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Brexit negotiations thread

Post 2271 is where you Lordy mentioned the ‘left wing’ arguement for leaving. I was teminding you that JC was one of those you mentioned.

In fact there’s some good stuff on YouTube of JC, back in the day and in between attending IRA funerals. Where he clearly explains why the EU is such a bad thing for us the ‘workers’.....something you should be proud of?

"Left argument" is in fact an SWP / SP policy line that they used to vote against the EU in the referendum. As it happens, most now recognise they got it wrong and that far from bringing down capitalism, it will have the opposite effect. Absolutely nothing to do with Jeremy Corbyn, which is one of the reasons why I didn't need to mention him.

Whilst I am happy to clarify that, I should tell you that I wont be responding to you in this part of the board. You've wasted enough of my time with your drivel.
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So, you've now seen the Technical Notices released by UKG today which set out the preparations business and society are going to need to make ahead of a Day One No Deal.

If you want a read, here they are:-

I've not read them all, but the international trade one didn't contain anything I wasn't expecting.

Does anyone still think "no deal is better than a bad deal"?
So, you've now seen the Technical Notices released by UKG today which set out the preparations business and society are going to need to make ahead of a Day One No Deal.

If you want a read, here they are:-

I've not read them all, but the international trade one didn't contain anything I wasn't expecting.

Does anyone still think "no deal is better than a bad deal"?
I'm still expecting Brexit won't happen. The government are too incompetent to negotiate a workable deal and only a small hardcore of MPs would allow a no deal situation, I'm expecting a panic last minute extension of A50 and it to crumble soon after.
PMSL.. I've heard it all now!!.........Talk about Project Fear,....:Smile:

Apparently we wont have any BLT sandwiches anymore, and we might even run out of sperm!!....Yes you heard it right, we might run out of Sperm!!



On the plus side, it might solve our housing crisis if it's a no deal..... :Winking:

....But Jeez Christ guys, take some for the nation.... After all we don't want all these American and Danish sperm coming over here and stealing our jobs!! :Hilarious:......

Mind you if the government can cut a good deal with the Danes regarding sperm imports, I reckon we should be in for a good price of their bacon exports...
So fear not SZoners...., I have single handedly solved the whole BLT issue!! :Clap:
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PMSL.. I've heard it all now!!.........Talk about Project Fear,....:Smile:

Apparently we wont have any BLT sandwiches anymore, and we might even run out of sperm!!....Yes you heard it right, we might run out of Sperm!!



On the plus side, it might solve our housing crisis if it's a no deal..... :Winking:

....But Jeez Christ guys, take some for the nation.... After all we don't want all these American and Danish sperm coming over here and stealing our jobs!! :Hilarious:......

Mind you if the government can cut a good deal with the Danes regarding sperm imports, I reckon we should be in for a good price of their bacon exports...
So fear not SZoners...., I have single handedly solved the whole BLT issue!! :Clap:

**Looks at the mayo in my bacon sarnie with suspision**
I'm still expecting Brexit won't happen. The government are too incompetent to negotiate a workable deal and only a small hardcore of MPs would allow a no deal situation, I'm expecting a panic last minute extension of A50 and it to crumble soon after.

The lack of any substance around Northern Ireland is a worry.

Who knows what will happen in the early spring. The government has punted all the difficult decisions and messages down the line. But they can't do that for much longer because things are going to have to move sharply in the next two months.

Once we get to October we are going to have to start to deliver this in real, tangible terms. Example, AEO* authorisation takes 120 days, that means to operate with that status on 30 March you need to have made your application on 30 November - and a business would need at least a month to get to that stage.

*Authorised Economic Operator = allows a trader special facilitations at borders. Best described as "trusted trader". Currently not needed if you only trade within the EU, will be when UK is a third country.
"Left argument" is in fact an SWP / SP policy line that they used to vote against the EU in the referendum. As it happens, most now recognise they got it wrong and that far from bringing down capitalism, it will have the opposite effect. Absolutely nothing to do with Jeremy Corbyn, which is one of the reasons why I didn't need to mention him.

Whilst I am happy to clarify that, I should tell you that I wont be responding to you in this part of the board. You've wasted enough of my time with your drivel.

I’m glad you removed the rest of your post.....didn’t do you any favours.
If we could stick to commenting on the topic, rather than each other, that would be most helpful.

It’s not as if there isn’t anything to discuss!
PMSL.. I've heard it all now!!.........Talk about Project Fear,....:Smile:

Apparently we wont have any BLT sandwiches anymore, and we might even run out of sperm!!....Yes you heard it right, we might run out of Sperm!!



On the plus side, it might solve our housing crisis if it's a no deal..... :Winking:

....But Jeez Christ guys, take some for the nation.... After all we don't want all these American and Danish sperm coming over here and stealing our jobs!! :Hilarious:......

Mind you if the government can cut a good deal with the Danes regarding sperm imports, I reckon we should be in for a good price of their bacon exports...
So fear not SZoners...., I have single handedly solved the whole BLT issue!! :Clap:
the government have said they will stockpile 6 weeks worth of medicines and a pile of ****
PMSL.. I've heard it all now!!.........Talk about Project Fear,....:Smile:

Apparently we wont have any BLT sandwiches anymore, and we might even run out of sperm!!....Yes you heard it right, we might run out of Sperm!!



On the plus side, it might solve our housing crisis if it's a no deal..... :Winking:

....But Jeez Christ guys, take some for the nation.... After all we don't want all these American and Danish sperm coming over here and stealing our jobs!! :Hilarious:......

Mind you if the government can cut a good deal with the Danes regarding sperm imports, I reckon we should be in for a good price of their bacon exports...
So fear not SZoners...., I have single handedly solved the whole BLT issue!! :Clap:

Well done, but you didn't need to.

No one has ever said you wont get BLT sandwiches. You can still import all the bacon, lettuce and tomatos you like. After Brexit we will still be able to import exactly what we like, as long its legal, from the EU. So I am not sure why this stories has got legs, I am not sure why the Minister chose to reference it.

The problem with BLT sandwiches will be that costs of getting stuff into the UK will go up and there is a chance that it will take longer to get off the boat and into the factory which may effect quality. The costs will be both tax related and administrative burdens. That will be a overhead that isn't currently there, and that is likely to be passed onto us, the customer.

By deflecting the actual risk to a non-sensical story is pretty poor journalism from the Telegraph and I am not surprised that people are sneering. Frankly its what we expect in this quite crazy period. The pro Remain press is equally as bad.... I've been raging on Facebook at some of the memes I've seen which quite clearly spell out a made up Dystopian future.

Oh, and Danish sperm..... I'm quite well versed in a lot of this stuff, but I'd never heard of this one before!!??
A bit of interesting news considering May was prepared to shorten her holiday to meet up with Macron in an effort to persuade him to be more accepting of her 'Chequers deal.' A big NON!


The piece in there about May being unable to compromise further on the package should make for an interesting next few months as Brexit negotiations stagger towards...........................???
Surprised that things have gone very quiet on here during a week when, in my view, there has been a fair bit happening. The clock seems to be ticking down ever louder but as I am often assured by both Callan and Lord Football, these things can often go to the wire, with some kind of agreement snatched out of the fire at the last moment...........or even later than the last moment!
Everyone has indeed been effusing about their desire for a deal, Raab telling us it is getting ever closer, Barnier assuring us that we will get a deal like no other for a 'third country' and Macron wishing to keep us close by what appears to be some kind of restructuring of the EU. The pound even recovered with all the positiveness being displayed from both sides.
Then is it just me who is being over pessimistic? Am I reading too much in between the lines? For me, nothing much has changed, neither side appears to be singing from the same song sheet. Both sides are showing optimism but both sides are, behind the talk, maintaining their strict red lines which appear, even with the best will in the world, unbridgeable. Indeed, are we seeing a jockeying for positions in avoiding blame for an eventual breakdown? The EU stating that we offered the UK an exceptional deal (nothing like the one the UK wished for) as a 'third country'...........and they turned it down Whilst the Uk can claim they (or rather the Conservative Party) has bent over backwards in order to offer the (unacceptable) Chequers deal and the EU has refused it.
Surprised that things have gone very quiet on here during a week when, in my view, there has been a fair bit happening. The clock seems to be ticking down ever louder but as I am often assured by both Callan and Lord Football, these things can often go to the wire, with some kind of agreement snatched out of the fire at the last moment...........or even later than the last moment!
Everyone has indeed been effusing about their desire for a deal, Raab telling us it is getting ever closer, Barnier assuring us that we will get a deal like no other for a 'third country' and Macron wishing to keep us close by what appears to be some kind of restructuring of the EU. The pound even recovered with all the positiveness being displayed from both sides.
Then is it just me who is being over pessimistic? Am I reading too much in between the lines? For me, nothing much has changed, neither side appears to be singing from the same song sheet. Both sides are showing optimism but both sides are, behind the talk, maintaining their strict red lines which appear, even with the best will in the world, unbridgeable. Indeed, are we seeing a jockeying for positions in avoiding blame for an eventual breakdown? The EU stating that we offered the UK an exceptional deal (nothing like the one the UK wished for) as a 'third country'...........and they turned it down Whilst the Uk can claim they (or rather the Conservative Party) has bent over backwards in order to offer the (unacceptable) Chequers deal and the EU has refused it.

I am still of the opinion that the Irish, Dutch and French will have as significant difficulties as we will, and it is very much in their interest that at the very least we will be offered a Tranisitional Deal. Whether we take it or not is another matter.

I would also not be surprised if there were a series of mini deals based around our areas of common agreement.

The big killer is Northern Ireland. Whatever solution is put in place will have knock on effects elsewhere.

Because we are in Parliamentary recess (and the same applies for Commission which pretty much closes down in August) there isn't much movement at the moment. I think a lot depends on how the PM handles both wings of her party, and I doubt the political impasse will end until the Tory Conference in October. If Johnson / Rees-Mogg and co are going to flex their muscles, that will be their last chance if they want to steer Brexit in their direction.

What is absolutely clear, whoever came up with "no deal is better than a bad deal" was talking out of their rear end.
Another brilliant piece of non-speak by May in this morning's Telegraph. Under the bold headline of 'I won't surrender to Brussels' which meant to say, she will not be forced into watering down her Brexit plan during negotiations with the EU. Well, that's clear enough isn't it? However she then adds............she will "not be pushed" into compromises on her Chequers agreement that are not in the "national interest" Which I suppose means, she could agree to nearly anything then!
I won't even go into how she sees a second referendum as a "gross betrayal of our democracy and... trust" If seeing the unity of the Tory Party cracking under the strain at such a critical time causes concern, don't for heaven's sake look on the other side. By all accounts, this week could prove critical for the unity of the Labour Party. You can't say british politics are dull at the moment.....................but my God, what a mess!
Looks as if the gloves are coming off.


Don't get the feeling that the 'best ever deal on offer for a third country,' Barnier talked about last week, is going to be anywhere near what May (and certainly her party) would consider adequate. The fear is, that she is being pushed into a corner (entirely of her and her party's own making) with virtually no room to get out. Even if there were a series of mini deals based on areas of common agreement, isn't this just delaying the inevitable? Don't even think she's got the gravitas to carry such an arrangement through in her party. Barnier's latest words are bound to be seized upon by the hard Brexiter's......for them, it's just like a red rag to a bull. Perhaps he, as well, is losing patience with the UK and is fed up with pussy footing around? The gap seems enormous and we're running out of time. Totally depressing and worrying. God knows what's going to happen. If you've got some pounds, perhaps it'll be an idea to sell them first thing in the morning
School holidays are over tomorrow. No doubt proud parents of MPs will be flooding facebook with pictures of their little darlings in their shiney new suits and dresses all ready for the new term. it wont be long before they're standing up and shouting abuse at each and fighting with each other.

Regardless of where we sit on this subject, the country is broken and divided, and I really can't see it being healed for a generation.
School holidays are over tomorrow. No doubt proud parents of MPs will be flooding facebook with pictures of their little darlings in their shiney new suits and dresses all ready for the new term. it wont be long before they're standing up and shouting abuse at each and fighting with each other.

Regardless of where we sit on this subject, the country is broken and divided, and I really can't see it being healed for a generation.

Indeed. I can see a bit of civil unrest on the cards despite which way Brexit turns out, especially if things start to run out.