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Coronavirus (Non-Politics)

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Sounds like we are going down the same route as France and Germany to ‘save Christmas’.

Inevitable really seeing as we have always been 2-3 weeks behind, France, Spain and Italy.
There has been constant talk throughout the summer amongst my colleagues of the winter months being the most telling as people go back indoors and we have seen over the past week or so some New cases.
I just wish there wasn’t these “leaks” from the government as all it does is make people panic and worry.

Oh well here we go again!
Thing is though, if this had just been allowed to run its normal course earlier in the year, we wouldn't be looking at swamping the hospitals over their normal busiest time!

I've heard that the Nightingales will be re-opening very soon.

Quite.I know 2 people in the UK of my age, one a cancer survivor and the other with an underlying heart condition.They were both told to shield by the NHS during the lockdown.

I'm also well aware as someone with an underlying medical condition (Type 2 diabetes in my case) that at my age (69) I almost certainly won't survive a heart attack (my late father,who was a diabetic died of a massive coronary aged just 50 ) if I'm unlucky enough to end up on a ventilator.Otherwise I'm reasonably fit and healthy.
You might be surprised. My m-i-l had a stroked about 6 years ago, and a massive heart attack about 18 months ago. We were led to believe that she had another heart attack Friday last week by all the paramedics and nursing staff but her cardiologist has said it wasn't but she has had one in the last year that she was probably never aware off! Her heart is working at just 15%, she's under 6 stone in weight and by rights, she shouldn't be here - but she is and is still bright and as able as she can be.
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This only works if everyone complies with it.

As it is, some people won’t wear masks or observe social distancing, so I feel that telling everyone to get indoors and stay there will inevitably fall on deaf ears too.

How will it be enforced? Bigger fines? Army on the streets?

And what’s the exit strategy this time? There has to be something in place for when things start opening up again. A competent test and trace system is an absolute must, and these herberts shouldn’t even consider moving forward without one.

It also needs to be made compulsory.... but spare me with the conspiracy nonsense about the government tracking you, because - and this might shock some people - if you’ve got a phone/bank account/NI number/passport/broadband/credit card then you’re already being tracked.

I have absolutely zero faith in this shambles of a government being able to pull this off. I’ve said before, it’s the blind leading the blind, but it’s us, the working class who will have to deal with the fallout.
This only works if everyone complies with it.

As it is, some people won’t wear masks or observe social distancing, so I feel that telling everyone to get indoors and stay there will inevitably fall on deaf ears too.

How will it be enforced? Bigger fines? Army on the streets?

And what’s the exit strategy this time? There has to be something in place for when things start opening up again. A competent test and trace system is an absolute must, and these herberts shouldn’t even consider moving forward without one.

It also needs to be made compulsory.... but spare me with the conspiracy nonsense about the government tracking you, because - and this might shock some people - if you’ve got a phone/bank account/NI number/passport/broadband/credit card then you’re already being tracked.

I have absolutely zero faith in this shambles of a government being able to pull this off. I’ve said before, it’s the blind leading the blind, but it’s us, the working class who will have to deal with the fallout.
Very good post mate.
The conspiracy people are certainly fooling themselves but no one else.
The non mask wearing deniers are deluded if they believe that there is nothing sensible about wearing a proper mask in the correct way and maintaining, cleaning it correctly.

But we have all seen that there are big numbers of people who believe it doesn't apply to them, from the likes of Cummings to Corbyn and Weatherspoons to Westminster's bars.

A stick is needed. Cummings needed to be sacked, get serious and get rid now, shops and premises need to be fined if they don't enforce measures, police need to use the same "tax farming" tactics on rule breakers for this that the seem often to do with motorists.

Hands, face, space, NHS, vulnerable alert; do it or people DIE. Is it too much to demand?
It needs to be mandatory to have a visual sign that you are exempt from masks too - those lanyards need to be worn so that people don't challenge you unnecessarily. People on the door of supermarkets stopping those who think these rules don't apply to them.
It needs to be mandatory to have a visual sign that you are exempt from masks too - those lanyards need to be worn so that people don't challenge you unnecessarily. People on the door of supermarkets stopping those who think these rules don't apply to them.
To do that the shops need it to be illegal to serve non abiders of the rules, as with fags or alcohol. And police it not leave it to scared staff.
With no clubs open then trained door security are needing some work?
It needs to be mandatory to have a visual sign that you are exempt from masks too - those lanyards need to be worn so that people don't challenge you unnecessarily. People on the door of supermarkets stopping those who think these rules don't apply to them.

Agreed. Trouble is, it’s open to abuse. Those lanyards are quite easy to get a hold of, so anyone can use them, regardless if they’re exempt or not.

Same problem with downloading exemption forms on your phone. Literally anyone can do that, and use it as a get out of jail free card if/when they don’t have a mask.

I hear a lot of people who can’t wear masks (due to breathing issues) have chosen to wear the shields instead. To me that sounds like an ideal solution, and a fair compromise.
Sleep walking into financial abyss. There goes our economy if this goes ahead.

Our economy is already shot to pieces.


I remember just how **** the recession was between 2008-2010, so that graph makes for exceptionally bad reading
I hear a lot of people who can’t wear masks (due to breathing issues) have chosen to wear the shields instead. To me that sounds like an ideal solution, and a fair compromise.

It is - until some wag says "Can't wear a shield, I'm claustrophobic.....".
But it's clear !
"Yeah, but....."
Thing is though, if this had just been allowed to run its normal course earlier in the year, we wouldn't be looking at swamping the hospitals over their normal busiest time!

I've heard that the Nightingales will be re-opening very soon.

You might be surprised. My m-i-l had a stroked about 6 years ago, and a massive heart attack about 18 months ago. We were led to believe that she had another heart attack Friday last week by all the paramedics and nursing staff but her cardiologist has said it wasn't but she has had one in the last year that she was probably never aware off! Her heart is working at just 15%, she's under 6 stone in weight and by rights, she shouldn't be here - but she is and is still bright and as able as she can be.

I certainly hope so.

Good to hear about your MIL ,Kay.
Thoughts on re-confinement in France.Very much like the lockdown first time around.Except everybody's working either f2f or teleworking if they can,plus the schools are open.Went to the dentist normally yesterday.Oh and the French (quite rightly) are up in arms about bookshops having to close while hypermarkets,Amazon etc can steal their business.
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Agreed. Trouble is, it’s open to abuse. Those lanyards are quite easy to get a hold of, so anyone can use them, regardless if they’re exempt or not.
Oh agreed, we probably all know malingerers who love going to A&E or calling ambulances for things that can wait for the doctor! They're exactly who love to wear an emblem to show they're "special"!
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The only lanyard that I get hold of easily is that of a British Council examiner and we're supposed to hand them in at the end of each session. :Winking:
Agreed. Trouble is, it’s open to abuse. Those lanyards are quite easy to get a hold of, so anyone can use them, regardless if they’re exempt or not.

Same problem with downloading exemption forms on your phone. Literally anyone can do that, and use it as a get out of jail free card if/when they don’t have a mask.

I hear a lot of people who can’t wear masks (due to breathing issues) have chosen to wear the shields instead. To me that sounds like an ideal solution, and a fair compromise.
Also you may be entitled to an exemption but not need it. I had a phone consultation with my asthma nurse and she asked if I wanted proof of exemption. I've been wearing a mask when shopping and wherever else required snd it's not adversely affected me so don't see the need. If you can wear a mask in comfort then you probably should
This only works if everyone complies with it.

I have absolutely zero faith in this shambles of a government being able to pull this off. I’ve said before, it’s the blind leading the blind, but it’s us, the working class who will have to deal with the fallout.

That may well be changing very soon.....Watch this space.
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