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Conservative party conference

Barna , Fairport, are very clear that the numbers should be fair and proportionate as per the EU quota system...which according to Barna isn't in place yet....he hasn't told us how long he expects this to take if he is correct that one doesn't.

Leaving us with the 65000 (starting point that they agreed on), however Mrs B what I am happy to tell you was that there was an agreement to resettle 160000 across EU states back in September 2015 this did not include the UK or Denmark however was agreed by majority vote in the EU....Can you guess what happens if we put the UK into the quota agreement along side Denmark?

Honestly I don't know but can imagine it will be bad for us.
It would be far better for Spain to take most of the migrants. They have lots of empty houses for a start. With the Spanish economy struggling the migrants would give it a huge boost because we all know they pay 5 times more in than they take out. I for one don't want to be selfish and hog all these wonder workers and would be happy to give you a larger share.

Plenty of diversity might improve Spain's deeply rooted racism. Plus you will need plenty of young workers to do the unpleasant jobs such as nursing all those ageing gin soaked Brits that have retired to the Costas. Even those living in the hills and still working in their late 60's will soon need their soiled bed sheets changed :winking:

Now now Riggers,

You must know the Spanish are very mean with their state hand outs hence why 99.99% of migrants give Spain one large swerve,they ain't stupid you know.
Now now Riggers,

You must know the Spanish are very mean with their state hand outs hence why 99.99% of migrants give Spain one large swerve,they ain't stupid you know.

Oh please mrs, None of them ever come for benefits only for work. Your views that 90% of them are not even refugees is not to be tolerated, in fact I might put you on ignore.

Some of these young fit men are so traumatised by the vile acts of ISIS they have had to flee their place of birth, leaving the mothers and young sisters to face the misery. We should open our arms and welcome such men of integrity.

Yes we will have some cultural differences to overcome but as long as we bend over backwards to accommodate all of them the world will be a better place. I mean after all we fully encouraged the 'Arab spring' and now we are all reaping the benefits, wouldn't you agree.
Oh please mrs, None of them ever come for benefits only for work. Your views that 90% of them are not even refugees is not to be tolerated, in fact I might put you on ignore.

Some of these young fit men are so traumatised by the vile acts of ISIS they have had to flee their place of birth, leaving the mothers and young sisters to face the misery. We should open our arms and welcome such men of integrity.

Yes we will have some cultural differences to overcome but as long as we bend over backwards to accommodate all of them the world will be a better place. I mean after all we fully encouraged the 'Arab spring' and now we are all reaping the benefits, wouldn't you agree.


I mean they are escaping war so the Uk must open their doors to overcome the trauma,£500 pw might just be the medicine they need,or if they pick spuds then tax credits will boost their wage by 10 grand...is that enough though ?

Throw in a nice car and clothes plus a nice phone and they maybe may overcome their nightmares.
Always telling when the radical right and the random comment generators just end up talking amongst themselves on these threads.

Not quite as telling, as when the (extreme) left go very very quiet.

Reminds me of that crank who used to run the Green Party, who claimed they would build a **** load of homes for people, but when asked how she'd fund it, she didn't have the answers.

Now of course, It's always noble & commendable to want to help people & "do the right thing", but it always seems to me that the left side of the argument never have an actual plan as to how they could logically carry it out, without potentially detrimental consequences. Take Barna, (who doesn't even reside in this country) he'd happily see an uncapped number of refugees arrive on our shores (ours that is, not his) but he has absolutely no idea how to integrate them logically, into our infrastructure.

All you've got to do is look at Germany's mistakes. Merkel's actions were double edged. Commendable, but incredibly stupid. At the very least she's opened the door to the racist tw@ts to rise up, and civil unrest to develop.

The only question you can ask in this scenario is very hard, yet very simple. Does the UK have the capabilities to deal with such a problem of this magnitude? Nothing to do with wanting to, or trying your best to, just simply, can we logically? And to this day, I've not heard or seen a single person say how we can. And believe me, I'm open to suggestions
Not quite as telling, as when the (extreme) left go very very quiet.

Reminds me of that crank who used to run the Green Party, who claimed they would build a **** load of homes for people, but when asked how she'd fund it, she didn't have the answers.

Now of course, It's always noble & commendable to want to help people & "do the right thing", but it always seems to me that the left side of the argument never have an actual plan as to how they could logically carry it out, without potentially detrimental consequences. Take Barna, (who doesn't even reside in this country) he'd happily see an uncapped number of refugees arrive on our shores (ours that is, not his) but he has absolutely no idea how to integrate them logically, into our infrastructure.

All you've got to do is look at Germany's mistakes. Merkel's actions were double edged. Commendable, but incredibly stupid. At the very least she's opened the door to the racist tw@ts to rise up, and civil unrest to develop.

The only question you can ask in this scenario is very hard, yet very simple. Does the UK have the capabilities to deal with such a problem of this magnitude? Nothing to do with wanting to, or trying your best to, just simply, can we logically? And to this day, I've not heard or seen a single person say how we can. And believe me, I'm open to suggestions
There are plenty of left leaning poster on here happy to debate but person or persons make it such a tedious task that eventually everyone peels off and does something more constructive. We've had this situation before where a big 'reign it in' announcement has to be made to stop posters from getting bored into vacating the forum.
I'm not aware of any posters on here being regular Green voters.
Many of our citizens are fortunate enough to own more than one home.


I can't afford a day off sick, let alone a second drum.

James O'Brian, the left-wingers wet dream, did a topic on his show a few weeks ago, in which he had figures that stated 2 out of 3 people, currently aged between 21-34 will NEVER own their own home. He's also Repeated on NUMEROUS occasions, that my generation, (I'm nearly 30) will be the first generation in HISTORY to actually be worse off than their parents, financially.
There are plenty of left leaning poster on here happy to debate but person or persons make it such a tedious task that eventually everyone peels off and does something more constructive. We've had this situation before where a big 'reign it in' announcement has to be made to stop posters from getting bored into vacating the forum.
I'm not aware of any posters on here being regular Green voters.

Mate, when this conversation first arose a long while ago, I posed the same simple question... How? How do we help these people, logically? Every person citing "refugees welcome", ducked the question, barring yourself (which I commended you for at the time, for at least trying to have a sensible discussion) and even then, you couldn't give me the answers.

When it comes to THIS specifc topic, the left-leaning posters seemingly don't want to enter into serious debate, or discussion. I buy your idea of not wanting to get involved in petty tit-for-tat, I really do. But when asked genuine, simple questions, They suddenly have things to do, or can't be arsed to entertain it.
Honestly I don't know but can imagine it will be bad for us.

Had the UK gone down the route of accepting quotas.... I would interpret as being only bad. for the general idea of providing safe refuge to those in need....

Quotas were only really directed by the EU to provide relocation to those already here....you will of course remember many conversations on SZ as to where a safe place is or was but the decision on quotas the EU made was to relocate 120000 that were already here.....also remember by design if you have a quota then it has an upper limit.....this is significant to when you consider the Maligned UK position of providing safe transit direct from the camps for a fixed number of refugees and pouring aid in directly to those agencies on the ground.

However lets get back to the maths and the EU's position....out of the 120000 to be resettled which is in place for two years....it was only ever decided to apply the the plan to 66000 with the remaining 54 k on hold until a further decision is taken on where to send them.

So from our 66000 - several countries had fixed positions at the outset (Ireland,Denmark,Norway + Switzerland) and agreed to take at least 4000 bringing us down to 62,000 and below Fairport and Barna's target position of 65 k for the UK.

The 62 k distributed with the UK included and to placate Barna by beating the German portion we would have had a commitment to accept around 18,000.
Mate, when this conversation first arose a long while ago, I posed the same simple question... How? How do we help these people, logically? Every person citing "refugees welcome", ducked the question, barring yourself (which I commended you for at the time, for at least trying to have a sensible discussion) and even then, you couldn't give me the answers.

When it comes to THIS specifc topic, the left-leaning posters seemingly don't want to enter into serious debate, or discussion. I buy your idea of not wanting to get involved in petty tit-for-tat, I really do. But when asked genuine, simple questions, They suddenly have things to do, or can't be arsed to entertain it.
As you accept - wanting to swerve discussions that are going nowhere is genuine. If you read back over the last few pages - involvement in that level of discussion is a pointless way to spend your time.

How many - I genuinely have no idea. We are the 6th richest nation in the world (down from 5th a few months ago) so financially we should be capable of playing our part in the world's problems. The responsibility is falling disproportionately on Turkey, Greece and Syria's near neighbours and we are capable of taking more of the responsibility from them.

This is a strange subject where those that feel we should help as a nation are expected to provide that help as individuals or their opinion is invalid.

No other policy has this reaction. If I stated we should house the homeless I wouldn't be told my opinion is not valid unless I have a spare room to offer, if I backed Trident I wouldn't be expected to store missiles in my garden, if I backed capital punishment I wouldn't be expected to flick the switch on the chair. Members of the public can have opinions on policy that they think the government should put into place - it shouldn't hinge on that person being able to put the policy into action themselves.
Well the last Labour government lead us into an unjust & illegal war, which has actually caused these problems
Barna would agree with you on that - he has no sympathy Blair's policies in Iraq, Corbyn voted against intervention in Iraq so in those terms he should not be associated with that either.
Barna would agree with you on that - he has no sympathy Blair's policies in Iraq, Corbyn voted against intervention in Iraq so in those terms he should not be associated with that either.

Good for Barna, he's old school, anti war, left wing. As left wing people should be.

Your more modern, lets topple a dictator, pro war stance has proved to be a dangerous world disaster. Its the reason the we see children being bombed in hospitals in Syria.

Iraq has been an utter disaster with some estimates that up to 2 million people have now died. Many those expensive and dangerous US weapons that we gave to the new Iraqi police force have now fallen into the hands of ISIS.

Their will be plenty more years of misery in the ME. Which of course means millions more refugees and millions more frauds hiding amongst them. If the EU tries to take them, Corbyn, Merkel style then we will end up with extreme right wing governments all over Europe and the end of the EU.

Don't say the majority on the zone didn't see it coming and tried to do something about it, despite being constantly insulted by you.
Good for Barna, he's old school, anti war, left wing. As left wing people should be.

Your more modern, lets topple a dictator, pro war stance has proved to be a dangerous world disaster. Its the reason the we see children being bombed in hospitals in Syria.

Iraq has been an utter disaster with some estimates that up to 2 million people have now died. Many those expensive and dangerous US weapons that we gave to the new Iraqi police force have now fallen into the hands of ISIS.

Their will be plenty more years of misery in the ME. Which of course means millions more refugees and millions more frauds hiding amongst them. If the EU tries to take them, Corbyn, Merkel style then we will end up with extreme right wing governments all over Europe and the end of the EU.

Don't say the majority on the zone didn't see it coming and tried to do something about it, despite being constantly insulted by you.
Yep, that is why Corbyn and Barna are better people than me, Blair and 90% of the Conservative party (guessed figure, not sure how many of them voted for invasion of Iraq and bombing in Afghanistan and Syria - a high % anyway).
Would you help fund your million refugee figure?

You live in France?,have you got refugees living in your home from say Calais ?

I'd certainly be prepared to contribute but I couldn't fund it realisitically.

Actually,we live in Spain though my wife does have a property in the Midi.

It would be far better for Spain to take most of the migrants. They have lots of empty houses for a start. With the Spanish economy struggling the migrants would give it a huge boost because we all know they pay 5 times more in than they take out. I for one don't want to be selfish and hog all these wonder workers and would be happy to give you a larger share.

Plenty of diversity might improve Spain's deeply rooted racism. Plus you will need plenty of young workers to do the unpleasant jobs such as nursing all those ageing gin soaked Brits that have retired to the Costas. Even those living in the hills and still working in their late 60's will soon need their soiled bed sheets changed :winking:

I certainly agree that Spain should do far more than it is as present in terms of taking in immigrants.The quota system should apply here too.

After living here for over 30 years,I haven't seen much evidence of Spain's "deeply rooted racism."

ps Having a 65th party tomorrow and have got a bottle of gin in, just in case.Though I prefer beer or wine myself.There'll also be an excellent 12 year old Malt.:winking:
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I'd certainly be prepared to contribute but I couldn't fund it realisitically.

Actuaully,we live in Spain though my wife does have property in the Midi.

I certainly agree that Spain should do far more than it is as present in terms of taking in immigrants.The quota system should apply here too.

After living here for over 30 years,I haven't seen much evidence of Spain's "deeply rooted racism."

ps Having a 65th party tomorrow and have got a bottle of gin in, just in case.Though I prefer beer or wine myself.There'll also be an excellent 12 year old Malt.:winking:
Happy birthday for tomorrow - same day as my eldest daughter who is celebrating her 19th by going to Rochdale!