MK Shrimper
Yeah she lost another vote. What a farse and she wasnt even there to hear it.
Nope, bigger than that. One rumour is that the the Labour party is going to split.
Yeah she lost another vote. What a farse and she wasnt even there to hear it.
Nope, bigger than that. One rumour is that the the Labour party is going to split.
Just had a look at the nationals' sites. There does appear to be a bit of panic in the air concerning the Labour Party? The Labourites on here have always been steadfast in their belief that they will win the next election...........maybe they need to be specific about which Labour Party they are refering to!![]()
Because of the Tory and May Brexit fiasco, I think the floating vote are dying to smack them and show their disgust. The Labour party should win by a landslide. But the wrong person is in charge of Labour, and is causing a split in the party, so there's not much in it.
God help us! (sorry, hit reply instead of edit!)NO! According to Labour supporters on here, you are talking rubbish. Corbyn is the man of the moment and you'd be foolish to believe opinion polls............just look what happened in 2017. Corbyn was miles behind but ended up 'victorious' by not losing by much. I fear that you may have to prepare for another five years of 'strong and stable' Tory rule.
Thought they were going to wait until the end of February, to see if Corbyn would change the party's position on a 'peoples vote?'?
Nope, bigger than that. One rumour is that the the Labour party is going to split.
Yes, I've seen the twitter rumours on 'evolve politics. There seems positive joy at the prospect of this happening by some of the hard left..........
[B]Paul Farnhill[/B] @[B]RevPaulCA[/B] 1 hil y a 1 heure
Labour is red, Centrists are blue, If you support Chuka then you should go too.#SplitersCoup#JC4PM
So, we have a Conservative government obsessed with keeping unity at the cost of the country and a Labour Party obsessed with political purity rather than building a broad base which could provide a credible alternative to the present dire crowd. Bielzebubz got the right idea. Divert attention to the problems of other European countries rather than concentrating on the dire bloody mess the UK finds itself in..
HMG is defeated yet again in the Commons.In byegone times the Tories would have resigned by now.
Oh come on be fair YBUTC. I've been doing that not to deflect from what's going on at home (impossible anyway) but to highlight the absolute ****storm that's on the Eurozone horizon.
head in the sandYeah she lost another vote. What a farse and she wasnt even there to hear it.
The big news (I also read the 'wait till 8pm for something major') was actually a split in the Conservatives! But it was a Tory MP whose name I can't even remember saying Rees-Mogg etc should leave the Tories and join Farage's new party.Nope, bigger than that. One rumour is that the the Labour party is going to split.
The worry is not so much the way Italy or Greece are going at the moment. It's Europe and indeed the whole world that is concerning me. Very worrying times, where it seems many governments are being forced into an unpleasant choice between economic correctness or mounting civil unrest.
The fact you don't mention is that the UK certainly won't be immune from the consequences of any financial turmoil in Europe. It's almost as if you believe the UK is in a bubble and everything will be fine and dandy, just so long as we can get get away from the 'evil European Empire.' Brexit will only help to exacerbate Europe's problems as you know. Will it be long before the UE's bewilderment and incomprehension about Brexit turns to annoyance and stubborn non co-operation?
Very telling that Europhobes are ramping up the 'evil empire' narrative of what they fondly hope will be the end of the EU, as though wishing it will make it happen, while simultaneously playing down the much more likely scenario of a UK collapse post Brexit. Blind hatred is just that.I don't believe the UK will be immune, of course we wont but you seem to be forgetting that the Eurozone's financial crisis, a crisis that has seen many a country requiring illegal bailouts, Italy entering recession and the mighty German economy only just avoiding one has been largely down to the Euro and those countries being locked into a financial experiment that's gone horribly wrong. And I like your term 'Evil European Empire' because that's exactly what it is.
The real irony is that those on the left that. You know, the one's championing the weak and decrying the uncaring establishment here at home, should all be for supporting the weakest against the dictatorial strong of Europe but ironically are the one's crowing about how good it's been over the years when all the evidence is to the contrary. Seriously, you couldn't make it up.
For anyone who is curious this was the big news (not my words, copy n paste):The big news (I also read the 'wait till 8pm for something major') was actually a split in the Conservatives! But it was a Tory MP whose name I can't even remember saying Rees-Mogg etc should leave the Tories and join Farage's new party.
Big build up and no news really.