I’m surprised by the traction it has got.
Firstly it clearly only applies to those without a plan. Why would Leavers therefore be insulted if they had a viable plan?
If May had said something similar - special place in hell for those who won’t negotiate fairly etc - she’d have been lambasted, from all sides.
They both hold extremely important positions in all of this, and getting into petty jibes in the public eye, just seems counterproductive, regardless if there’s any truth to them or not. It’s just not very professional.
Secondly, it’s hardly out of place compared to the rhetoric coming from the UK on an almost daily basis. We’re constantly hearing comparisons to WWII - which would actually have been a living hell for Tusk’s parents - and the use of a war rhetoric (May going into battle etc) when we’re supposed to be reaching an agreement with them, not declaring war. Remainers get labelled saboteurs and traitors etc etc.
That’s the media’s fault.
If his response was one of vengeance, it hardly paints him in a good light.
Thirdly, I’m surprised how sensitive people are to criticism are on the Leave side. I thought Leavers couldn’t abide such snowflake behaviour of taking offence at the slightest thing?
Meh, It hasn’t got me riled up, I’m not particularly bothered by the comments to be truthful. All it’s done is make negotiations even harder & push us closer to a No Deal. I’d have thought the remain side would be more annoyed than the leavers tbh.
Fourth, May is clearly setting up a scenario where she’s trying to blame the EU and make them seem unreasonable. Why the surprise when the EU defends itself by highlighting how underprepared the UK was and how this is self-inflicted? Pointing out that it is the UK not the EU that got the UK into this mess is hardly unreasonable and it is helpful when deciding what pundits to listen to when deciding what to do next: those who foresaw these issues or those caught out by them?
That was the plan from the very beginning. She knew she wouldn’t be able to appease the country, so had to make the EU look like the bad guys. That way, her & her party could shift blame away from themselves, whenever they needed to. It’s the very reason why she shouldn’t have been elected into that role, in the first place. And.....
Finally, his comments on Corbyn have largely been ignored and there’s no outrage about his comments on the Leader of the Opposition’s (lack of) leadership on this issue.
..... Following on from that, Corbyn can take his fair share of the blame aswell. The proverbial wolf in sheeps clothing. He wants out of the EU, and always has done. I’d even go as far as saying, it wouldn’t surprise me if he would be happy to leave with No Deal. All he’s done, is given the Tories the rope they need, and sat back and watched as they’ve hung themselves.
Anyway, You make some good points. I don’t agree with them all, but at least they’re thought provoking.
I feel like we’ve digressed. This type of petty jibing - from either side - doesn’t actually help the negotiations progress. And aside from whataboutary, I can’t see any feasible argument otherwise.