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Breaking News Alan McCormack Signs

That's the problem. According to my Cobblers-supporting mates, he can't manage more than 60.
If we get enough experienced crocks in we can sub them every 30 mins and still always have two experienced pro on the pitch - sounds like a plan ?
Back 4
Demi white Lennon ralph(I prefer clifford)
With macca and dieng in the centre of the park with Akinola(excuse mis spelling) up top looks a far better team. Then a sprinkling of kelman and co instead of children against men.

Hopefully we sign another centre back as there is no way Lennon and White play week in week out.
My friends told me about Macca in January. They liked him but said he didn't have the legs to play the full 90 so needed resting. Hence his relative lack of appearances.
I get the feeling this won't happen and is something leaked by the club to boost the morale of the fans after today's hearing.

No source, just a feeling.

I'll second that. Sounds to me like a story / signing that's been fed to CP to boost morale of the supporters. How can we sign anyone, anyway. Ermmm...umbongo ?
IF he's fit enough to play at least 2/3 of the games then I'd say yes.
In terms of mentality, attitude and experience he's just what we need, but I'd be concerned about his fitness and injury proneness.
However, surely there must be some players somewhere in the middle between age 20 and 36 that we could sign?
Or are we just trying to get the average age stat up in one fell swoop?
Mixed feelings. On the one hand he's 36 and didn't play week in week out 90 minutes a game for Northampton last year. We need people who can play every game, especially as we're already having to manage JD.

However, the guy has tons of experience, has just got promoted out of this league, and has more steel in one foot than most of our current players have.

The centre of our midfield would certainly look like a far more imperious unit with him there.
He played in the playoffs for Northampton?
My friends told me about Macca in January. They liked him but said he didn't have the legs to play the full 90 so needed resting. Hence his relative lack of appearances.
Thats fine, just bring him on for 20 minutes a game to give everyone a kick up the ***.
Isn’t this what everyone also then moans about?
Signing ex players and older journeymen players on for more than there fair share of £
I do hope that MM has expressed interest in signing him and it is not a Ron Martin decision, that would be disastrous if he is meddling.

That is my big fear. That Chairman is seeking to boost his popularity with disgruntled fans by insisting that MM sign McCormack. It may be of course that MM believes McCormack could do a good short-term job for Southend.