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Back in High Court Wednesday - What will be the outcome?

Back in High Court Wednesday - What will be the outcome?

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Assuming the adjournment is exactly six weeks. We will return to the Rolls Building on Weds 26th June.

If the sale hasn't gone through by then, we are in big trouble not just with creditors, but the league I would assume. Who might be getting itchy trigger fingers again...
OK southend council its over to you the ball is now in your court Stop dilly dalling and come up with some answers .
Unfortunately I think we will be back in court again in 6 weeks. The council just seems to be dragging it’s heels and the 🐀 is coming up short of the necessary paperwork.
Right it's now down to the council to call a full council meeting And get the mess they have created by agreeing to back the club Then just like them change there minds and leave the club in the doldrums.
No it isn’t.

As has been patiently explained on a number of occasions the last meeting delegated it to officers so a further meeting won’t be required.

The reason it can’t be agreed yet is because the council were still waiting for documents from Ron Martin. It’s possible that those have since been provided since the last update but I wouldn’t be holding my breath.

Even if the Council agree it still needs approval from CBRE who are dragging their feet (possibly as they are also awaiting documents).
Stewart’s Law sounds like one of those populist laws that come into being after something horrible happens to the person in question.

I am hoping there won’t be a Mad Cyril’s law or even worse Mad Cyril’s disease.
I think Stewart's Law sounds like a TV drama.
I think Stewart's Law sounds like a TV drama.
AI has you

Title: Stewart's Law


Episode 1: "The Deal Breaker"
In Southend-on-Sea, Stewart & Associates, a struggling law firm, takes on a new client, Ron Martin, chairman of the local football club. They negotiate a deal to represent Martin in various legal battles, but when Martin fails to pay his fees, Stewart discovers his involvement in corrupt practices.

Episode 2: "Uncovering the Scheme"Stewart's team digs deeper into Martin's financial affairs, uncovering a complex web of corruption involving offshore accounts and illicit transfers. As they gather evidence, they realize they're up against powerful adversaries determined to protect Martin's secrets.

Episode 3: "The Whistleblower"A whistleblower emerges, providing crucial information that could bring down Martin and his corrupt network. Stewart and his team must protect the whistleblower while leveraging the evidence to build a case against Martin.

Episode 4: "Legal Maneuvers"Under pressure from Martin's allies, Stewart employs creative legal tactics to keep the case afloat. With the help of his team, he navigates courtroom battles and bureaucratic hurdles in pursuit of justice.

Episode 5: "The Double Cross"Stewart discovers a betrayal within his own firm as a colleague is revealed to be secretly working for Martin. This revelation puts the entire case in jeopardy.

Episode 6: "Race Against Time"With time running out, Stewart races to gather irrefutable evidence against Martin before the statute of limitations expires. Tensions rise, alliances are tested, and loyalties are questioned.

Episode 7: "The Showdown"Stewart and Martin face off in a dramatic courtroom showdown. Stewart delivers a compelling case that exposes Martin's corruption and secures justice for his clients.

Episode 8: "Aftermath"With Martin behind bars, Stewart & Associates deal with the fallout of their victory. They attract new clients eager for justice in the wake of Martin's downfall and prepare for new challenges.

Episode 9: "New Beginnings"Stewart and his team embark on a new chapter, committed to upholding justice, integrity, and fairness in their work.

Episode 10: "The Legacy"Reflecting on their journey, Stewart and his team reaffirm their commitment to fighting corruption and upholding the principles of justice.
AI has you

Title: Stewart's Law


Episode 1: "The Deal Breaker"
In Southend-on-Sea, Stewart & Associates, a struggling law firm, takes on a new client, Ron Martin, chairman of the local football club. They negotiate a deal to represent Martin in various legal battles, but when Martin fails to pay his fees, Stewart discovers his involvement in corrupt practices.

Episode 2: "Uncovering the Scheme"Stewart's team digs deeper into Martin's financial affairs, uncovering a complex web of corruption involving offshore accounts and illicit transfers. As they gather evidence, they realize they're up against powerful adversaries determined to protect Martin's secrets.

Episode 3: "The Whistleblower"A whistleblower emerges, providing crucial information that could bring down Martin and his corrupt network. Stewart and his team must protect the whistleblower while leveraging the evidence to build a case against Martin.

Episode 4: "Legal Maneuvers"Under pressure from Martin's allies, Stewart employs creative legal tactics to keep the case afloat. With the help of his team, he navigates courtroom battles and bureaucratic hurdles in pursuit of justice.

Episode 5: "The Double Cross"Stewart discovers a betrayal within his own firm as a colleague is revealed to be secretly working for Martin. This revelation puts the entire case in jeopardy.

Episode 6: "Race Against Time"With time running out, Stewart races to gather irrefutable evidence against Martin before the statute of limitations expires. Tensions rise, alliances are tested, and loyalties are questioned.

Episode 7: "The Showdown"Stewart and Martin face off in a dramatic courtroom showdown. Stewart delivers a compelling case that exposes Martin's corruption and secures justice for his clients.

Episode 8: "Aftermath"With Martin behind bars, Stewart & Associates deal with the fallout of their victory. They attract new clients eager for justice in the wake of Martin's downfall and prepare for new challenges.

Episode 9: "New Beginnings"Stewart and his team embark on a new chapter, committed to upholding justice, integrity, and fairness in their work.

Episode 10: "The Legacy"Reflecting on their journey, Stewart and his team reaffirm their commitment to fighting corruption and upholding the principles of justice.
Just how much time do you have on your hands these days?
Episode 8: "Aftermath" With Martin behind bars, Stewart & Associates deal with the fallout of their victory. They attract new clients eager for justice in the wake of Martin's downfall and prepare for new challenges.
This would be enough to make the series compulsory viewing.