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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Positive noises last night. We've been there before, though. I'm hoping the positive noises hold and there is some good news by COP.

Hope for the best, expect the worst, and you'll never be unpleasantly surprised.
Let's sincerely hope so, although my mind instantly flashed to post #5,573
I asked slightly in jest - but is there no downside to appealing? Everyone would appeal if no downside.

Having read some of the rules I think it's reasonable to ask for the bond - size and timing who knows - but it's clear the rules say its at the leagues discretion. And the club shouldn't have been too surprised the request came either - someone at the club should know the rules inside out
Slightly in jest but it is a question worth asking. I don’t think there is any downside aat to appealing- and given the alternative no choice either.
Are we thinking today, Medway?
As long as they're talking and working to get it done ASAP, there is a chance that it could be today. That's all it is at the moment though - a chance.

Let's sincerely hope so, although my mind instantly flashed to post #5,573
I don't blame you. The Martins have plenty of very recent history of doing exactly what post #5,573 describes. That's why it's not worth getting too carried away by positive noises.
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Won’t happened, long as @CllrDanielCowan is in charge. If Southend Utd close down, Ron Martin will never get his house built and debts will rise against him. Ron no longer have an advantage to use his delay tactics.

Roger mate I know your only on here to boost CllrDan but this sort of ignorance is the reason why so many are surprised as to why its taking so long.

Best leave on high otherwise some of us my start explaining why CllrDan is not the messiah in this deal.
As long as they're talking and working to get it done ASAP, there is a chance that it could be today. That's all it is at the moment though - a chance.

I don't blame you. The Martins have plenty of very recent history of doing exactly what post #5,573 describes. That's why it's not worth getting away by positive noises.
There’s a chance a deal could be agreed in principle today. But even if you’ve agreed it you need to document it, you need to move money around, get third parties to consent to various bits or carry out checks etc etc

I’m obviously not in the room but from afar I’d be shocked if it completed today. The longer the negotiations the more there is to then go and tweak.

Maybe they’ll make a premature announcement of a deal to keep the NL off their back and I suppose that theoretically could be today but in terms of actually getting Ron out of our club even if there’s a breakthrough this morning I think we’re still talking days not hours.

On a more general note I really wish people would stop equating positive development with completion. There will likely need to be a whole string of positive developments before this is all done. It’s good news when we move a step closer but there are so many steps to take. If talks have been going on hours yesterday we’re still in all likelihood some way off. Please adjust expectations accordingly.
There’s a chance a deal could be agreed in principle today. But even if you’ve agreed it you need to document it, you need to move money around, get third parties to consent to various bits or carry out checks etc etc

I’m obviously not in the room but from afar I’d be shocked if it completed today. The longer the negotiations the more there is to then go and tweak.

Maybe they’ll make a premature announcement of a deal to keep the NL off their back and I suppose that theoretically could be today but in terms of actually getting Ron out of our club even if there’s a breakthrough this morning I think we’re still talking days not hours.

On a more general note I really wish people would stop equating positive development with completion. There will likely need to be a whole string of positive developments before this is all done. It’s good news when we move a step closer but there are so many steps to take. If talks have been going on hours yesterday we’re still in all likelihood some way off. Please adjust expectations accordingly.
I would imagine these meetings have their lawyers present etc. I also understand that the meetings aren’t in southend but actually in London which could support the first part of lawyers being present.
You're clearly an intelligent guy @Lee - that is a tough thing to figure out.

I'm clearly a very good guesser - that's why my bets always come in. Has it occurred to you that even consortium members have friends and acquaintances and old school friends with whom they are willing to share a few tidbits?
FFS , I’m massively disappointed.

I always thought ‘Tribal Chief’ was a Jedi master and simply used the ‘force’. I was hoping/expecting you to use a Jedi mind trick on Ron to get this over the line