Meanwhile Trump threatens a no deal and at the last minute Canada and Mexico fold and give the US a better deal, which will create more jobs in the US.
Forget what you think of Trump but it proves we need a Business man/ woman rather than career lame ducks from Westminster.
Meanwhile Trump threatens a no deal and at the last minute Canada and Mexico fold and give the US a better deal, which will create more jobs in the US.
Forget what you think of Trump but it proves we need a Business man/ woman rather than career lame ducks from Westminster.
Do you think we are more Canada or USA?
Ok but doesn't the US hold the better hand in this?
The EU doesn't stand to suffer the same extent of pain as we do if no deal is the final outcome, so surely any businessman/woman would know that.
so simplistic. How many trade deals will we have to renegotiate? Every single EU deal that we were part of will have to be negotiated and agreed again, the EU just have to renegotiate with us, we have to do it with the whole world. How long will that take? how much will we lose in the time it takes? How many businesses will go under whilst waiting? If we are under pressure to get deals done quickly, do you think we will get good deals?We spend £300b with the EU. They spend £200b with GB.....Any one in Business knows The UK have the best hand.
Hmm... MP who has put on record their intention to campaign to remain in the EU issues dire Brexit warning shocker... (check the section below Cabinet Ministers and lo and behold Claire Perry is listed):
In my opinion, and this may only be me, I prefer to consume news from a range of sources and make my opinions - usually discounting the more extreme statements from all sides of any debate. When someone does issue a statement, a couple of minutes DD can quickly throw light on whatever perspective they are coming from and may lead to their views being set in a more balanced context.
Oh, thank goodness for that!............nothing to worry about then.We spend £300b with the EU. They spend £200b with GB.....Any one in Business knows The Uk have the best hand.
We spend £300b with the EU. They spend £200b with GB.....Any one in Business knows The Uk have the best hand.
How much does the US spend in Mexico?
How much does Mexico spend in the US?
Meanwhile Trump threatens a no deal and at the last minute Canada and Mexico fold and give the US a better deal, which will create more jobs in the US.
Forget what you think of Trump but it proves we need a Business man/ woman rather than career lame ducks from Westminster.
Let’s spend it on the NHS instead!We spend £300b with the EU. They spend £200b with GB.....
Let’s spend it on the NHS instead!
so simplistic. How many trade deals will we have to renegotiate? Every single EU deal that we were part of will have to be negotiated and agreed again, the EU just have to renegotiate with us, we have to do it with the whole world. How long will that take? how much will we lose in the time it takes? How many businesses will go under whilst waiting? If we are under pressure to get deals done quickly, do you think we will get good deals?
Amigo, ¿estás tratando de pisar nuestras empresas legítimas
Surely what IS important here, is that this is one of a multiplicity of views being expressed by a government which is still bickering amongst themselves as to their approach to Brexit. GOD! we are weeks away from the deadline for the end of negotiations and this incompetent shambles of a government can't even agree a point of view. It honestly beggars belief, no wonder the EU is exasperated and not prepared to give the UK any further time to waste, continuing to argue amongst itself.
Or, perhaps more precisely, the negotiations over the past two years have primarily been to keep the Conservative Party in one piece. How many times has she been told by the EU that her plan won't work? Yet she carries on regardless............maybe because other options are far worse to contemplate. Anyway, thank goodness, we are coming towards the end game and I think the s**t is about to hit the fan. I'm relieved that there appears to be a decreasing appetite to achieve some kind of fudge which would just delay the decision on vital issues.........quite honestly, I think Europe have had enough of a dialogue with the deaf. Now, not only are the the EU, Tory remainers & Brexiters opposed to Chequers but the DUP is saying that they will accept no compromise on their position. Are we heading for a constitutional crisis???The mess has happened because the leader insists on a Chequers deal that is absolute nonsense. Hardly anyone believes in it. The EU doesn't like it. We don't like it. The bumbling Prime Minister likes it, and sod everyone else.