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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Steady on. I don't know of anything that would put a downer on this.

All I'm saying is that I know and like @ForeverBlue, and I don't believe he's the type of person to make **** up or to wind up other supporters.

He has been given information by a close friend who he has known for years, and he trusts him implicitly. Whether the information he's been given is accurate, I don't know, but who am I to tell him that he shouldn't trust a close friend?

On the other hand, I haven't yet seen or heard any evidence to back-up what Forever Blue has been told, and he knows that. Similarly, if what he has been told is true, then I am more than a little shocked that a) it isn't public knowledge, and/or b) that nothing has been picked up by COSU so far.

Ultimately, if it's true, there is no way it won't become public knowledge by the start of next week. So we wait and see. I honestly wouldn't get too stressed about it at this stage, unless something concrete comes out.

I would dispute this. Forever Blue is a great lad, but he's not vindicated until there is some evidence in the public domain that what he's been told is true.

Yes there have been difficulties and delays in getting this deal sorted but, with all due respect to FB and his contact, there is no evidence that those difficulties and delays have been down to anything other than Ron Martin being Ron Martin during negotiations.
You appear to know what it is from how you’re talking and it would be nice to know as fans as we’ve had a lot of I know something you don’t know and that’s been one of the hardest and cruelest parts of this whole saga for many of us.

I don’t blame those for not saying, or having a go, but it really does leave a sour taste.

Without all the facts in life you can’t make a fair appraisal of any situation and there’s no wonder the angst and ire that has been left to fester amongst our fanbase, which I believe will leave a negative impact on us all for a long time even once this sorry situation comes to a head either way.
Unfortunately, it doesn't look good. I asked Chat-GPT if we'd be taken over today and here was the answer: -

I don't have real-time information or updates on current events or specific dates like today's takeovers of sports teams. For the most accurate and up-to-date information on Southend United or any sports team takeover, I recommend checking reputable news sources, the club's official announcements, or sports news websites. They typically provide the latest updates on such developments.

Artificial Intelligence, my arse!
So everything nearly (95% wallop?) sorted between the rats and COSU, but I'm always mindful of that wall of silence from the VNL, usually means they're about to come up with new and exciting ways to screw us over.
If it takes the legal teams a couple of days to draft up the agreement so be it We have waited so long for this day a couple of days wont damped everyones joy All i hope is the deal is so water tight the rattie Ron cant bacj track on it
What side of their enormous interest free credit bed did Rat and Rat JR wake up this morning?

Have they broken the habit of a lifetime and actually stuck to the agreement?
Can anyone explain what the remaining stage is likely to involve? It’s fairly vague to say “it’s with the lawyers”.

Some on here have hinted at mere working up of the final contracts to prepare for all involved to sign. And others have suggested things will come out in the wash about Ron which hints at more of a background check. My thoughts here are wasn’t that kind of work done during the due diligence stage?

Would be great to get some clarity on this and the likelihood of further setbacks. I remember someone on here saying they had a corporate lawyer in the family so would be great to get their insight.
Can anyone explain what the remaining stage is likely to involve? It’s fairly vague to say “it’s with the lawyers”.

Some on here have hinted at mere working up of the final contracts to prepare for all involved to sign. And others have suggested things will come out in the wash about Ron which hints at more of a background check. My thoughts here are wasn’t that kind of work done during the due diligence stage?

Would be great to get some clarity on this and the likelihood of further setbacks. I remember someone on here saying they had a corporate lawyer in the family so would be great to get their insight.
I can only guess that if rattie and si of rattie try to weddle out of the agreement They should be strug up fro the nearest lamp post