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Fcuk me, her standards are low SBH.... you're probably in with a chance....


He looks like a primate that's been smacked in the face with a cricket bat.

It's Kieron Dyer with the guts-ache.
Merde ! Hank La banque du sud a le sexe avec ma petite amie car je suis un singe laid!
Jamal DeBouzze is funny enough - my french isnt that great but when seeing a few of his dvd's at Mrs I_S' house in Paris thought he was ok. Apparently has a great rep. over there...

Anyone seen the film Amelie? Jamal is the one who works at the place that sells the fruit and veg etc. One of his arms doesn't work - so you know its him because its always in his pocket
**** me, her standards are low SBH.... you're probably in with a chance....


He looks like a primate that's been smacked in the face with a cricket bat.

A new French girl started up at my place of work tonight - and I got talking to her about the lovely Melissa Theuriau...next thing I crack a joke about Theuriau's husband (above), and the girl lept to his defence...She said most of the women over there fancy him, and thinks he's too good for Melissa!! Of course i scoffed at such a remark - and thought of bringing back MK's delightful quote above involving the cricket bat and his face :D