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Yeah, of course you would,

I was offered a term's contract with my current employers to be re-assessed shortly because of "financial and staffing implications" or a brand new job with less convenient hours but more money elsewhere back in July. I'm still with my old employers because I like it here.
I was offered a term's contract with my current employers to be re-assessed shortly because of "financial and staffing implications" or a brand new job with less convenient hours but more money elsewhere back in July. I'm still with my old employers because I like it here.
Well not being funny, but clearly Darryl needed the money more. With a very young family, he would have been plain stupid and showed no financial sense had he taken the short term deal. Which would no doubt have been on a lot less money for the next year too.
This might be a first for me, defending Flahavan, but offered a choice between reserve team keeper for a championship side and reserve team keeper for a league one side, I'd take the job as reserve team keeper for the championship side.
Well not being funny, but clearly Darryl needed the money more. With a very young family, he would have been plain stupid and showed no financial sense had he taken the short term deal. Which would no doubt have been on a lot less money for the next year too.

Just illustrating the point to MiaS that it isn't necessarily the case. Of course it's different for Flavs as the main breadwinner and with a young family, and I fully supported him in his decision to go.

Wouldn't it be interesting if Col U tried to take him on loan to replace the useless Onion, would we still be able to shout "Darryl, do you hate Col U?" and he do his little boxing thing? :D Would they be able to trust him in goal against us?! Or maybe Crewe might want a look at him!
Just illustrating the point to MiaS that it isn't necessarily the case. Of course it's different for Flavs as the main breadwinner and with a young family, and I fully supported him in his decision to go.

Wouldn't it be interesting if Col U tried to take him on loan to replace the useless Onion, would we still be able to shout "Darryl, do you hate Col U?" and he do his little boxing thing? :D Would they be able to trust him in goal against us?! Or maybe Crewe might want a look at him!

The point is that this thread was about Flahavan, not some hypothetical person, and as you've admitted, it was the right thing for him to go to Palace.
I was offered a term's contract with my current employers to be re-assessed shortly because of "financial and staffing implications" or a brand new job with less convenient hours but more money elsewhere back in July. I'm still with my old employers because I like it here.

But what would you have chosen if you knew that the current avenue of a career was finishing in 5 years time or so ?
Well not being funny, but clearly Darryl needed the money more. With a very young family, he would have been plain stupid and showed no financial sense had he taken the short term deal. Which would no doubt have been on a lot less money for the next year too.

Indeed. More to the point. In the summer (if were him) my thinking would have been something along the lines of; probably won't make the first team, but will at least have a three year contract on more money than before, in The Championship. If it doesn't work out, and I don't make the first team i'll go out on loan back to League 1, so i'll still be playing in the same division, but still be on better money, and still have a three year contract. Frankly I can't lose.
But what would you have chosen if you knew that the current avenue of a career was finishing in 5 years time or so ?

That's it though, my job could be gone by the end of December, and there's nothing out there in this line at the moment, so come January, I could easily be out of work.
:nope: Aint happy about this one struggled to gain number 1 spot at palace just 3 appearances
I'd have him as 2nd choice but not automatic No1 again and presumably as Joyce got a new deal the chances of us going in for him are minimal!