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When will the takeover go through? The Waiting Game...

Once tried to convince the other half to bet on a horse call “dark side of the moon” minutes after hearing another brick in the wall on the radio. Was 20/1. Wanted to put a grand on it. She got me down to a £1 bet. Won by a furlong. 😭
Sounds like Mrs. Cowan should have been chief negotiatior for SCC these past few months! 😉
Once tried to convince the other half to bet on a horse call “dark side of the moon” minutes after hearing another brick in the wall on the radio. Was 20/1. Wanted to put a grand on it. She got me down to a £1 bet. Won by a furlong. 😭
Well, I hope your heavy session makes you “comfortably numb” on the journey home, and when we are at Roots Hall in August cheering on the blues, that you “Wish you were here” with us.
Once tried to convince the other half to bet on a horse call “dark side of the moon” minutes after hearing another brick in the wall on the radio. Was 20/1. Wanted to put a grand on it. She got me down to a £1 bet. Won by a furlong. 😭
I've read somewhere that councillors are only allowed to attend up to 6 games a year - is this correct or nonsense?

Thanks for your work on what you've done so far
I beg to differ. He’s only ever pops up to (try) kill the mood. He may have contacts, but so far he’s offered nothing that makes be believe him.

I see what has been shared by others, and it generally seems to be accurate (as things can be). This guy though, is all doom and gloom, and offers nothing tangible other than “watch this space”. Perhaps he has information, and it may be accurate when informed, but I’ve yet to be convinced or see something accurate.

if he has accurate information and it comes true, then I will happily hold my hands up and apologise.

It sounds to me you know something via Forever Blue (or his mate) which might put a downer on this, but you are not letting on.
Yet on another post you say “we are so nearly there” (post #5842).
Care to divulge?
Steady on. I don't know of anything that would put a downer on this.

All I'm saying is that I know and like @ForeverBlue, and I don't believe he's the type of person to make **** up or to wind up other supporters.

He has been given information by a close friend who he has known for years, and he trusts him implicitly. Whether the information he's been given is accurate, I don't know, but who am I to tell him that he shouldn't trust a close friend?

On the other hand, I haven't yet seen or heard any evidence to back-up what Forever Blue has been told, and he knows that. Similarly, if what he has been told is true, then I am more than a little shocked that a) it isn't public knowledge, and/or b) that nothing has been picked up by COSU so far.

Ultimately, if it's true, there is no way it won't become public knowledge by the start of next week. So we wait and see. I honestly wouldn't get too stressed about it at this stage, unless something concrete comes out.

An alternative take would be that everything so far has vindicated him.

Kimura fell through as he suggested it would.

The Consortium’s deal was supposed to be completed Q1 and we’re in Q3 and it still hasn’t gone through and has nearly collapsed numerous times.

I really hope he’s wrong this time but in baseball parlance he’s still hitting 1000.
I would dispute this. Forever Blue is a great lad, but he's not vindicated until there is some evidence in the public domain that what he's been told is true.

Yes there have been difficulties and delays in getting this deal sorted but, with all due respect to FB and his contact, there is no evidence that those difficulties and delays have been down to anything other than Ron Martin being Ron Martin during negotiations.