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Game of Thrones S5 - Discussion Thread

Ok, I'm gunna have a crack at predicting how GoT will go/end up... I don't think this can be deemed a spoiler (considering the story hasn't even been written yet) but feel free to put this in a spoiler tag thingy if it's deemed necessary. I would, but don't know how.

Ok, this is the next 3-4 seasons, so don't expect all this in S6

The White Walkers are nailed on to smash Westeros. Literally destroy anyone & anything that stands in their path. Grudges, wars & thrones will have to be put on hold, as the remaining main characters, band together to try & halt the undead forces.
Unfortunately though, they alone can't stop them.

An old prophecy tells of a single man (Azor Ahai IIRC?) who has to power to defeat the WW, but this man is no ordinary man, he has to have royal blood or whatever & be born amidst smoke & salt or something similar.

Now, the saucy witch once believed (originally, at least) that Stannis was this mythical prophecy. But her desertion of him, proves her reconsideration of this claim. We know her magic has the ability to resurrect people & we know she's returned to Castle Black. Obviously the death of Jon Snow, HAD to happen, for his rebirth.

This is where Jon Snow's parentage will come into it & here's the universal theory... He's not actually Ned's son, instead, his father was Rhaegar Targaryen, who is the son of the mad king & also Dany's brother. His mother is Ned's sister, Lyanna, who has been referred to, in a few episodes. So Rhaegar & Lyanna had an affair (this is around the time of Robert's rebellion, when Robert & Lyanna were married). There's a small battle at some tower & Ned discovers his sister in a bed of blood. She has given birth to a son. She makes Ned vow to raise him as his own.

So now we have Jon Snow, who's half Stark & half Targaryen, but also fully dead. We know Mesllisandre is likely to resurrect him using that weird magic, and he'll probably be resurrected/reborn out of smoke & salt (like the prophecy says) and there you have it, the brand new Azor Ahai.

And seeing as he's half Stark, half Targaryen, he'll have the abilities of each. So, like Bran, he can get into the head of an animal & like Dany, he could control Dragons. But, just for ***** & giggles, (and getting back to the original point) to destroy the White Walkers, he'll get into a dragons head & simply fly around burning the **** out of them, and therefore stopping their zombie invasion.

Dany will get killed, leaving Jon the rightful heir to the throne, but he won't want it, as he's always wanted to be the boss of Winterfell & wants to return there & he'll leave Tyrion in charge

The entire programme has always been about "a song of fire & ice". Or translated, the story of one man, who's a mix of Ice & Fire... Ice = Nights watch, The Wall, Winter is coming etc. Fire = Jons rebirth, controlling Dragons etc

Nail on head I'd say
That's a big old heap of prophecy there GBJ. It's actually quite a good analysis of what might happen, and I wasn't expecting that when I started reading it. I think that Jamie has a part to play in the final outcomes, but we shall see. I think the only bit missing from your prediction is what shirts the cast will wear for series 6 and will there be a third strip for battle scenes, still I can't have everything.
GBJ has turned into the person he (possibly :winking:) bullied at school :hilarious:

Game of Dungeons & Dragons?
That's a big old heap of prophecy there GBJ. It's actually quite a good analysis of what might happen, and I wasn't expecting that when I started reading it. I think that Jamie has a part to play in the final outcomes, but we shall see. I think the only bit missing from your prediction is what shirts the cast will wear for series 6 and will there be a third strip for battle scenes, still I can't have everything.

At some stage Jaime has gotta face/answer to Bran & for that reason I don't hold much hope for him. I like Jamie though, he's quality.

Unfortunately I couldn't comment on the shirt problem. Personally I'd like a splash of Lannister Gold for the away battles though.
Embrace your inner nerd GBJ. :smile:

Oh trust, I couldn't give two ***** about being labelled a nerd, not when it comes to A programme as captivating as GoT or Breaking Bad etc. And to think, I got into it late because I didn't like the idea of fantasy lands & dragons etc What a mug haha :thumbsup:

I do draw the line at things like Star Trek & Dr. Who though. That **** can get ****ed
GBJ I would go with a lot of what you have said, but maybe Bran (remember him) taking control of a dragon. Also Ayra something has to happen to her, now I have read all the books but they never get her returning to Kings Landing.
GBJ I would go with a lot of what you have said, but maybe Bran (remember him) taking control of a dragon. Also Ayra something has to happen to her, now I have read all the books but they never get her returning to Kings Landing.

Thing is, going by GoT folklore, only a Targaryen can master/harness a dragon, and Bran is 100% Stark. Would his powers cross over into dragons? Anythings possible, but it makes more sense for Jon Snow to be the one, as he's (supposedly/possibly) half Stark, half Targaryen.

I believe Arya will be in it till the end & play a vital part, but I have no idea what. I've heard the creator (GRRM) planned for her & Jon Snow to have an incestuous relationship, but I can't see that happening now. If you recall the first episodes, her & Jon were close, so it's possible they were planned to take that path, but it's obviously died off. I believe the main characters will have to band together & postpone/forget their differences in order to unify & face the White Walkers. So the remaining Lannisters, Starks etc.

I believe, the main characters that will make it to the very end will be;

Jon Snow
Bronn (will reunite with Tyrion & become Kings Guard)
Dany (who will die at the end, leaving JS as the rightful heir to the throne)

Honarable possibilities;

Sansa, but I think she'll cop it at some point
Little finger, but he's definitely got some **** coming his way
Cersei, possibly, but will eventually meet an end.
Jaime, will battle to the end, but will also cop it. Possibly protecting Cersei.
Thing is, going by GoT folklore, only a Targaryen can master/harness a dragon, and Bran is 100% Stark. Would his powers cross over into dragons? Anythings possible, but it makes more sense for Jon Snow to be the one, as he's (supposedly/possibly) half Stark, half Targaryen.

I believe Arya will be in it till the end & play a vital part, but I have no idea what. I've heard the creator (GRRM) planned for her & Jon Snow to have an incestuous relationship, but I can't see that happening now. If you recall the first episodes, her & Jon were close, so it's possible they were planned to take that path, but it's obviously died off. I believe the main characters will have to band together & postpone/forget their differences in order to unify & face the White Walkers. So the remaining Lannisters, Starks etc.

I believe, the main characters that will make it to the very end will be;

Jon Snow
Bronn (will reunite with Tyrion & become Kings Guard)
Dany (who will die at the end, leaving JS as the rightful heir to the throne)

Honarable possibilities;

Sansa, but I think she'll cop it at some point
Little finger, but he's definitely got some **** coming his way
Cersei, possibly, but will eventually meet an end.
Jaime, will battle to the end, but will also cop it. Possibly protecting Cersei.

You forgot Rikken, remember him, the wilding woman and him went to an island with cannibals (season 3 or 4 I think). In the book the onion king was sent to get him back. however this series has really messed up a lot of what the books had in it.
would also love to see Hodor survive and get taken over by Bran when being attacked by the mountain. hence one dead mountain.
You forgot Rikken, remember him, the wilding woman and him went to an island with cannibals (season 3 or 4 I think). In the book the onion king was sent to get him back. however this series has really messed up a lot of what the books had in it.
would also love to see Hodor survive and get taken over by Bran when being attacked by the mountain. hence one dead mountain.

Yeah vaguely remember him. He's just an extra to me.

Only one person Gunna kill the mountain & that's The Hound, who is still alive somewhere, I reckon
Yeah The Hound is still alive, as is Stannis. Jon Snow is dead but that won't stick. You don't kill Jon Snow, you just release him from his vows to the Night's Watch.

I'm surprised anyone thought Sansa was dead. That wasn't even really implied, was it? It was a ridiculously over-the-top jump they had to make which would obviously kill them in real life but it was mid-episode and didn't seem to be cut as a cliff-hanger.
By the way, whereas the last four series have had me cursing the fact I'll have to wait 40 weeks for the next one, that's not the case here. I'll watch the next one and I'm sure I will enjoy it but I'm far less bothered about the show than I used to be.
Inversely Im actually looking forward to it far more as I actually get to find out what happens next.

Sadly if the book comes first I know Ill have to wait another 5 years until the last one, so the TV show is going to have to do until then.
For those of you familiar with Stephen King's Dream Catcher and Douglas "Duddits" Cavell, is there a possibility that in fact Odo will reappear with Bran and morph into the long lost super hero the series now needs? Only time will tell, or until Pubey definitively puts down my theory.
By the way, whereas the last four series have had me cursing the fact I'll have to wait 40 weeks for the next one, that's not the case here. I'll watch the next one and I'm sure I will enjoy it but I'm far less bothered about the show than I used to be.

Yeah. It's losing its appeal for me as well.