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Game of Thrones S5 - Discussion Thread

Just seen the last episode in the series, not giving away anything but IMHO one of the better episodes of an average series.

For a show full of characters they've done a great job in removing them all. Especially the nice ones. The season wasn't great, and the story just seems to be going in bizarre directions. Might have to watch again to take it all in
Share your opinion Pubey.

So who's the big new palace guard? Is it Hound behind the helmet?

Sansa dead, Jon Snow dead, Arya blind?

Where does the show go from here. Least it's not obvious!

Sansa dead, Jon Snow dead, Arya blind?

Where does the show go from here. Least it's not obvious!


Sansa alive, landed in a snowdrift
Jon Snow alive, saved by smoke-minge witch milf
Stannis alive, brienne being odd
Mycella alive, mild nosebleed
Ayra alive, really Hot Pie in a faceless facemask
Ramsey dead, Reek landed on him

Sansa alive, landed in a snowdrift
Jon Snow alive, saved by smoke-minge witch milf
Stannis alive, brienne being odd
Mycella alive, mild nosebleed
Ayra alive, really Hot Pie in a faceless facemask
Ramsey dead, Reek landed on him

Roll on Spring 2016 :stunned:
As show has aired assume we can dispel the spoilers now.

Said it before but the last books were weak in comparison to previous ones, rather than progress the story line we had he seems to have expanded it by adding in the likes of Dorne and the Iron Born (not in the show) and it felt to me like it lacked direction and was rambling. It never really felt like he had a clear story arch and was just making stuff up as he went along (which he has admitted to doing). Theres obviously a clear "main story" and endpoint but he just seems to be throwing numerous other characters in rather than developing existing ones, which is why you have story lines like Arya and Bran that just ramble on doing very little.

The TV Show for me has suffered a bit because of this, whilst it has deviated a fair amount it has stuck to the story line in the main. That meant that there was little in the way of big events to actually include, hence Hardhome was added. I thought the TV show actually did a decent job of it and whilst certain things irritated me it seemed to try to focus the story and drag it forward a bit.

Whilst Jon Snow was a massive shock people really should not be overly surprised, its what George RR Martin does. I always assumed he was dead but it does seem a very strange character to kill off, as there is now no major character at the Wall, which is a key location. So maybe the talk about him being saved has substance, in the book there are characters who are brought back to life so wouldnt rule it out.

Not sure why people think Sansa is dead, they jumped but there was snow below to land in. Same with Stannis, the fact you dont see her actually kill him leaves that open so wouldnt be surprised if he is still alive.
Not sure why people think Sansa is dead, they jumped but there was snow below to land in. Same with Stannis, the fact you dont see her actually kill him leaves that open so wouldnt be surprised if he is still alive.

It was a bloody high jump and it didn't look like that much snow - I thought it had mostly melted?
Last think Stannis said to Brienne was "Do your duty" - which might have seen Brienne rush back to Winterfell to carry on waiting for that bloody candle. Maybe she was stood at the bottom of the wall with Pod and a large bedsheet to catch Sansa.:smile:
I would be very surprised if Jon Snow dies, especially considering the person who just turned up back at the wall. I have my theories on where things are headed for the main characters (which quite possibly could be wrong) so my feeling is this series has actually moved things on towards that. Jon Snow's death and what (i think will happen next) will go a long way towards the claims of someone else in the book who may have been bigging up the wrong person all along. However my guesses realistically rely on my feelings of who Jon Snow really is, and if he isn't that person then I am as clueless as the rest. The same goes for Bran. Rubbish story so far but I feel it had to get to this stage for what I think his part to play will be in later parts currently unwritten.
It was a bloody high jump and it didn't look like that much snow - I thought it had mostly melted?

That bit reminded me of Frozen when Sven and Anna take a big leap to escape the snow monster. Maybe I've watched that film too many times?

Not sure why people think Sansa is dead, they jumped but there was snow below to land in. Same with Stannis, the fact you dont see her actually kill him leaves that open so wouldnt be surprised if he is still alive.

Same as with The Hound I guess. No sign of him for a whole series, but we never actually saw him fade away.
Same as with The Hound I guess. No sign of him for a whole series, but we never actually saw him fade away.

I still think he was the big guy in the armour who waddled off with Cersei Lannister towards the end. Not enough anti-heroes left otherwise.
Ok, that series was ok, but probably one of the more duller & infuriatingly slow, apart from the last few episodes.

FFS, there better be a decent reason to kill off Jon Snow. I.e. The White Walkers run roughshod over The North, but as the saucy witch has returned to Castle Black, they'll use that dark magic to resurrect JS at some point, because All along, he's been the mythical saviour who's capable of defeating the White Walkers, single handedly. Otherwise it just makes no sense to off him now. His parentage hasn't been explored/explained either, and I reckon that could be an integral part of the story. Also, if he's resurrected, his oath to stay on The Wall is void, because he's already died once? That gives him room to be the next King Of The North? I'm not expecting that all in this next season, but deep down, I'd expect to see a JS resurrection by (at the least) the end of s6

Arya getting chiv happy on that geezer was quality. Not too sure if I'm keen on this angle of a blind assassin though? Seems a bit daft, but then again, anythings possible in Westeros.

Cersei is is about to go 0 to Rambo in 60 seconds. Should be good, but i'd like to see her limp wristed son strap on a pair & be more Joffrey-like. Those religious cranks are gunna get it.

I love Tyrion, but this idea of him ruling Mereen could flop badly. Jorah & the other guy searching for Dany, will probably mostly consist of filler & little substance.

Sansa & Reek has potential to be a good storyline.

I wanna see Ramsay get even more evil.

And maybe not next season, but eventually were gunna see the return of the Hound, who just happens to be the only person capable of destroying The Mountain. Those two, going toe-to-toe should be epic.