ordered my halloween outfit

Any one else see that amazing sky this morning at about 6.15? Granted, it's been peeing down ever since but it was worth it for a glimpse of that incredible dawn.
Interview with BHS for Christmas work Monday, starts the week after and ends first week of 2016, won't complain if I get it.
Well you probably won't see me there, for I am exiled to the Welsh border, and have no idea where your store is.
More work for my wife's business. The Conservatives are the party of enterprise.
Thought she was a nurse? :unsure:
Went with my wife to the Cliffs Pavilion last night to see Gino D Acampo , was not sure what to expect , was a very good show and am glad we went .
Went with my wife to the Cliffs Pavilion last night to see Gino D Acampo , was not sure what to expect , was a very good show and am glad we went .