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Conservative party conference

We can probably assume Barna was suggesting the UK should be in the quota system.

Agreed that refugees have been let down by the UK, the EU and the wider world.
Whatever the rights or wrongs of Cameron's refugee offer I always felt putting a figure on how may the UK would take 'by 2020' was a drastic lack of understanding. 'Stay where you are for 5 years then we will help you out' is such a weak response.

How have the UK let them down?

Merkel invited them then ordered other countries take their fair share,Merkel is the ultimate culprit and nobody else,jeez this country has taken plenty over the last 2 decades yet people like you demand even more without stating how many.
We can probably assume Barna was suggesting the UK should be in the quota system.

Agreed that refugees have been let down by the UK, the EU and the wider world.
Whatever the rights or wrongs of Cameron's refugee offer I always felt putting a figure on how may the UK would take 'by 2020' was a drastic lack of understanding. 'Stay where you are for 5 years then we will help you out' is such a weak response.

What was weak about it?

The numbers?...not enough money?
Sorry I don't understand ,please enlighten me with a figure any figure.


The figure arrived at would be the number of refugees the EU decide to take in, divided by the number of EU countries willing to accept them, based on population size,wealth etc.

Why are you people so worried about immigration?
Name a figure then .

Germany have taken in not far short of a million refugees. If we took just 100 people for each parliamentary constituency that would be 65000. Don't forget that we have nearly a million empty homes in the UK. Many of our citizens are fortunate enough to own more than one home. Ideally there should be a quota set by the EU based on wealth of each member state. The UKIP/Brexiteers keep telling us that we are a rich country able to stand on our own two feet outside of the EU. We can afford to confirm that we are a tolerant and decent country by taking in people and let them progress to a decent life.

The figure arrived at would be the number of refugees the EU decide to take in, divided by the number of EU countries willing to accept them, based on population size etc.

Why are you people so worried about immigration?

Which is how many?
Germany have taken in not far short of a million refugees. If we took just 100 people for each parliamentary constituency that would be 65000. Don't forget that we have nearly a million empty homes in the UK. Many of our citizens are fortunate enough to own more than one home. Ideally there should be a quota set by the EU based on wealth of each member state. The UKIP/Brexiteers keep telling us that we are a rich country able to stand on our own two feet outside of the EU. We can afford to confirm that we are a tolerant and decent country by taking in people and let them progress to a decent life.

Thanks you FP

At last somebody puts a figure forward.

65,000 is a lot of people and very expensive.

Are you suggesting people with 2 homes should allow immigrants to live in one?

So we take 65,000 would you be satisfied or when the next wave of immigrants enter Europe would you then demand more?
I suggest you take Fairport's figure as a starting point or see if we can match Germany's figure.

Hmmm 1 million eh !

Assume each person recieved just £50 each per week then the total yearly amount is £2.6 billion smackers,where will they find the money from?
I was listening to the Kent county council leader where he explained that every migrant child costs around £1000 pw,he also said because they never have paperwork then it's really hard in guessing their actual age...the money being used is actually crippling their budget.
I was listening to the Kent county council leader where he explained that every migrant child costs around £1000 pw,he also said because they never have paperwork then it's really hard in guessing their actual age...the money being used is actually crippling their budget.

I am reminded of one of the closing scenes in Schindlers list Mrs B, when Neeson falls to his knees and asks how much is a life worth.

The council leader in question should be ashamed.
As you know, we're not signed up to the quota system but should be IMO.:winking:

No I know but I can put us back in based on wealth and size skipper and use the current methodology and EU agreement to do so...my main aim is to find out had we agreed to the quota system what the numbers would have been.
As you know, we're not signed up to the quota system but should be IMO.:winking:

In any case the isn't a quota system in place yet,it's still at the discussion stage.

Would you help fund your million refugee figure?

You live in France?,have you got refugees living in your home from say Calais ?

The figure arrived at would be the number of refugees the EU decide to take in, divided by the number of EU countries willing to accept them, based on population size,wealth etc.

Why are you people so worried about immigration?

It would be far better for Spain to take most of the migrants. They have lots of empty houses for a start. With the Spanish economy struggling the migrants would give it a huge boost because we all know they pay 5 times more in than they take out. I for one don't want to be selfish and hog all these wonder workers and would be happy to give you a larger share.

Plenty of diversity might improve Spain's deeply rooted racism. Plus you will need plenty of young workers to do the unpleasant jobs such as nursing all those ageing gin soaked Brits that have retired to the Costas. Even those living in the hills and still working in their late 60's will soon need their soiled bed sheets changed :winking:
In any case the isn't a quota system in place yet,it's still at the discussion stage.

Would you help fund your million refugee figure?

You live in France?,have you got refugees living in your home from say Calais ?

Barna , Fairport, are very clear that the numbers should be fair and proportionate as per the EU quota system...which according to Barna isn't in place yet....he hasn't told us how long he expects this to take if he is correct that one doesn't.

Leaving us with the 65000 (starting point that they agreed on), however Mrs B what I am happy to tell you was that there was an agreement to resettle 160000 across EU states back in September 2015 this did not include the UK or Denmark however was agreed by majority vote in the EU....Can you guess what happens if we put the UK into the quota agreement along side Denmark?