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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

If the rat man does not sell .I relly hope he goes to the wall .And is struck off from owning or running any company . And his son little rat goes down with him .Like father like son they are as bad as one another .Not just one rotton apple in the barrel but two of them .
If the rat man does not sell .I relly hope he goes to the wall .And is struck off from owning or running any company . And his son little rat goes down with him .Like father like son they are as bad as one another .Not just one rotton apple in the barrel but two of them .
There are vindictive actions that we can take on The Martins. There are things we can do to try and protect Roots Hall. There are things we can do to try and protect the club.
There are vindictive actions that we can take on The Martins. There are things we can do to try and protect Roots Hall. There are things we can do to try and protect the club.
Do you think this will be necessary though? I'm still very hopeful for a positive update this week.
And yet, they are £3.5m in for nowt
Without a doubt. Business people can sometimes fail and prosper on financial gambling at times. They have most certainly put that amount in to hopefully get some kind of a return, that's the point I am making.
Without a doubt. Business people can sometimes fail and prosper on financial gambling at times. They have most certainly put that amount in to hopefully get some kind of a return, that's the point I am making.
It's a shame Ron couldn't do that. Sell the club outright the the only people who still want to buy it from him and accept that there are some risk around FF and planning... But ultimately, it's worth the gamble when you stand to make however many more millions...
ON weds i will be making a return to Southend to say fairwell to my sister I really dont want more sadness at the end of the week watching the demise of our football club .Its more than my heart can take Please someone give me some chearful news to end a sad time .
For the attention of whoever from the Martin family looks at SZ.
Please read what Tommy has said above, and maybe, just maybe understand how much this great club means to so many people.
From personal experience my love of this club now outlives any of my remaining family, and exceeds by 11 years the time I have been with my beloved partner.
For the sake of so,so many people, please do the right thing this week.
By Chris Phillips@cjphillips1982Chief sports reporter

In an open letter to Ron Martin, your Echo is urging the Blues chairman to back a revised plan to save the club after Southend Council failed to pass a deal because it puts "public money at risk"

Today we're asking fans, campaigner, parliamentary candidates and business people to pledge their support and help push a deal through.

Dear Ron,
For far too long it’s not been fun following the fortunes of Southend United.
We’ve seen our beloved club crawl from one crisis to the next and what used to bring us extreme enjoyment now brings seemingly never ending doom and gloom.

You won’t need telling how much the club means to so many different people.
It is a huge part of our city and our community and, in many cases, supporting the Shrimpers is something that has been passed down through different generations of our families.
But all of that is at risk right now and that is down to you

Back-to-back relegations, playing in the National League, late payment to staff, transfer embargoes, a points deduction and countless winding-up petitions have seen us fall to the lowest point in our 118-year history.
Making it clear - today's front page of the Echo (Image: ECHO NEWSPAPERS)
However, the biggest worry still remains as we continue to fear the football club has no future and time is running out where that is concerned.
Southend City Council have been clear in their demands and now we will be clear in ours too.
Do not be remembered as the man who killed the club and please be receptive to the revised plans coming your way.
It is too late to repair most of the damage which has been done during your ownership, but there is still time to end it in the right way.

For that to happen, put the needs of others before the money-making needs of yourself and show us you love the club the way you have tried to stress all along.
Allow the baton to be passed on to the consortium and let them finally start to restore pride and enjoyment in following Southend United once more.
Put simply, nobody benefits if the club dies and that definitely includes you.
By Chris Phillips@cjphillips1982Chief sports reporter

In an open letter to Ron Martin, your Echo is urging the Blues chairman to back a revised plan to save the club after Southend Council failed to pass a deal because it puts "public money at risk"

Today we're asking fans, campaigner, parliamentary candidates and business people to pledge their support and help push a deal through.

Dear Ron,
For far too long it’s not been fun following the fortunes of Southend United.
We’ve seen our beloved club crawl from one crisis to the next and what used to bring us extreme enjoyment now brings seemingly never ending doom and gloom.

You won’t need telling how much the club means to so many different people.
It is a huge part of our city and our community and, in many cases, supporting the Shrimpers is something that has been passed down through different generations of our families.
But all of that is at risk right now and that is down to you

Back-to-back relegations, playing in the National League, late payment to staff, transfer embargoes, a points deduction and countless winding-up petitions have seen us fall to the lowest point in our 118-year history.
Making it clear - today's front page of the Echo (Image: ECHO NEWSPAPERS)
However, the biggest worry still remains as we continue to fear the football club has no future and time is running out where that is concerned.
Southend City Council have been clear in their demands and now we will be clear in ours too.
Do not be remembered as the man who killed the club and please be receptive to the revised plans coming your way.
It is too late to repair most of the damage which has been done during your ownership, but there is still time to end it in the right way.

For that to happen, put the needs of others before the money-making needs of yourself and show us you love the club the way you have tried to stress all along.
Allow the baton to be passed on to the consortium and let them finally start to restore pride and enjoyment in following Southend United once more.
Put simply, nobody benefits if the club dies and that definitely includes you.
Worst thing you can do to King Rat, ask for a favour, always goes the other way!
ON weds i will be making a return to Southend to say fairwell to my sister I really dont want more sadness at the end of the week watching the demise of our football club .Its more than my heart can take Please someone give me some chearful news to end a sad time .
Sorry to hear this TT. Anyone who’s been around SZ for a while knows how much the ongoing situation here has been hitting you, so here’s to some better news in what’s obviously a really **** week. All the best pal.
By Chris Phillips@cjphillips1982Chief sports reporter

In an open letter to Ron Martin, your Echo is urging the Blues chairman to back a revised plan to save the club after Southend Council failed to pass a deal because it puts "public money at risk"

Today we're asking fans, campaigner, parliamentary candidates and business people to pledge their support and help push a deal through.

Dear Ron,
For far too long it’s not been fun following the fortunes of Southend United.
We’ve seen our beloved club crawl from one crisis to the next and what used to bring us extreme enjoyment now brings seemingly never ending doom and gloom.

You won’t need telling how much the club means to so many different people.
It is a huge part of our city and our community and, in many cases, supporting the Shrimpers is something that has been passed down through different generations of our families.
But all of that is at risk right now and that is down to you

Back-to-back relegations, playing in the National League, late payment to staff, transfer embargoes, a points deduction and countless winding-up petitions have seen us fall to the lowest point in our 118-year history.
Making it clear - today's front page of the Echo (Image: ECHO NEWSPAPERS)
However, the biggest worry still remains as we continue to fear the football club has no future and time is running out where that is concerned.
Southend City Council have been clear in their demands and now we will be clear in ours too.
Do not be remembered as the man who killed the club and please be receptive to the revised plans coming your way.
It is too late to repair most of the damage which has been done during your ownership, but there is still time to end it in the right way.

For that to happen, put the needs of others before the money-making needs of yourself and show us you love the club the way you have tried to stress all along.
Allow the baton to be passed on to the consortium and let them finally start to restore pride and enjoyment in following Southend United once more.
Put simply, nobody benefits if the club dies and that definitely includes you.
I’m intrgiued by this. Reeks of we’re either saved and they are jumping on the bandwagon or it’s curtains and they needed to be seen to do something at the last knockings.


I’m leaning towards the former given ITK rumblings, but it’s certainly inflammatory but at least a 5 years too late.