Donation made, well done to all
Transaction ID: 4AL25530JW872154M
Transaction ID: 4AL25530JW872154M
I guess I do as my shrimp has appeared, lol!Do I still pay you a standing order @Cricko ? I know I used to and I don't remember cancelling it, not sure if it comes off my Paypal direct (and then would only come up on statement as Paypal payment).
Donation made, I would be lost without the zone and all the work you put in. UTBA few years ago i started a thread on here to encourage members of The Zone to contribute to our yearly running costs. I gave everybody that did a Yellow star by they profile name to show that they had supported your forums, we did the same last year.
So now we need to do it once again, we are an ad free site apart from local companies and we keep these forums as clean as possible on that topic, but do want new Zone advertising sponsors, so if you know somebody who has a local company and wishes to help with a two way street please let me know.
There are some members on here who have been faithful over the years by donating on a monthly basis, (I will add your shrimp as they come in), thank you so much and i do appreciate times are not that great for some and understand why some have dropped off. Most of our members Donate nothing! That is for another time.
We have had single payments at times and we of course salute our sponsors. Thank you to both people who gave me money on Saturday towards costs.
But the running and costs of keeping you all up to date with SUFC topics and our server which holds 2.5 million posts isnt cheap and only goes in one direction. We recently upgraded the forums so we can all have the best The Zone deserves and we try our utmost to keep these forums one of the best out there.
Back on topic, we need your help. I am now going to bring things up to date.
If you help with the running costs of The Zone you will get a "Shrimp" by your username to show you support us. Your Stars will remain of course but you will also getby your name.
You can set up a monthly donation via the Green donate button in the Nav Bar or you can just send us a donation.
Thanking you all in advance and UTS
I'm up and it's done.I'll transfer some dosh when I get up this afternoon.
No that is fine and thank you.Sorry to be a pain john but I pay a small payment every month. I can make a small donation again if the zone is struggling.
Is it still the green donate button mateSorry to be a pain john but I pay a small payment every month. I can make a small donation again if the zone is struggling.