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Club shop and stuff

That is just crazy - no wonder we loose so much money. Who on earth thought that this was a good plan? I have never been to a football club where you can't buy back issues of the programme from the shop for example. Seriously I know nothing about business, but even I can see that this is not a great set-up. It is the sort of thing you would expect on round 1 of The Apprentice.
Why do you think we are millions in debt and have no staff and no team????
For what it's worth I like Macron's kits, not only ours, but those of other clubs, too.

It's been said the issue with stock is down to the ability to be supplied enough, but evidently Wrexham, supplied by Macron, haven't struggled. Through work I'm quite close with Colchester United, supplied by Macron, and they've had no issue with kit supply.

Colchester's shop isn't run through Macron, like ours appears to be, meaning they have a range of other merchandise that can be supplied from anywhere.

For years I've been seeking a new car windscreen sticker since mine tore trying to remove it from an old car into a new one... surely that's a staple sort of product?!

Things like retro shirts are a huge seller as alluded to. I know World Retro have done some, but in my opinion (maybe not others) some of those are complete cr@p. Seems a big missed opportunity.

Hopefully this sort of opportunity, as as well as maximising food sales on a matchday by not offering complete garbage, will be on the to-do list of the new owners.
Ok I'll bite. They only need 20 shirts. 15 for their squad and 5 for the fans
That is just crazy - no wonder we loose so much money. Who on earth thought that this was a good plan? I have never been to a football club where you can't buy back issues of the programme from the shop for example. Seriously I know nothing about business, but even I can see that this is not a great set-up. It is the sort of thing you would expect on round 1 of The Apprentice.
Back numbers of the programme are usually available from the hut in the North East corner.
The crowds are huge for this league of course.
A well run club shop would be a licence to print money (a total goldmine).
A till + a safe would be needed in there!

Fans can buy items online but they would much rather give money to the club via a well run club shop.

Hopefully there will be a take-over and things can change from red to green.
I have no doubt that TL and all know the shortcomings of the shop..
Under RM ownership turning that around would be very hard with suppliers, staff and goodwill destroyed.
New owners, new fresh start and who could not get the place improved.
One of the problems the club shop faces is unofficial memorabilia is available online far cheaper than it is in the club shop.

In fact that's the problem facing most physical shops but I guess trips to space have to be paid for somehow
Only takes someone with a bit of initiative to make a few phone calls and you can get any type of (tat) quality merch very cheaply. Ltd edition classic shirt reruns, items featuring our legendary players, posters,mugs, glasses, keyrings, bookmarks, mouse pads, hats, scarves phone cases, pencils, pens, jigsaws, its endless. We are all queing up to blow our money on it.

Having a physical storefront only really works these days if your backed up by a flourishing online business, so that all needs updating, making user friendly and also having an "official" ebay store.

Id pay a few quid extra for my tat if i knew it was going to the club and not some random seller.

just further highlights how **** poor the clubs been run.
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To this day I regret not buying the SUFC branded car footwell carpets briefly available in the Rob Newman era.
I do admire their constant updates of new merch even though there *may* not be a Club to support soon.
Suppose could buy some of it and stick on Ebay as 'collectors items' if times get hard
Lol. Gather your tears in your brand new SUFC Thermus. OR your brand new SUFC water bottles so you can see your own tears!

Excellent work