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When will the takeover go through? Council / Citizen Housing agree new Heads of Terms 26 June

This deadline on Friday, if accepted which I`m sure it will be, will allow time before the WUP which hopefully will be sorted before the 26th June 2024.

Finally light at the end of the tunnel.
good on the council. Give them no where to go. It’s this or nothing, if you don’t sell the club, then it’s nothing as well.

Indeed, that update makes the point that the revised deal is what's best for the council and COSU. It makes no mention of the rats.

It's also good to hear the council say this is basically take it or leave it, and if the rats leave it, then they get nothing as if COSU walk away so do the council.

Don't forget, the council can still build the houses they need, but they don't need the rats involvement for that to happen.
Indeed, that update makes the point that the revised deal is what's best for the council and COSU. It makes no mention of the rats.

It's also good to hear the council say this is basically take it or leave it, and if the rats leave it, then they get nothing as if COSU walk away so do the council.

Don't forget, the council can still build the houses they need, but they don't need the rats involvement for that to happen.
yes - this.

Anyone pessimistic- which naturally we are / have been when it comes to the Martins - this explains it in simple terms.

Council can still build houses but they don’t have to be built by the Martins they will put it out to tender.

Bravo Dan Cowan 👏👏
The worry has got to be the fact that 🐀 owes so much money to all and sundrie that any revised deal may mean he is in the red for paying off his debts so physically cannot accept the deal on revised terms.
Also some of you are saying you expect the £20million for redeveloping RH will never be seen but never mind so long as 🐀 is no more. Don’t forget that £20million is a key part of the COSU deal and is factored in to their business model. Any risk of that not materialising, IMO, would be enough for them to not close the deal.
It’s easy as an outsider to see the flaws as you guys all just want a positive outcome. Totally get that but under the surface there are guys putting their families generational wealth at risk
yes - this.

Anyone pessimistic- which naturally we are / have been when it comes to the Martins - this explains it in simple terms.

Council can still build houses but they don’t have to be built by the Martins they will put it out to tender.

Bravo Dan Cowan 👏👏
How can they build on land they don't own? I get the impression that if Ron Martin doesn't agree then it is back to the start again for his ambition of developing Roots Hall and FF which, at the position he is in, doesn't want.
How can they build on land they don't own? I get the impression that if Ron Martin doesn't agree then it is back to the start again for his ambition of developing Roots Hall and FF which, at the position he is in, doesn't want.
I am not sure RM owns the Freehold of all of the FF site, I seem to recall lumps of it being leasehold.
How can they build on land they don't own? I get the impression that if Ron Martin doesn't agree then it is back to the start again for his ambition of developing Roots Hall and FF which, at the position he is in, doesn't want.
If he disagrees the council could drag things out for years, don't forget the deal for FF starting depended on a stadium first before any flats etc, without that he has no deal.
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I don't know the financial state the Martins are in. No one does apart from them - and perhaps they don't even know.

However, what happens if the Martins refuse to accept what is now on offer? We know that the council would not work with them on the development BUT the land they own would still be worth a tidy sum for another developer with whom the council would work. They would still own and be able to sell a very valuable asset.....

COSU would then walk, the club folds and the Martins have yet another valuable asset (RH) they could sell to a developer........

Am i missing something?
I don't know the financial state the Martins are in. No one does apart from them - and perhaps they don't even know.

However, what happens if the Martins refuse to accept what is now on offer? We know that the council would not work with them on the development BUT the land they own would still be worth a tidy sum for another developer with whom the council would work. They would still own and be able to sell a very valuable asset.....

COSU would then walk, the club folds and the Martins have yet another valuable asset (RH) they could sell to a developer........

Am i missing something?
Yes there is no planning/development without a stadium being built first.
Yes there is no planning/development without a stadium being built first.

Correct, and due to FF being on green belt, the only reason it was getting the go ahead in the first place was due to our stadium.

Ron will own two pieces of land, but he won’t be able to do much with one of them, (aside from sell it).
Correct, and due to FF being on green belt, the only reason it was getting the go ahead in the first place was due to our stadium.

Ron will own two pieces of land, but he won’t be able to do much with one of them, (aside from sell it).
Here MR wanna buy some land for houses, only condition is you have to cough up 40 mill odd for a football stadium first before you start.
This is the good news I assume we are due to hear ?? All the weeks months and over a year of the negotiations and we are now at the point of ‘back to the beginning’ this club is a spin off of 24… it goes on soo long you end up forgetting what the starting point was and why we are at this bit ?

What I will say is.. we are literally at the 11:59 and 58 seconds on the doomsday clock this finally is it … ( if of course the rat doesn’t or more so CANT agree to the new changes ) he’s in such a pickle now I’d be surprised if he financially can agree to the revised changes ..
the sadness of seeing my beloved club fold would be short lived knowing Ron and his fat useless **** of sons Jack and Tom and his bint of a wife Julie fail would bring me some comfort. Yes if and when the tories get back in he maybe able to rise form the phoenix again with another scheme for the land but I would hope the toll of this battle would kill him long before that time …

Of course this is all IF he doesn’t agree … if he does ? Then possibly it’s a master stroke from the council… but just remember this again will start another planning meeting and another planning meeting and the journey game playing and scheming will just run on and on and on … does the consortium have the nerve passion money amd legs for this ? I doubt it very much as we sit round a table in 15 years and say ‘ do you remember that Australian fella that flew into town trying to buy the club , what ever happened to him ?
I take the point. Maybe he can’t afford to accept, but can he afford to turn it down? Claiming 95% of his debt back is better than more interest and zero. If I were the creditor I’d be putting pressure on him to accept at some stage - and now may be the last chance they get.