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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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The amount of people I have seen also without wearing any protection is in fact quite astounding and I am sorry to say the majority have been younger people.
I also get really willed when I See people walking into a shop without even sanitising their hands or the trolley (the trolley is not to concerning but the hands are).

I spent 40 minutes on the phone yesterday evening listening to a Senior carer in a local home break down as she felt “so helpless” and that 40+ of her her 50 residents have COVID with most being poorly and several most likely won’t be here next week.
What do you say to them other than reassure they are doing their best and then you see and hear of all the flouting going on.

It is indeed worrying times and from my professional perspective this is far worse now than back in earlier in the year.
I agree, and I do understand that some people cannot wear masks for whatever reason - but, surely, there is then no problem with wearing a visor? No-one should be in a shop without one or the other and it's time the supermarkets got tough on this.

I can understand why they don’t though. Some of these people who refuse to wear a mask are those likely to kick off and cause issues. Does an 18 year old tasked with standing on the door to stop people/challenge them for not wearing a mask need the hassle. A bloke in his 20’s built like a brick **** house not wearing a mask kicks off it’s not going to end well. Same with sticking one of their older employees.

Some stores may have a big security guard willing to challenge everyone but I know my local ones don’t. Whilst I agree it’s wrong and they shouldn’t be allowed in, I get why the stores don’t kick up much fuss as the hassle just isn’t worth it. The police aren’t staffer or equipped enough to be doing routine patrols or turning out to jobs like that either. It’s a **** situation!
I know @Ricey but the point still stands that the onus is on the stores to do something. They need stronger signage at the point of entry and the wishy washy stuff about exemptions needs to be turned around so that you HAVE to have proof of your exemption.

This virus is running rife in this area and the stores are complicit in the spread. Put the managers on the door for a bit, let them understand the difficulties!
I know @Ricey but the point still stands that the onus is on the stores to do something. They need stronger signage at the point of entry and the wishy washy stuff about exemptions needs to be turned around so that you HAVE to have proof of your exemption.

This virus is running rife in this area and the stores are complicit in the spread. Put the managers on the door for a bit, let them understand the difficulties!

Totally with you they do need to do more but I just cannot see it happening.
Just raised it with Tesco on their Twitter help desk and this is their response:

While we’re asking our customers to wear a face covering and have signs around our stores to let customers know the rules, it is not for Tesco to enforce.

So, if it's not for them to enforce, whose duty is it?
Is there actually a law saying you must wear a mask when in a supermarket?
It’s definitely time supermarkets got tough on non mask wearers. Its not as if they are hard to spot.

Where I go they are often wearing black with green and yellow trim and have the word Asda on their back. The worst offenders are often behind the till and you can’t even avoid hem with social distancing.

I can understand the rank and file police officers doing nothing because they act under orders. No politicians or senior police have the power or the will to challenge big business. After all it’s boom time for them....And everyone absolutely knows this, even if they won’t admit it to themselves as they place their Amazon order.
So it's the supermarkets' fault that the public won't wear a mask? I guess it depends where you shop I suppose, but in the majority of supermarkets I frequent the staff wear masks, on the shop floor and at the tills. Where staff don't wear them they carry a card exempting them. There will always be occasions where posters on here will find examples of the exception but by and large most folk do wear a mask or face shield.

Now I may be in the minority here, but if you see someone not wearing a covering then why not ask them politely if they have forgotten it. You may get abuse, but they may also be grateful that you reminded them. It's too easy these days to expect someone else to challenge on our behalf, maybe it's time we took some responsibility ourselves.

As for those selfish people that don't wear a mask without reason, then all they are doing is causing angst to others that care and increasing the risk of Covid on themselves. What was the infection rate yesterday? 57k? not many was it really?
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Just raised it with Tesco on their Twitter help desk and this is their response:

While we’re asking our customers to wear a face covering and have signs around our stores to let customers know the rules, it is not for Tesco to enforce.

So, if it's not for them to enforce, whose duty is it?

Should supermarkets be enforcing rules?

Would you want Waitrose enforcing a shoot to kill policy on branded sportswear.
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Now I may be in the minority here, but if you see someone not wearing a covering then why not ask them politely if they have forgotten it. You may get abuse, but they may also be grateful that you reminded them.

I may - or may not - have mentioned this before but a nurse who's a friend of ours says he'll go up to anyone in the shop he's in at the time advising if a person is wearing their mask incorrectly and politely put's 'em straight. If they're not wearing one, he says "see you on my ward then" if they still refuse after telling them a few home truth's.

@Ricey - guidelines/laws are here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publi...ngs-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own Pretty clear I'd say :Winking:
All stores should offer people a New mask at the entrance. That way even those that forgot theirs will have one.

Those that are exempt may even offer a reason but they certainly don’t gave to You are discriminating under disability law if you decide to be a self appointed Covid Marshall and start questioning them.
Supermarket is private property. They can insist a mask on a mask, same as you or I would at home.
I may - or may not - have mentioned this before but a nurse who's a friend of ours says he'll go up to anyone in the shop he's in at the time advising if a person is wearing their mask incorrectly and politely put's 'em straight. If they're not wearing one, he says "see you on my ward then" if they still refuse after telling them a few home truth's.

@Ricey - guidelines/laws are here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publi...ngs-when-to-wear-one-and-how-to-make-your-own Pretty clear I'd say :Winking:

Yeah it is, if that’s the case then the shops should be enforcing it just like they don’t sell alcohol to anyone under 18.
They’ve shut the cinder path again from Leigh to Chalkwell and they’re directing people onto the beach. One bloke today got shouted at by one of the Covid wardens for using the path and simply ignored them and strolled past with his dog. He was safer on his own up there than all the crowds strolling along the beach.
For what it’s worth in the shops I go to the vast majority of people wear masks but I go at quiet times. I guess the busier it is the more the risk.
Challenging ‘rule breakers’ is all very well but 90% of the time it’ll result in a row and isn’t that also putting yourself at risk if they’ve got the virus? I’d rather just get out of there quick to be honest.
Supermarket is private property. They can insist a mask on a mask, same as you or I would at home.

They are are not. They are commercial premises and come under different laws nationally and locally Including insurance, access by officials and fire regulations Etc.
The Waitrose along the London Road in Leigh has a security Guard on the door, so you can’t enter without a face covering. In contrast the local Tesco Metro serves mask-less macho men. I asked one of the staff why they don’t challenge or refuse to serve these idiots, they said simply they don’t get paid enough to risk the confrontation and abuse.

Anecdotally one of my neighbours challenged a youth who was giving the large one in our local Tesco and luckily for the mask-less warrior he left the store... My neighbour happens to be an ex-MMA fighter ?
Yeah it is, if that’s the case then the shops should be enforcing it just like they don’t sell alcohol to anyone under 18.
I see why you say that but it's not so simple in reality.
Similar example in pubs as well. The people working there are largely on minimum wage and their job is to serve drinks, stack shelves, clean up etc. They are not paid to be security guards and enforce rules on unwilling and frequently aggressive individuals. If they ask people if they are exempt from wearing masks or if groups are from same bubble they just have to accept the answer even if it is clearly nonsense.
Pubs when they have been open have been running with absolute minimum staff numbers to keep costs down with Govt making up the shortfall with furlough. No doubt shops are the same.

The responsibility lies with the selfish individuals who won't comply not the poor sods who have to deal with them.
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