Raab's resignation is an absolute bombshell. It was actually creeping into my thoughts, following May's statement last night that, against all odds, she may even carry this through parliament. I could see the criticisms fading away in the harsh reality of the alternative to refusing the deal...............not any more.
Ironically, the package is so bad that Labour Brexiters will find it easier to vote against it, destroying the Tories hope that they would pick up support from the opposition benches. There certainly appear largely sufficient numbers of Tory Brexiters (now emboldened by Raab's action), to vote against the deal, not matter what the consequences.
We could really be heading for uncharted waters here, with everything plunged into chaos. There appear to three possibilities.
Firstly, Corbyn's dream of a General Election. Turkey's don't generally vote for Christmas.............but if there was a successful vote of no confidence, could it happen??? Honestly I don't see this healing a deeply divided nation and we could yet again end up with an indecisive result. Starmer had some problems this morning providing reasons to vote against the deal, when it was agreeing to the Customs union they supported.
Secondly, there are those who believe that deposing May will be the solution.........it won't. Their logic must be that her replacement would be an arch Brexiter who would push for and achieve a hard Brexit. Surely that's a delusion? Whereas there there may be a roughly equal division between Remainers and Brexiters in parliament, those favouring a 'hard Brexit' don't amount to much more than a hundred. There's surely no way the rest would sit back and let it happen.
Thirdly, in my view the most likely, we'll be obliged to go back to the country with another referendum, with the stark choices confronting us it must be the people who decide. This morning the odds of another referendum must have shortened considerably.
I don't believe for a minute, this deal is what people voted for back in 2016........if it is, then it should be confirmed. This deal clearly rubbishes all that May has always claimed. It's NOT a good deal, it's just the best deal it was possible to get. Having seen the way the exit arrangement has turned out no one should have any illusions about our final trade deal. Quite simply, if we remain outside the single market and customs union, it won't be good and it won't be frictionless...............no matter what May will claim to the contrary.
The mess has just got a bloody damn sight messier.