I see that lovely Diane Abbot, you know, she who loves to just keep giving, has gone and given another one of her trademark car crash interviews on Good Morning this morning.
:hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: And to think, she could be this countries next Home Secretary. Just let that sink in for a moment if you will :sad:
you made me watch Piers Morgan. If you ever make me watch Piers Morgan again it needs to be for something much more significant than this.
Abbott is often a frustrating watch - she often talks too slowly and I prefer my politicians to more inspiring. But when an interviewer asks the same question over an over it needs to be a question that has an answer.
So when Marr asked May if she knew about the failed Trident test before a vote in Parliament the question had an answer - yes she knew and she hid that from Parliament. He asked 4 times and she refused to answer 4 times, he made his point and moved on.
Morgan should not be on my screen. I don't want to see or hear him. His question is one that a politician can't answer and he knows that, his gotcha questioning doesn't work because he wouldn't have got an answer from Abbott, Rudd, anyone.
'Will you deport a million illegal immigrants?'
The actual answer is this - no, because that figure is plucked out of the air and if it by some freak of luck was accurate how are we going to find these people? Where are we going to get the staff to track down all of these people? May decimated Border Control so that stopping people getting in was harder to do, and all civil service departments have been stripped to the bone including 20,000 less police. So who is going to do that? If Morgan had any sense of reality he would have asked his researchers to put a cost on finding and deporting a million people and then he wouldn't bother asking the question. The genuine answer, which no politician will give is 'no mate, it's not going to happen, not cost effective', but some answers a politician can't give.
Abbott was on question avoidance and she isn't very good at that.
But the big story at the moment for the Home Office is Windrush. And Abbott warned May about the consequences of her actions, she told May directly in Parliament and was ignored, she was one of the few politicians who voted against May's 2014 Immigration Act that was the catalyst of this catastrophic policy (that has paralysed many individuals and the clean up operation will come at a big financial cost to the tax payer) and she has been very vocal in Parliament in 2018 to highlight this mess and get it fixed.
Yes Abbott had a stuttering interview where she struggled to answer a nonsensical question that has no answer, and in the same week she was proven to be on the right side of history again, was instrumental in getting justice for victimised British citizens and was instrumental in getting another Tory cabinet resignation - another step towards getting rid of this incompetent government.
In the important matter of the day - hats off to Diane Abbott.