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Should Phil Brown be sacked?

  • Yes - sack him

    Votes: 165 55.6%
  • No - he deserves more time

    Votes: 132 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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You're seriously deluded if you think people want the club to do badly so they can have a swipe at Brown. The fact is our 2016 form has been utterly abysmal but it has not stopped the manager linking himself to every other job under the sun. He's fallen out with plenty of players along the way and his summer recruitment has been lacking.

Anyone who genuinely thinks people want Southend to fail just so Brown can go needs to have a look at themselves. I would like nothing more than for us to win every game between now and Christmas and for Brown to be knighted in the New Year's Honours list as a result. It's not going to happen, I've seen enough to realise he is not the man to take us forward any longer. One admittedly excellent result (with a tip of the hat to Sheffield United's defending) is not going to change that. However, if it is the platform for a mammoth unbeaten run, I will hold my hands up with no little joy and say I was delighted to be wrong.

I think you've hit a few nails square on there, Jai.

Also Kevin Hogg's post is spot on in terms of what PB wants and needs IMO. The sad truth is though that in this calendar year the facts (I.e. our results) have been woeful. Phil hasn't made any progress at all addressing the issues which have been in the team and its' set up all year. On that basis what Phil wants/needs is irrelevant, what he actually delivers is what counts. Now, while one result won't turn things around we will all be delighted if this could be a corner starting to be turned. It happened once with Tilly I think where we had a shocker of a run sandwiched between beating the same team twice? It would be nice to think we can build on this - but I genuinely don't believe that's possible without quite a few additions to the team and I'm also not convinced that Phil is the man for the job. But know this - I'd love to be proved wrong.
I truly, honestly believe there are a number of very vocal "followers" of Southend United that have such a personal dislike of PB that any win deflates their argument.
I am not suggesting that includes you Jai but just read back through the countless anti-PB threads going back 41 months and it is a personal dislike for many.
Yes, I honestly believe there are a number of people who follow The Shrimpers that are gutted we won last night.

There's also a fair few who take great glee in baiting those who want a change just because of one good result (doesn't really work as the 'Brown-out brigade' are just as happy with a Southend win as those who want him to stay). Although, in 2016, it hasn't happened very often to be fair.
It is very difficult to make a judgement based on a game against a side more bereft of clue or confidence than ourselves. couple that with a comedy/calamity fifteen minutes at the beginning of the match and we have very few reliable pointers to draw on. That said, you can only beat what's in front of you and to keep a clean sheet is a bonus.

I felt PB should have six games to turn it around and last night's was the fourth. The next two are pivotal. Two wins and the season has not started to shabby. Two draws with evident improvement is enough to earn him more time. Two defeats and looking clueless should result in the elbow.

By all accounts (I was not at the game, sadly), Ranger offered something we have missed and signs were good with regard his link up play with Cox. Let's hope the injury is not too serious.
I would like to say sorry for calling my fellow Southend Fans pricks last night

I had a few sherbets and was excited with our magnificent win last night SORRY

Still sticking to SUPPORT OUR CLUB :thumbsup:
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You're seriously deluded if you think people want the club to do badly so they can have a swipe at Brown. The fact is our 2016 form has been utterly abysmal but it has not stopped the manager linking himself to every other job under the sun. He's fallen out with plenty of players along the way and his summer recruitment has been lacking.

Anyone who genuinely thinks people want Southend to fail just so Brown can go needs to have a look at themselves. I would like nothing more than for us to win every game between now and Christmas and for Brown to be knighted in the New Year's Honours list as a result. It's not going to happen, I've seen enough to realise he is not the man to take us forward any longer. One admittedly excellent result (with a tip of the hat to Sheffield United's defending) is not going to change that. However, if it is the platform for a mammoth unbeaten run, I will hold my hands up with no little joy and say I was delighted to be wrong.

I just dont don't agree with you Jai. You may not be one of them but as Kevin Hogg said, there is such a constant hate for PB it no longer is about the SUFC results for them, it's about them winning their own ego battle and being "right" about Brown not cutting it.
I feel "fans" like you would be happier to see us do **** so they can say "I told you so..." Any of this "lucky"'promotion is such a bore now. Nothing lucky about it...highest ever points tally. Players fitter than other clubs and playing right through to the end.

No attacking threat....scored 3 goals away from home last night....no bad for a drab footballing performance.

Nope. I love seeing the team win, But in the same way it took a lengthy run of poor form for me to start questioning browns ability , I see no reason why I should change those beliefs after a singular decent result. Make no mistake this is probably one of the worst Sheffield united sides in there history. By the sounds of it their defending was abysmal last night.

If and when Brown starts focusing purely on his job of managing this football club and not trying at every opportunity to offer his services elsewhere , then maybe I will have more respect for him.

He makes out his a big time Charlie , but in 3 months has failed to bring in players to make up a side. Has anyone considered that quite a few people don't want to play for him. Or that he has a bad rep.

I don't like PB as a person and I don't particularly rate him as a manager. I hope to have both of those opinions changed by the man himself and will like all blues fans be cheering the boys on for a win Saturday.
I just dont don't agree with you Jai. You may not be one of them but as Kevin Hogg said, there is such a constant hate for PB it no longer is about the SUFC results for them, it's about them winning their own ego battle and being "right" about Brown not cutting it.

Or you could look at it from the other perspective: 'There's none so blind as them that won't see...' :facepalm:
Nope. I love seeing the team win, But in the same way it took a lengthy run of poor form for me to start questioning browns ability , I see no reason why I should change those beliefs after a singular decent result. Make no mistake this is probably one of the worst Sheffield united sides in there history. By the sounds of it their defending was abysmal last night.

If and when Brown starts focusing purely on his job of managing this football club and not trying at every opportunity to offer his services elsewhere , then maybe I will have more respect for him.

He makes out his a big time Charlie , but in 3 months has failed to bring in players to make up a side. Has anyone considered that quite a few people don't want to play for him. Or that he has a bad rep.

I don't like PB as a person and I don't particularly rate him as a manager. I hope to have both of those opinions changed by the man himself and will like all blues fans be cheering the boys on for a win Saturday.

Totally understand your negativity, the self promotion publicly is annoying and performances have warranted it over a long period.

However its comments like the one I've highlighted that show your opinions on the man are clouding the facts.

In 3 months he has actually signed 7 players including Cox from a championships side. Demetriou was also a good signing who could have gone elsewhere. We might still need a couple of players but we can still make up a side.

Is it possible some dont want to play for him? Possibly. Is it also however possible that some don't actually want to play for Southend United compared to some of the more attractive sides?

I just dont don't agree with you Jai. You may not be one of them but as Kevin Hogg said, there is such a constant hate for PB it no longer is about the SUFC results for them, it's about them winning their own ego battle and being "right" about Brown not cutting it.

Personally I think there is some truth in this. They may not 100% want us to lose but they may well get satisfaction when it happens and they are proven "right".

Its the same reason that when things are going bad people dismiss everything he has done well as lucky, like the promotion season. They don't like him so therefore the fact he got us up must have been despite him and not because of him.

I personally don't feel a lot either way, there are things I like about him and things that rub me the wrong way. Id rather have Tilson back than Brown, but Id prefer Brown to Sturrock. He did a great job getting us up and then to make us comfortable in the league above , however he also has a problem with maintaining consistency and when things go pear shaped seems to struggle to turn things around. Whilst I dont see him as defensive as some do I dont think he is particularly good at putting together a team effective in the last third either.

End of the day if he turns things around from here then great, if not then he will go and we move on.
I just dont don't agree with you Jai. You may not be one of them but as Kevin Hogg said, there is such a constant hate for PB it no longer is about the SUFC results for them, it's about them winning their own ego battle and being "right" about Brown not cutting it.

It works the other way too. There are some that are so intent on defending Brown they are refusing to see our failings. We will have to agree to disagree on this one. I have a Whatsapp group full of 'Brown outers', and they were all buzzing after last night's result.
Embarrassing post

If we didn't love this club we wouldn't have cared about the dire run we were on

I think Kevin is right, unfortunately. While it certainly isn't everyone in the anti-Brown camp, and some make eloquent cases, there is a significant bloc of anti-Brown posters on here who cannot keep their personal antipathy out of virtually every post they make, and who bend over backwards to find fault in everything thing he does, every decision he makes. Pretty sure someone on the pre-live or live thread last night actually said that he hoped for a heavy defeat, presumably because he could then say "I 'king told you so". From others there will now be a deafening silence until the next bad result. While it is sometimes amusing (MrsBlue and her unwavering passion for Jason which you have to hope will be reciprocated one day), it is often tiresome, especially after a night like last night.
I think Kevin is right, unfortunately. While it certainly isn't everyone in the anti-Brown camp, and some make eloquent cases, there is a significant bloc of anti-Brown posters on here who cannot keep their personal antipathy out of virtually every post they make, and who bend over backwards to find fault in everything thing he does, every decision he makes. Pretty sure someone on the pre-live or live thread last night actually said that he hoped for a heavy defeat, presumably because he could then say "I 'king told you so". From others there will now be a deafening silence until the next bad result. While it is sometimes amusing (MrsBlue and her unwavering passion for Jason which you have to hope will be reciprocated one day), it is often tiresome, especially after a night like last night.

But the flip side is that whilst on a club record of defeats, some where happy to sit and back Brown and are now celebrating a win over a fellow league 1 side as if we have won the world cup. It means nothing if we get smashed by Brizzle rovers come Saturday.
Didn't Brown turn down a 500% apx. pay rise at Sunderland less than a year ago?

He did correct, but I have no idea on the money side of things. I would imagine he wouldn't want to be in anyone's shadow.

End of the day I don't think many people expected Brown to still be here three and a half (almost) years after taking the job. He's a career manager with a high-profile from the other side of the country, no loyalties to SUFC, with big ambitions and a rapidly diminishing number of years in the game to achieve them. Throw in a reputation-enhancing promotion and it is even more surprising that he hasn't left.

If we didn't want that sort of manager then we shouldn't employed one. But we did and it has paid off for us. That he has turned down what is likely to be more money elsewhere I think is in his credit and so yeah maybe he does cast fluttering eyelids at a few clubs but he'll only get those jobs if he is successful here (who would want a manager who has just lost eight in a row?) and I don't think anyone should be criticised for having ambition.

Just seems to me that we got what we expected, got a promotion out of it and probably the greatest, most emotional day in the Club's history in the process and the level of vitriol seems therefore excessive.
I think Kevin is right, unfortunately. While it certainly isn't everyone in the anti-Brown camp, and some make eloquent cases, there is a significant bloc of anti-Brown posters on here who cannot keep their personal antipathy out of virtually every post they make, and who bend over backwards to find fault in everything thing he does, every decision he makes. Pretty sure someone on the pre-live or live thread last night actually said that he hoped for a heavy defeat, presumably because he could then say "I 'king told you so". From others there will now be a deafening silence until the next bad result. While it is sometimes amusing (MrsBlue and her unwavering passion for Jason which you have to hope will be reciprocated one day), it is often tiresome, especially after a night like last night.

I think there are too many fallacies about the 'anti-PB' Brigade.
Firstly they are classed as PB haters when in reality, like myself, most have never met the man. As passionate as football is, the genuine Brown haters, must number very, very few. We may have little respect or regard for his management but that is what he does and not who he is.

Secondly, being anti-Brown, is a point of view, just as it is being pro the manager. That does not make us less of a supporter. The fans will never see everything the same way and the day they do will be the day football is boring.

Last night I was very pleased, chuffed, with the win, but even I had a tinge of ' oh that may delay the inevitable'. That's because it is my be!if we will have the opportunity to move forward quicker with a new manager. I am Blue through and through and have been for more decades than I care to admit to having lived and I resent any suggestion that my feelings made me any less of a supporter.

I think much of what is going on began under Sturrock. There were definitely two camps, for and against, and it divided the fans and made it personal between them. It seems to havd continued and as much as the differing opinions are part and parcel of football, it's not necessary to make personal digs at the manager, the Chairman, the players and especially not at fellow fans.

Yeah I have had my moments when the passion rises and the keyboard warrior surfaces quicker than a floater by Southend beach, but I do try hard these days to be more embracing. I even accept that some like PB being manager. I can't say fairer than that :winking:
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