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Breaking News When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game.

I still feel that everything will be okay very soon. Ron Martin could have pulled the plug months, even years ago, why go through all this and let the club fold now (unless he is enjoying every minute of it)
I still feel that everything will be okay very soon. Ron Martin could have pulled the plug months, even years ago, why go through all this and let the club fold now (unless he is enjoying every minute of it)
End of the line to his greed, demands, and taking people for a ride .... that's why.
not seen any site of the statement Cllr Cowan referred to yesterday! Is it still expected? And if so whom it will be from?
I seem like many a bit confused about deadline day Friday. Can someone please explain exactly what we could expect or hope to expect.

The deadline is for Ron/developers to agree to the deal/terms laid out by SCC?
If not agreed Cosu are Likely to walk and if so SCC pull the plug on any deal with Ron?
If agreed Cosu likely to go ahead with the takeover, clear the WUP and embargo lifted?
Does the takeover get completed at this point?

Is that about it or do we think it will roll on to the 26th?
I seem like many a bit confused about deadline day Friday. Can someone please explain exactly what we could expect or hope to expect.

The deadline is for Ron/developers to agree to the deal/terms laid out by SCC?
If not agreed Cosu are Likely to walk and if so SCC pull the plug on any deal with Ron?
If agreed Cosu likely to go ahead with the takeover, clear the WUP and embargo lifted?
Does the takeover get completed at this point?

I see the post now. Cllr Cowan said Friday is the deadline for the deal to be accepted. Missed that. Makes sense with WUP next week.

I see the post now. Cllr Cowan said Friday is the deadline for the deal to be accepted. Missed that. Makes sense with WUP next week.

Q: “To clarify” is or isn’t Friday a deadline for the martins to accept a deal. It’s a yes or no question

A: “Friday is the deadline”