I remember the 1975 referendum well thanks.I voted in it.
I also remember Quadrohenia well.I used to know quite a few mods.I never knew one who drove himself off a cliff though. Great movie though,despite the ending.
In answer to your question refenda are profoundly undemocratic in themselves.That's why they're were so popular with dictators like Hitler etc.They are not a good way of solving complex issues. As you know the only reason Cameron agreed to hold a referendum in the first place was because, smug git that he was,he thought he'd win it. and unite the Tory party behind him in doing so.That worked well didn't it?
The 3016 referendum had a clear result.The reasons for the narrow leave majority were various and complex.But it would be profoundly undemocratic not to respect that majority by holding yet another referendum now..That why both the Tories and Labour were in favour of leave in their 2017 election manifestos.That's why we're in the mess we're in now,I'm afraid having another referendum won't undo the current mess ,it would just give the message to the electorate that they made the wrong decision in 2016.Which they did.

They should never have been asked to decide in the first place, unless the government of the day was prepared to accept their verdict. Since the UK is a representative democracy, I'd suggest it's better to to let the UK's elected representatives themselves try and get us out of the mess which has been created.Mainly by the Tory government but also by the British people themselves.