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Breaking News Henry Sandat ... GONE!

to me Sandat is a red hot prospect worth proper money ..... he did this defence splitting reverse pass ,,

I am deleting what I first wrote
Had several Championship clubs after him, but the fact we couldn't put him on a pro contract will no doubt limit our potential to make income on yet another decent youth product.
God knows why? Seen nothing to suggest he will make it!
There are two types of compensation; training compensation, which you have mentioned above, which rewards clubs for the time and money they have spent developing a player, up to the age of 24, but which is dependent on the club having offered a better deal than the previous contract they were on. The compensation fee is determined by tribunal. With Sandat, we were unable to offer him a professional contract, so this doesn’t apply.

The second type of compensation is in relation to youth development, and is contained within the Youth Development Rules. However, the requirement of a club to pay compensation to another expires when a ‘Former Football League Club’ ceases to operate an Academy within the EPPP regulations and, in any case, I believe only applies to players under the age of 16 before they are offered a scholarship. This is a rigid formula with the amount determined by the length of time a player is at an Academy and the Category of Academy operated.

So, in short, my understanding of the various rules is that we wouldn’t be entitled to compensation in this case. I would be happy to be wrong, though!

Edit: The Hull Daily Mail article is reporting City will be paying us compensation.

Thank you @Exiled Shrimper I knew you’d be the person to ask about this.

Your post confirms what I suspected, that we wouldn’t get compensation, but as you have put the link in it looks like Hull WILL be paying us compensation.
At least this suggests we will get some compensation

If they are not required to pay compensation but are in fact going to do so this sounds like it is an act of charity on behalf of Hull City.

But newspapers have been wrong before.
Absolutely gutted about this and firmly laying the blame at Ron's door. Henry was a fantastic prospect and would have definitely had a proper breakthrough season if this had all been sorted with an actual contract. How the hell are Kev, Darren and Benno still here?!
I think Ron has them tied up in his basement....
I get the sense if Mooney was going no matter what we’d have forced him out in order to release space to sign Sandat if he was willing to sign, surely?! Ron’s a dick but the three amigos and football department are not.
I get the sense if Mooney was going no matter what we’d have forced him out in order to release space to sign Sandat if he was willing to sign, surely?! Ron’s a dick but the three amigos and football department are not.
No while under embargo. No matter if Mooney left or not, we cannot sign players on a contract basis.
Running out of taxis! Need a few zoners to help me out with the fares! I'm gonna be skint like Ron soon! Sandat scored 1 dodgy goal and thinks he's bigger than us! Honest assessment, he runs around alot and falls over more then me after a good night out! Replaceable!!! Glad he's gone ! Not good enough! Now let's sign a striker who can stay on his feet.
🐟 Try reeling this in.
I spoke to Henry’s dad at the Scunthorpe game at the end of last season, and he said how much Henry loved playing under KM, and how well he had settled into the team.

I could tell how desperate he was for things to get sorted at SUFC, and for Henry to stay and further develop his career.

Such a shame he has been forced out of his own club.

Martin, hang your head in shame.