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2017 General Election thread

Nah, you didn't read my second post. They did however deserve a clear majority based on their manifesto, and on stuff like "how the economy works".
What exactly appeals to you in the Tory manifesto? General consensus was that the Tory manifesto was a collection of half thought out ideas that needed green papers to actually see if they were workable, and things they u-turned on. What did you find in there that deserves a majority?
he has now been made Theresa May's Chief of Staff. Rewarding failure seems to be back in vogue.

I respect what you say A.S.S but Corbyn could not get even close to a majority against possibly the worst campaign in history. Now the Labour party can dress it up all they like but guess what they lost and by a fair margin. A better campaign for the Tories and in all honesty it couldn't have been worse, would have seen them below possibly 200 seats. And even now they would still be reliant on SNP ( That would go down well with the English Voters), Greens, Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and Sinn fein and they still wouldn't have enough votes to get through the Queen's speech, though we all know Sinn Fein won't do that anyway. As I said previously this is actually a worse vote than Gordon Brown achieved in 2010 but dress it up how you will if it makes feel good.
Actually going to change the conversation slightly in regards to leadership and parties etc. Now obviously there is a debate going on to whether Theresa May should continue or not and one of the people put forward is Ruth Davidson. Now I think she as Scottish party leader achieved the biggest swing of the night and has been put forward as a contender to lead the Tories and the country. Now the elephant in the room is this, though she is not a career politician in any shape or form, she is also not an MP. She is an MSP (Member of the Scottish parliament) like Nicola Sturgeon who is also party leader. I think and I am sure the Labour supporting people will put me right on this but David Milliband was talked about being the next leader of Labour last year?
Now as I said the one thing they all have in common is that they are not MP's. I have always believed that your MP is meant to be someone who represents your constituency, but surely if you are PM or shadow PM or even a cabinet minister surely you are unable to do that. So I am putting it out there to find people's views on this.
Yeah, free stuff is great isn't it.

If you amended the Labour manifesto to reflect the fact that companies, like McD's, who've relocated here because of low CT, will transfer income related to IP to jurisdictions like Luxembourg (which exempts 75% of IP income from CT), and in turn will not raise anywhere near the tax revenues projected - then you'll see that it will have to be paid for in some other way. As will the minimum wage. Etc.

Private sector employees will be worked much harder, with less staff to save costs, especially as their businesses' owner has higher tax themselves. But it's OK, because the public sector will be just fine. And there are robots who can take those jobs, coming real soon...

I accept the public sector are a large chunk of the electorate - and get why they voted for themselves. For everyone else, moderation is perhaps a more sensible route. To fix the national debt, we need to work on the structural deficit first. Giveaways and high tax in a globalised world isn't the way forwards - it's not the 1970's any more.

Ok, I get what you're saying now. Public sector workers should know their place and be grateful they have a job. As for moderation, public sector pay rises have been rocketing and inflation has soared as a result. I'm so glad they will be replaced by automation before too much longer.
As I said previously this is actually a worse vote than Gordon Brown achieved in 2010 but dress it up how you will if it makes feel good.

On a left-wing agenda, in what we are told is a country that doesn't want socialism. No, we didn't win but it's a huge start and shows that many British people want another (better) way.
See on the BBC news this morning that Corbyn is reported to be preparing to vote against the Queen's Speech :facepalm:
Ok, I get what you're saying now. Public sector workers should know their place and be grateful they have a job. As for moderation, public sector pay rises have been rocketing and inflation has soared as a result. I'm so glad they will be replaced by automation before too much longer.

If only, on all counts. Luckily for us all, we have the unions to protect every last job, whether needed or not.
Actually going to change the conversation slightly in regards to leadership and parties etc. Now obviously there is a debate going on to whether Theresa May should continue or not and one of the people put forward is Ruth Davidson. Now I think she as Scottish party leader achieved the biggest swing of the night and has been put forward as a contender to lead the Tories and the country. Now the elephant in the room is this, though she is not a career politician in any shape or form, she is also not an MP. She is an MSP (Member of the Scottish parliament) like Nicola Sturgeon who is also party leader. I think and I am sure the Labour supporting people will put me right on this but David Milliband was talked about being the next leader of Labour last year?
Now as I said the one thing they all have in common is that they are not MP's. I have always believed that your MP is meant to be someone who represents your constituency, but surely if you are PM or shadow PM or even a cabinet minister surely you are unable to do that. So I am putting it out there to find people's views on this.
I'm not sure if the Tories actually made this law or whether it was introduced as Parliamentary etiquette but certainly there is the concept that Scottish MPs are not allowed to vote on English laws. So to have Ruth Davidson as leader I think would have various logistical issues,
I respect what you say A.S.S but Corbyn could not get even close to a majority against possibly the worst campaign in history. Now the Labour party can dress it up all they like but guess what they lost and by a fair margin. A better campaign for the Tories and in all honesty it couldn't have been worse, would have seen them below possibly 200 seats. And even now they would still be reliant on SNP ( That would go down well with the English Voters), Greens, Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and Sinn fein and they still wouldn't have enough votes to get through the Queen's speech, though we all know Sinn Fein won't do that anyway. As I said previously this is actually a worse vote than Gordon Brown achieved in 2010 but dress it up how you will if it makes feel good.
it's not dressing it up - May did not need to call an election, she had a majority in Parliament - she chose to go to the country because Labour were on the ropes and she told she would take 5 years in charge with the opposition wiped out. In the space of 6 weeks Labour turned that around to take 40% of the vote, 30 extra MPs and forcing the Tories into a minority government. No one is saying Labour won, but we are saying we turned a corner sharply and sped off in the right direction at speed. Labour have momentum, today's polls put them at 45%, membership yesterday hit 800,000, people know how much ground was made up and we will keep doing more of the same.
May did not need to call an election, she had a majority in Parliament of the same.

I agree with the first part of that statement, and the 2nd still holds true. She missed out on a majority Government by 7 seats!

The tories are so ****ed

You know what I would do if I had any say? Stick someone in who is an experienced hand, someone who commands the respect of the party, and yes I do have someone in mind but I don't know if he would be prepared to do so.
I agree with the first part of that statement, and the 2nd still holds true. She missed out on a majority Government by 7 seats!

You know what I would do if I had any say? Stick someone in who is an experienced hand, someone who commands the respect of the party, and yes I do have someone in mind but I don't know if he would be prepared to do so.
13 less than she started with, and about 100 less than she expected

Abbott's illness means there is room to move personnel around a bit to accommodate Labour MPs who were a bit slow to recognise that the public were ready for change, but I doubt there will be wholesale changes as the current shadow cabinet has them to a 10% vote increase compared to those in place in 2015
You know what I would do if I had any say? Stick someone in who is an experienced hand, someone who commands the respect of the party, and yes I do have someone in mind but I don't know if he would be prepared to do so.
sorry you we're talking about a replacement for May (I was still thinking on Cooper) - does anyone fit that description?
I respect what you say A.S.S but Corbyn could not get even close to a majority against possibly the worst campaign in history. Now the Labour party can dress it up all they like but guess what they lost and by a fair margin. A better campaign for the Tories and in all honesty it couldn't have been worse, would have seen them below possibly 200 seats. And even now they would still be reliant on SNP ( That would go down well with the English Voters), Greens, Lib Dems, Plaid Cymru and Sinn fein and they still wouldn't have enough votes to get through the Queen's speech, though we all know Sinn Fein won't do that anyway. As I said previously this is actually a worse vote than Gordon Brown achieved in 2010 but dress it up how you will if it makes feel good.

It's worth pointing out that the Tories have now failed to win an overall majority in 2 out of the last 3 elections going back to 2010 and that Cameron's majority in 2015 was only 15 MP's.

The Tories are now reliant on the bigoted DUP if they are to remain in office.They can also thank Sinn Fein, who won't be taking up their 7 seats in the next parliament,thus increasing the Tories working majority.Not to mention Ruth Davidson who increaded the number of Scottish Tories from 1 to 13.

Labour will win the next general election, whenever it's called.
You know what I would do if I had any say? Stick someone in who is an experienced hand, someone who commands the respect of the party, and yes I do have someone in mind but I don't know if he would be prepared to do so.

sorry you we're talking about a replacement for May (I was still thinking on Cooper) - does anyone fit that description?

I bet it's this fine fellow.

gove 2.jpg