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2017 General Election thread

What is the definition of a troll? Anyone who doesn't think that anybody to the right of Comrade Corbyn is literally Hitler?
to explain it to you I would just need to copy and paste all of your posts and the write 'see?' at the end. You know exactly what you are doing. It'd be easier to show you some respect if you just announced that you like trolling and that is what you are here for. There are plenty of right wingers on here who can have a decent debate. Sorry to be so blatant but you add nothing of any value.
I see you've retracted your racist text. Ooh, so big and brave.

Cries racist and accuses a Jew of using anti semite(if he is Rusty) text- check
Tells someone they have no input because they live abroad but happily accepts thus from a troll in Spain. - check.
Uses maybe, probably and I'd imagine as fact - check.
Cries racist and accuses a Jew of using anti semite(if he is Rusty) text- check
Tells someone they have no input because they live abroad but happily accepts thus from a troll in Spain. - check.
Uses maybe, probably and I'd imagine as fact - check.

I didn't ban him so he obviously crossed the line. He's not rusty, on occasions there was wit and intelligence behind the bile and hate.
The guy lives in Poland and not in the UK so really can't comment on this country no better than I can on Poland. Check.

The guy lives in Leigh and before that, if I'm not mistaken, Benfleet, so I'd say that gives him every right to make comment on living here and in Poland. You really need to work on that thinly vailed racism.

Just play safe and blame the tories.
That fishing rod getting a bit old now Benfleet.

Who's fishing? You dismissed his comments and said he couldn't contribute as he lives in Poland. He lives in Leigh, before that Benfleet and at some point in his past, Poland. He has every right to make a contribution and I for one would love to hear what it was like to live under communist rule.

I notice that comments like you made above don't appear to apply to 'he who must be ignored' in sunny Spain, I wonder why.
I see the 'socialist worker' rent-a-mob are having another meaningless anti-democratic protest in London today. Because that's what the Met Police need after three terror attacks and a huge fire in the space of a few months. :facepalm:
I see the 'socialist worker' rent-a-mob are having another meaningless anti-democratic protest in London today. Because that's what the Met Police need after three terror attacks and a huge fire in the space of a few months. :facepalm:

What is anti-democratic about a protest?

What the police need is adequate funding and resources so that they can do their jobs effectively, which is increasingly challenging in the light of recent events.
I see the 'socialist worker' rent-a-mob are having another meaningless anti-democratic protest in London today. Because that's what the Met Police need after three terror attacks and a huge fire in the space of a few months. :facepalm:
Do we not have enough police to deal with legitimate protest? Who cut their numbers to that extent?

There is nothing legitimate about having a Queens Speech that looks nothing like the manifesto, cancelling next year's and doing so before finalising the deal that will prop up a minority government, if people want to protest about that shoddy version of democracy then more power to them, you should be pleased that people actually care, engagement and involvement in politics should be encouraged.

I'm not aware of any violence at any of the protests since the election despite some people talking that up. As long as this one too is noisy and peaceful then I'm very happy that people actively have their say.
What is anti-democratic about a protest?

What the police need is adequate funding and resources so that they can do their jobs effectively, which is increasingly challenging in the light of recent events.

Water cannon, plastic bullets and tear gas gets my vote. Then we could police these events with just half the amount we do now.
Do we not have enough police to deal with legitimate protest? Who cut their numbers to that extent?

There is nothing legitimate about having a Queens Speech that looks nothing like the manifesto, cancelling next year's and doing so before finalising the deal that will prop up a minority government, if people want to protest about that shoddy version of democracy then more power to them, you should be pleased that people actually care, engagement and involvement in politics should be encouraged.

I'm not aware of any violence at any of the protests since the election despite some people talking that up. As long as this one too is noisy and peaceful then I'm very happy that people actively have their say.

Are you with John Mcdonnell, who suggested this morning that the Tories should stand aside and let Labour form a government?

Here's the quote

[The Conservatives] haven’t got an overall majority. So, yes, they have got the right to bring forward their own programme, but I don’t believe, actually, that they are legitimate in the sense that they have got a mandate that they asked for.

We are now in a situation where I don’t think they have got the right to govern. However, they are now bringing forward their programme. We’ll seek to amend it. I think there is such disarray now, in the interest of the country, they should stand down and give Labour the opportunity of forming a minority government.

They have actually junked the manifesto on which they fought the election, so they have now got no manifesto.
Are you with John Mcdonnell, who suggested this morning that the Tories should stand aside and let Labour form a government?

Here's the quote

[The Conservatives] haven’t got an overall majority. So, yes, they have got the right to bring forward their own programme, but I don’t believe, actually, that they are legitimate in the sense that they have got a mandate that they asked for.

We are now in a situation where I don’t think they have got the right to govern. However, they are now bringing forward their programme. We’ll seek to amend it. I think there is such disarray now, in the interest of the country, they should stand down and give Labour the opportunity of forming a minority government.

They have actually junked the manifesto on which they fought the election, so they have now got no manifesto.
new election IMO, the Tories are a minority government not implementing the manifesto the presented to the public. They should stand again on a new manifesto.
new election IMO, the Tories are a minority government not implementing the manifesto the presented to the public. They should stand again on a new manifesto.

Reading through the highlights of the Queens speech, it would appear that May and the Tories Manifesto has all but disappeared.

Considering some of the nonsense that was in it, that isn't such a bad thing.

If these were ordinary times then I would automatically agree that another election should be called, but they aren't especially as article 50 has now been invoked.

In short it's a **** sandwich.