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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

It certainly has been a roller coaster past few weeks, between death and living.

The best thing to do I found is not read too many of these posts. I know there are some ITK posters and generally they're fairly reliable. It's when someone gets the wrong end of the stick and people have wild thoughts of what is going to occur. In reality 99% of the posters on here don't know what is going to occur.

It is completely out of our hands. I have faith that the COSU will make the right decision, Being that of going through with the sale or walking away. They'e the one's who know how it is going to pan out. If Ron keeps on diddling around then we all know what will occur.

I'm of the thought that things will go well. It's easy for me to say that being exiled here in Australia. For those of you who go week in and week out it must be difficult.
It certainly has been a roller coaster past few weeks, between death and living.

The best thing to do I found is not read too many of these posts. I know there are some ITK posters and generally they're fairly reliable. It's when someone gets the wrong end of the stick and people have wild thoughts of what is going to occur. In reality 99% of the posters on here don't know what is going to occur.

It is completely out of our hands. I have faith that the COSU will make the right decision, Being that of going through with the sale or walking away. They'e the one's who know how it is going to pan out. If Ron keeps on diddling around then we all know what will occur.

I'm of the thought that things will go well. It's easy for me to say that being exiled here in Australia. For those of you who go week in and week out it must be difficult.
Sounds like something Justin would say, found his account! 😂
Would be funny if the council tell rat and co that if everything unravels, they will get planning permission to build one house on the Fossets site. This means they still get their PP, and wont be worthless, but will be very significantly less than anything they are looking for! Money is the only consideration for people, and they revel in "the game" that the rat has been playing on a loop for 25 years!
Would be funny if the council tell rat and co that if everything unravels, they will get planning permission to build one house on the Fossets site. This means they still get their PP, and wont be worthless, but will be very significantly less than anything they are looking for! Money is the only consideration for people, and they revel in "the game" that the rat has been playing on a loop for 25 years!
That would be one massive house. Maybe 500 bedrooms that could be rented out individually.