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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

It is never going to end. Ron is simply stringing someone else along and taking advantage of the goodwill towards a community asset so he can keep living his lifestyle. When COSU walk away he will find someone else.
I doubt that.
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This might be a bit controversial, and some ITK`s might be able to help,

Have COSU made it too easy for the 🐀 and co?

I know they are very astute business men, but they have done everything that has been asked of them, and continue to do so. Paying wages, settlements with historical debts, WUP`s, safety certificate, etc....

What pressure have they put on RM? We all know he loves a deadline, but I feel they have given him room too extend them far too easily.

Maybe I`m totally off the mark here, and stand to be corrected.

Pressure applied at the critical point seemed to work. As we know, he needs it done as much as we do.
Last coment from CP was texts and emails were flying around now its all gone quite He said they was still talking So what is going on now i wonder ????
What is needed now is a final bit of "take it or leave it", which would need to be more than would be reasonable for the rat to expect under the circumstances.

He will need to feel he has "won". So a strategic bit of power play, and an "over the odds" carrot will likely sort things out.

The example would go along the lines of:

COSU - "we want £20m back , but we would secretly accept £10m. The condition being that we want RH signed over today"

Rat - wants to keep RH under his control for posterity, and doesnt want to pay a penny to COSU.

COSU then offers to pay the £4.5 with no return payment. Rat agrees as he sees the £££

Then at some point down the line, after the dust settles and COSU have proved their point, the Council then swoops in with a lovely S106 fine on the rat nest, which is then provided to COSU to support a redevelopment.
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i know the deal is interwoven and complex but holy hell, wednesday last week in the end placed a great deal of anxiety to one side, before we know it itll be a week gone by with no further progress, in fact it seems like its gone backwards, i know COSU are committed and its Ron and son holding things up but surely somethings got to give here.
Definately time for ultimatums in my oppinion
Sorry but COSU need to grow a pair of steel ones and set a deadline. Martin has met every single threat and seen them as bluffs. He stands to lose a lot more than them. They need to show how serious they are

This cannot keep dragging on. How many times have we been told it's a BIG day or week for absolutely nothing to happen?

I don't blame people if they're losing interest frankly.
i know the deal is interwoven and complex but holy hell, wednesday last week in the end placed a great deal of anxiety to one side, before we know it itll be a week gone by with no further progress, in fact it seems like its gone backwards, i know COSU are committed and its Ron and son holding things up but surely somethings got to give here.
Definately time for ultimatums in my oppinion
Yep, set a deadline of COB tomorrow. Play hard, they have the re-assurance of if they walk then the deal is off with SCC? No more negotiations with them, and they will have added years getting planning permission, if at all.

It`s the only language he understands.