Can we at the very least stop with the childish nicknames. I'm not an expert on zionism/semitism/the history of Israel etc, and the more I read about it and speak to people about it, the more confused I get.
The Corbyn '*********' nickname is childish and stupid, and Londonblue you're someone who's views and input I respect a lot on here.. which is why it's disappointing you want to persist with it. I'm not a Corbyn apologist and debating what he's done previously, and how he leads the party now are legitimate things to do, but Camerscum/Maybot/********* etc... none of us are teenagers any more and it demeans the good posting you do, IMO.
The Corbyn '*********' nickname is childish and stupid, and Londonblue you're someone who's views and input I respect a lot on here.. which is why it's disappointing you want to persist with it. I'm not a Corbyn apologist and debating what he's done previously, and how he leads the party now are legitimate things to do, but Camerscum/Maybot/********* etc... none of us are teenagers any more and it demeans the good posting you do, IMO.
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