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Club shop and stuff

On a first, quick, scan, I read this as "boaters", which I thought would be great.

SUFC boaters, blazers, and Oxford bag flannels. I'd buy them.

They'd go well with my official SUFC punt and pole.
Not sure about punting but swimwear and maybe those paddleboard things.
I've still got a SUFC mug in use today. Can't remember when I bought it but it would be at the very least 2019 if not earlier.
Hummel now do
There is the dilemma. Once it starts coming off, do you leave it looking a bit meeehhh, or pull it off completely? I'd go for the latter, pretend that it is in some way retro or minimalist.
To be fair to Hummel they gone embroidered now. As many don't follow the washing instructions
I genuinely think if they made something a bit different and actually put a bit of effort into it, then they would see sales soar. Its no surprise if sales were poor last year when they put out the same generic crap.
I have said this before, but genuinely miss Nike (just sport or whoever they were) running the shop. Yes they annoyed us with their generic kits, but the rest of the merch was normally pretty decent and varied.

Retro stuff is massive and we have one of the most retro looking images available on our crest - the Shrimp. Make some merch with just the shrimp on. It annoys me that neither Nike, Macron or Hummel ever tried this.

Producing decent merchandise for a football club is not exactly rocket science!
How about pants, boxers, something for the ladies?
All with SUFC SHRIMPER on the elastic waist band.

Then the boyz in the hood with Jean's slung low can show their followers.

And hoodies
My wife reminded me the other day (by showing me them) that I'd once bought her a pair of knickers with "I scored at Fulham" on them.I can only presume that no such item was available in the SUFC club shop at the time! :Winking:
Agreed. I've heard that it wi be even more basic this year. As they didn't sell enough of the high end stuff ( overpriced) stuff. The range would be more in line with our budget.

In other words, calling us all cheap! Hope, I'm wrong.

Macron are very cheeky too. Flogging a load of gear towards the end of the season with the old Macron logo on. Not on!

Looking back on the kits manufactors in the past. Hummel and Macron. I thought, hummel gear was better quality especially the kits! People moan about the badges peeling off! Following the washing instructions and don't tumble! No problem loved the badges on the Hummel kits.
I was expecting a big improvement this year from the club shop, not for it to be even worse! In the Shrimpers Trust AGM notes, it was mentioned to Tom Lawrence about the shoddy effort from Macron and he was going to speak with them to see the options. :(
The discussion on the strip, style and colours for next seasons home, away and 3rd is up and running.
But last year the merchandise, especially the official replica kits, where in short supply near enough from day one.
And other stuff in the shop was, in the main, dull, limited, uninspiring, over priced and underwhelming.
The best of the range was some of the training, warm up shirts imo.
If this was a school exam the shop would have been marked as E, borderline Failed, MUST DO BETTER.

Surely it wouldn't be that hard to market a decent range of products?

Crested/badged reasonable quality polo shirts for example in our colours and some "historic " shades such as cherry voltage? Suitable for leisure or golfers.
And have a golf towel, some tees, a divot fork, logo golf balls etc.

What else?

Yep major opportunity missed here. I popped in last season looking for some bits n bobs for me and my son. Didnt see anything worth buying.
The club shop has always been a strange one for me, ultimately it's pretty always been rubbish. We're always late to the party getting new shirts on sale and we always struggle actually getting the most popular sizes. The days of having baby and infants kits seems over as it stands which is a shame. The casual wear and just general accessories etc has been non-existent for decades really with the exception of a few items.

All I know is two things, the first being our fans want to spend money on merchandise but they don't have any to buy. People blame the supplier but we've had three different one's of late and nothing's really been different except Hummel was better than the rest.

The second thing is I went into the shop three times last season, beginning, middle and end to just have a little look at what they had. At least two of those occasions I walked in to what you'd assume was a vacant shop, there was literally nothing in there.

Lets be honest, the shop (not the staff) is pathetic and I'd love to actually know why. I've visited around 55ish away grounds and I can honestly say none of those have been anywhere near as bad as ours. Just seems crazy to me having people ready to spend but have nothing to spend it on.
I’d like to see us partner up the a company called “The Terrarce Life” who run a few Club shops in footballing circles like Bristol Rovers.

They produce a range of retro shirts, bucket hats, cushions, mobile phone cases etc. the type of stuff us fans love to waste our money on.

I'd like to see a "retro" corner in the club shop with older and more obscure items.
The club shop has always been a strange one for me, ultimately it's pretty always been rubbish. We're always late to the party getting new shirts on sale and we always struggle actually getting the most popular sizes. The days of having baby and infants kits seems over as it stands which is a shame. The casual wear and just general accessories etc has been non-existent for decades really with the exception of a few items.

All I know is two things, the first being our fans want to spend money on merchandise but they don't have any to buy. People blame the supplier but we've had three different one's of late and nothing's really been different except Hummel was better than the rest.

The second thing is I went into the shop three times last season, beginning, middle and end to just have a little look at what they had. At least two of those occasions I walked in to what you'd assume was a vacant shop, there was literally nothing in there.

Lets be honest, the shop (not the staff) is pathetic and I'd love to actually know why. I've visited around 55ish away grounds and I can honestly say none of those have been anywhere near as bad as ours. Just seems crazy to me having people ready to spend but have nothing to spend it on.
Exactly this. Whenever I am at other grounds, their clubs shops are decent.
I’d like to see us partner up the a company called “The Terrarce Life” who run a few Club shops in footballing circles like Bristol Rovers.

They produce a range of retro shirts, bucket hats, cushions, mobile phone cases etc. the type of stuff us fans love to waste our money on.


Theyve linked up with a fair few clubs it seems recently, as I follow them on twitter, and seem to have done a really job over the last few years or so establishing themselves in this space! Maybe one to keep an eye on!?