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And now for a bit of truth!

Sad but true.

If having watched many years of dross, poor managers, teams & boards, then I am happy to recognise what have had over the past 4 years is vastly superior to anything I've seen at this club since the early 90's.

If that is viewing through rose tinted specs then I am guilty as charged.
I agree

I just found it amusing that when criticising the team Wiggy neglected to mention Daryl, again

Darryl for what, keeping us in it last week or this? Contrary to popular belief i criticise him when neccessary, tonight what could he do?
If having watched many years of dross, poor managers, teams & boards, then I am happy to recognise what have had over the past 4 years is vastly superior to anything I've seen at this club since the early 90's.

If that is viewing through rose tinted specs then I am guilty as charged.

Exactly, you are very easily pleased!
If having watched many years of dross, poor managers, teams & boards, then I am happy to recognise what have had over the past 4 years is vastly superior to anything I've seen at this club since the early 90's.

If that is viewing through rose tinted specs then I am guilty as charged.

You love it dont you canvey?
I have also watched many years of dross. No doubt in your company. I dont dispute that the standard has been raised over the past years. However, In my opinion, We have reached a plateau, somehere in the middle of the 3rd division. Its great that we reached the play offs....but it's not so great that we got thrashed tonight. I dont pretend to have any answers. But someone must be responsible? It's not me, its not you.....so who is going to take the blame for tonight?
You love it dont you canvey?
I have also watched many years of dross. No doubt in your company. I dont dispute that the standard has been raised over the past years. However, In my opinion, We have reached a plateau, somehere in the middle of the 3rd division. Its great that we reached the play offs....but it's not so great that we got thrashed tonight. I dont pretend to have any answers. But someone must be responsible? It's not me, its not you.....so who is going to take the blame for tonight?
