotes from Corbyn then. That's because he is not anti-Semitic. 30 years as a politician - if the quotes existed they would be accessible. They don't exist.
As I've said on here many many times before but still you clearly choose to ignore it I am neither right, left or middle leaning.

I see things for how they are in the here and now and how me and my loved ones are fairing. For the past 10 years or so I've been doing very nicely thank you and I've only ever voted once in my life and that was at the last opportunity, and it wasn't Tory. Still, you carry on engaging brain before fingers. Your good for a laugh if nothing else :smile:

Back on topic. DA is bigoted and totally out of her depth in the position she holds. It's a shambles any time she get's in front of the camera. I mean come on, she's only where she is because JC couldn't keep it in his pant's and dipped his wick in the odious woman some years ago.
I know a number of people have a particular hatred for Diane and as we well know lots of people express that in unacceptable ways. I think you are doing yourself a disservice here. Corbyn was nothing to do with the fact that she as a working class black female achieved the grades to be able to study at Cambridge in the 1960's, nothing to do with the fact she has been elected as an MP at every election since 1987 often taking over 60% of the vote, nothing to do with Ed Miliband offering her a position in his shadow cabinet. So your comment is misguided at best.

She is far from my favourite politician but she has enviable achievements. The main reason I suspect for her being in Corbyn's shadow cabinet is because when the majority of MPs were turning their back on him she stayed loyal. They saw the polling, saw the daily kicking being dished out in the right wing media and didn't believe the public would back a progressive socialist remit.
So the reason Abbott is in the cabinet is that she foresaw the 2017 manifesto, foresaw the biggest vote increase since 1945, foresaw the fact that the public could and would embrace a socialist agenda.

Just like she foresaw the issues that would arise from May's 2014 Immigration Act and was one of the very few who were vocal at the time. Do you not have a begrudging respect that she predicted and vocalised in 2014 the issues that have emerged in 2018?
It's a sad reflection of the superficiality and X Factor mentality exhibited by some contributors on this forum that a politician is judged on their slickness, ability to talk in soundbites or photogenic appeal in front of the television cameras. Apparently, that is far more important than working hard for your constituents for half a lifetime, being an effective parliamentarian (even the Torygraph gave her an award!) and being on the right side of history over so many issues. So much easier to make personal attacks based on appearance, quotes out of context and false accusations, with a particularly unpleasant implicit undertone of racism.
so no anti-Semitic quotes from Corbyn then. That's because he is not anti-Semitic. 30 years as a politician - if the quotes existed they would be accessible. They don't exist.

I never claimed these quotes do exist. You're the one who's demanded quotes

What's that old saying, Actions speak louder than words? JC's actions have certainly spoken.
If Diane Abbott was a Tory spouting anywhere near the stuff she says then our left wing pedestal posters and out of touch overseas buffoons would have a hissy melt down. Its alright throwing your standard, have no argument, racist card at your fellow posters but lest look at some facts.

Apart from 'It would be good if the British army took a beating in NI' quote. She has also spoke of defending 'Her people' against yuppies and gentrification.....In other words white people. Can you imagine for one second the MP for Richhmond saying the opposite against black people.

Anything she sees as white and institutional she wants to destroy. The sad thing is with DA its not just the 'masonic' or school tie upper echelons she has a problem with. Unfortunately she slags just about everyone everything in some very good professional bodies. Having worked in that part of London for well over a decade, I have met countless dedicated public sector workers who have all been smeared by Abbott. Army, Police, Fire Brigade, Teachers.....

Even nurses at Homerton hospital don't escape Abbotts racism.....For those of you needing to look directly into orange flames for evidence, I give you "We don't need blond haired blue eyed nurses, they don't understand black peoples needs".

That is hardly looking after the interests of 'Her People'. No what that is Diane Abbott looking after her self. Being a racist she thinks blond haired nurses, yuppies and gentrification might see through her utter stupidity.

Anyone who has worked in those sort of areas certainly earns their wage each week. Not many off you have had a gun thrust in your face and threatened but Firefighters have in Hackney. The powers that be took the usual lets not investigate this and deny it happened because of the 'political climate' surrounding such an event.

I remember being directly involved in a serious fire when a mum and her two young children were trapped. The fact that they were black made no difference to their 'needs'....As far as I'm aware fire doesn't discriminate and our crew certainly weren't all male and white. The two girls needed resuscitating but all 3 made a full recovery. Their older sister who wasn't in the house at the time came down to the fire station a week later to thank us. None of us were yuppies, gents or supporters of white supremacy. No just ordinary people from different back grounds having fun, relaxing and appreciating each others company.

For those reasons Diane Abbott is f****** disgrace. The only thing worse is the bigoted left wing response and accusations of racism to the rest of us.
I never claimed these quotes do exist. You're the one who's demanded quotes

Let's face it the whole anti-semitism smear against Jeremy Corbyn is perpetrated by right-wingers like you who can't seem to tell the difference between anti-zionism and anti-semitism.

What's that old saying, Actions speak louder than words? JC's actions have certainly spoken

Yes.His voting record in the commons since 1983 shows that he's consistently been on the right side of history,especially where pointless foreign interventions are concerned.