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Breaking News When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game.

And there’s another excuse inadvertently hand delivered for the 🐀 family - we were open to face to face talks to resolve but the council wouldn’t participate
I can see the difficulty as Anna is no longer a member of parliament and good for Cllr Cowan not moving on this. I sincerely hope the rat realises this is **** or bust for him personally, even though he actually owns nothing of any value to him on paper anymore.
Colt Cowan is wrong about this. Anna Firth is not an MP, she is a candidate for a parliamentary seat. She realises, I’m sure, that the fate of SUFC is above politics and the councillor should appreciate this too.
Throughout this interminable and dispiriting saga, no one has expressed the situation so succinctly. The Martins have been and still are using the club as leverage, blackmail if you like, for their own personal gain.
Shame on them and very well done, Anna.
I really appreciate Anna writing that. However, the time for negotiation is over. Getting in a room with Ron/Jack and the council is pointless now. The moment you do that, they will throw in counter offers and it drags on further. The council have been explicit, sign it or don't. It gets to a point where it has to be definitive. It has to be done this week.
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I just hope that on Thursday the rat for not getting his way does not put us into administration but admits defeat in this whole sorry saga and signs the correct paperwork for the consortium to move forward with us.
Not willing to put money on it Cricko? Lol
Her intervention although at face value seems to be wanting to be helpful has quite rightly been turned down. The council have issued a clear cut ultimatum, take it or leave it. A meeting or discussion would merely give the Martins another chance to obfuscate and muddy the waters again. No thanks.
I thought there was nothing to negotiate any more.
Thats the point. They have made the ultimatum and are clear about what is required. To then blink and agree = "oh, yes let's negotiate" and is 100% not the approach however well intentioned. Shame she didn't reach out to Cowan on this prior to posting...

That said she has been supportive to the club so let's not criticise her for trying.
Like many of us, I appreciate AF's desire to help, but this letter, offering to chair a meeting to hammer out a deal is counterproductive and undermine's the council's position and last official statement.

I also wish Cowan's reply was more along the lines of "Thank you for your offer, Anna, but we must decline. We have been very clear regarding our position and what is acceptable and by when. There is nothing further to discuss. The cards are on the table and it is now a matter of 'take it or leave it'.
I do love a conspiracy. Perhaps the rat asked Anna to intervene both being of the same political ilk..

Save me Anna Save ME!

We have to remember that it isnt really him who has to accept the council's proposals . It's Rat junior, CBRE and his partners in Citizen housing and their financiers who have to agree to it all.
Colt Cowan is wrong about this. Anna Firth is not an MP, she is a candidate for a parliamentary seat. She realises, I’m sure, that the fate of SUFC is above politics and the councillor should appreciate this too.
Throughout this interminable and dispiriting saga, no one has expressed the situation so succinctly. The Martins have been and still are using the club as leverage, blackmail if you like, for their own personal gain.
Shame on them and very well done, Anna.
It may well be considered as "campaigning" and subject to Purdah
I do love a conspiracy. Perhaps the rat asked Anna to intervene both being of the same political ilk..

Save me Anna Save ME!

We have to remember that it isnt really him who has to accept the council's proposals . It's Rat junior, CBRE and his partners in Citizen housing and their financiers who have to agree to it all.
Believe me when I say that Anna Firth is completely disinclined to give Ron Martin any help and support whatsoever.
This is the problem. Ron has been told his future by Anna, frequently by the former chair of the ST, anyone who's done business with him, the fans and he just doesn't care.
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We have to remember that it isnt really him who has to accept the council's proposals . It's Rat junior, CBRE and his partners in Citizen housing and their financiers who have to agree to it all.
This is the key - he may be the front man but it's the money men who are the key.

Although Cllr Cowan says that "it's take it or leave it", one would hope that if the difference between the respective positions was small there may be some limited room for negotiation - even if it meant, say, COSU receiving £19million instead of £20million towards the redevelopment of Roots Hall.