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Question If Season Cards are on sale this week, will you buy one?

If Season Cards are on sale this week, will you buy one?

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Really...:Facepalm:Our club has just survived going down the drain by the very narrowest of margins. A consortium of very smart, honest and determined people have worked tirelessly to get us out of the clutches of Ron. The consortium are not mega rich guys treating this as a plaything, they are businessmen that are staking their own money and their very own futures on the club, and at the same time trying to put the club back at the center of the community.

Yes Roots Hall will be initially rented until FF gets planning permission, however nobody outside of those involved know what the agreement is for the interim lease/rent but we have to assume that the Consortium have it under control.

Regarding not buying a ticket because in some way you believe you are lining Ron's pocket 🤣, forget it! he is separated from the club, and he will be more focused on keeping his and the rat families head above water, and not finding his arse in prison.

Lets get behind the consortium, do what WE can to help, spend money at the club on tickets, shirts, merchandise, hospitality, beers - anything that will help the consortium invest for a sustainable and bright future.

I really have had enough of those that are still looking to pick holes, and seek out the negatives in every situation. I like everyone else involved with SUFC have gone through hell over the last few years, and watched the club I love freefall to near oblivion. Lets turn a corner now and think positive!

From now on we focus on the future, not the rat - he has left the building!

I have had a season ticket for many years and renewed last season as soon as they were available and will do again this season.I certainly wasn't of the opinion a boycott was the way forward but respected those that did.I was just pointing out that the Martins are still going to be getting some money from the club however small that is and like you say hopefully the consortium who I agree have been fantastic can buy Roots Hall soon.I am not sure but am led to believe one or 2 of the consortium are in fact very wealthy and good luck to them
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I'm got one last year and will do the same again this year. There will be 3 or 4 of us buying and they don't always buy one. Trying to convert my cousin into a shrimper too. He is west ham but moved to Southend years ago and has been to the odd one or two.

Next season will a challenge to get away tickets to certain games, moreso if you don't have a season card.
I'm got one last year and will do the same again this year. There will be 3 or 4 of us buying and they don't always buy one. Trying to convert my cousin into a shrimper too. He is west ham but moved to Southend years ago and has been to the odd one or two.

Next season will a challenge to get away tickets to certain games, moreso if you don't have a season card.
Understand what you are saying Tommy, but unless I am mistaken, there has been no away sales "priority" type window for season card holders. It's mainly been a free for all using the various clubs online booking sites.

I'm not sure how they can really introduce such a window at this level, unless they have the tickets in hand. Is it really needed anyway?....if you want to attend an away game, get your ticket early, especially for the more local ones.
From what I can make out the Martins will still own Roots Hall and will be drawing rent so really anyone paying to attend Roots Hall is putting money in their pockets
Or...the club will be paying whatever the arrangement is (we don't know- it might be we pay nothing or very little) irrespective of if someone attends RH. So the only impact of not attending will be to take money out of the consortium's pockets- so back to expecting them to do something we won't do ourselves i.e. financially support the club.

So I expect and hope a vanishingly small number of people would avoid attending on that basis..
Or...the club will be paying whatever the arrangement is (we don't know- it might be we pay nothing or very little) irrespective of if someone attends RH. So the only impact of not attending will be to take money out of the consortium's pockets- so back to expecting them to do something we won't do ourselves i.e. financially support the club.

So I expect and hope a vanishingly small number of people would avoid attending on that basis..
I hope you are right but knowing Martin anything is possible.I renewed the season ticket straight away last season and will do again soon as possible this year.I think your right it will be a very small amount boycotting now
Now retired, an OAP how can I say No, unless RM still holds the club, then it will be a No until he has no involvement or any of his family
I donot think COSU are the true legends, but better than what we have, I will judge all in two or three seasons when dust has settled
Now retired, an OAP how can I say No, unless RM still holds the club, then it will be a No until he has no involvement or any of his family
I donot think COSU are the true legends, but better than what we have, I will judge all in two or three seasons when dust has settled
Ron has been so bad even an ‘average’ new ownership would be superb!
But I’m sure COSU will be great ownership given what they set out at the meeting at the cliffs pavilion.

Also not to mention the money they have already invested before they even owned it! Speaks volumes
Yeah I’m not renewing though. I have a favoured seat and I’m worried someone will grab it before me. Last season I didn’t have an issue buying before the match but would rather have the security of the season card.
Tell us what seat it is and we will all avoid it :Winking2:
Ron has been so bad even an ‘average’ new ownership would be superb!
But I’m sure COSU will be great ownership given what they set out at the meeting at the cliffs pavilion.

Also not to mention the money they have already invested before they even owned it! Speaks volumes
I’m not denying they are good for the club, but some of us have long memories when 99 % thought Ronnie was the messiah handing out mobile to everyone, e mail me blah blah blah
No one buys a football club for the love, it’s business and these guys have not been a success and made millions without being ruthless it’s the nature of the beast
As said I will wait three years and see how things pan out, so easy to caught in the adulation whilst on a high , like many were with Ronnie
Sincerely hope they are the real deal , but when tough decisions have to be made, will everyone still be behind them
Yep. I'll get one for the 1st time in 10 years after having one since the 80's before that. Wasn't really boycotting just wasn't happy paying to see a succession of poor teams & worse managers.
I’m not denying they are good for the club, but some of us have long memories when 99 % thought Ronnie was the messiah handing out mobile to everyone, e mail me blah blah blah
No one buys a football club for the love, it’s business and these guys have not been a success and made millions without being ruthless it’s the nature of the beast
As said I will wait three years and see how things pan out, so easy to caught in the adulation whilst on a high , like many were with Ronnie
Sincerely hope they are the real deal , but when tough decisions have to be made, will everyone still be behind them
I recall the start of the Martin era too, and it started with a lot of concerns about them being property men. Lots of suspicion and questions, but at the same time, relief that we had a buyer to take over from Vic, who at the time was seen as a villian (villian with a very small 'v' given what we have/are going through now!).
A few years down the line and some investment in the squad and stadium - decent sound system, half time entertainment etc etc, those fears receded and an period of admiration was sent Rons way. Big plans for the future which most of us lapped up. A few bumps along the way that were dismissed as changes in HMRC rules etc and we all (most) bought it.
Finally after dismissing issues that had existential consequencies, it became apparent what lengths Ron would go to in order to not pay someone he owed, and gambled with the existance of the club, the penny started to drop.
With the consortium, I certainly have none of those conflict of interest fears of last time. Most are long term fans and Justin seems to want a challange (oh boy, did he get one!) and the fact its not one man as sole owner makes it much more comfortable.
I genuinely feel, we have landed on our feet, and must all now pull in the same direction to make us sustainable and successful once more.
I definitely want to renew but hopefully there will be a couple of weeks notice to renew your seat. The main worry is how? Surely there will need to be an online renewal system rather than the debarcle we had last year of having to be on hold for hours or turn up to renew. Not everyone is local!
I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the total number of seats we can sell at home is around 7500, due to parts of the ground being condemned. I would guesstimate that we’ll shift around 5k season tickets, meaning roughly 2.5k spare for game-by-game fans.

IF that is the same figure going into the upcoming season, I would expect most of our home games to sell out, meaning that if you don’t get a season ticket, you’ll likely be left with some **** poor choices of where to sit.
I’m sure someone will correct me if I’m wrong, but I think the total number of seats we can sell at home is around 7500, due to parts of the ground being condemned. I would guesstimate that we’ll shift at least 5k season tickets, meaning roughly 2.5k spare for game-by-game fans.

IF that is the same figure going into the upcoming season, I would expect most of our home games to sell out, meaning that if you don’t get a season ticket, you’ll likely be left with some **** poor choices of where to sit.
Surely the new owners will address those issues regarding not being able to sell tickets in parts of Roots Hall. Not great for business if you can only sell 7,500 for home fans.
When the Club put half season cards up for sale last season, the automated ticket buying system was working perfectly and enabled a PDF download for the season card if one was required. I would imagine that the system will also be fully operational and available when this year's cards are up for sale. This will take a chunk of pressure of the ticket staff when coping with renewals.