Going to sue "The Big Shrimp" for false advertising.Just back from a fabulous long weekend in Marbella to celebrate @The Big Shrimp's wedding, absolutely stunning location and a wonderful evening - Congrats Rich and Jacki!
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Mrs Mattito, got head hunted to do a job for 3 months in the new Radisson in Glasgow, she initially turned it down, but they offered her an additional 2k more a month (plus all flight, taxi, car parking, laundry and meal expenses to get her home every weekend).. the owners are major stake holders in Celtic FC and other major parts of Glasgow.
1.Laundry done for free.
2. I'm building up those avios points for a free flight to Spain,
3 .I get to lay on the sofa watching football instead of her normal X-Factor crap etc etc.
To top it off, for humour value... she had to attend an awards function tonight (hosted by Josh Widdicombe & Alex Brooker) and had to make an acceptance speech for an award she didn't deserve, because she won't start working for the company for about another 3 weeks!!
Mrs Mattito, got head hunted to do a job for 3 months in the new Radisson in Glasgow, she initially turned it down, but they offered her an additional 2k more a month (plus all flight, taxi, car parking, laundry and meal expenses to get her home every weekend).. the owners are major stake holders in Celtic FC and other major parts of Glasgow.
1.Laundry done for free.
2. I'm building up those avios points for a free flight to Spain,
3 .I get to lay on the sofa watching football instead of her normal X-Factor crap etc etc.
To top it off, for humour value... she had to attend an awards function tonight (hosted by Josh Widdicombe & Alex Brooker) and had to make an acceptance speech for an award she didn't deserve, because she won't start working for the company for about another 3 weeks!!
DNA results: 100% British & Irish (I have my UKIP membership forms ready).
1041 3rd/4th/5th cousins scattered throughout UK/USA/Canada/Australia.
I'm in the 98% percentile for the amount of Neanderthal DNA in my system (apparantly that's why I have straight hair).
Fascinating. I highly recommend it.
Who did you do it with? What is the process? and how much? I'm intrigued
Mk it turns out is related to.
23andme. Basically they send you a test kit, you spit into it and send it back. It takes awhile for them to process it all (just under 2 months) but there's a tracker on the website so you can see what stage you're at. I paid £69 as it was on a deal, though it's not much more out of it. You can pay a bit more to have your health factors recorded but I didn't opt for that (not really sure I want to know how likely I am to get cancer).
I'm a genealogy freak so for me it was golden. Who knows Ricky, we could be related!![]()
Actually I'm "closely" related to someone called Countess Blanche Cassagrande (and I'm not making this up) who lived in Illinois & NYC. Her son is my closest match and we share 2nd Great Grandparents somehow.
It does sound good, although not high on my list of priorities at that price. Definitely one i'll make hints on for xmas to my other half though.
We are already brothers in the shrimper family![]()
I'm not having that!Some truth in that, as everyone in the world is related to one man who lived in East Africa 275,000 years ago, even Col Ewe fans.
Jeeeez...Zero 6!!!
Blimey..... that sends me back....just the thought of it reminds me of the taste of petrol.. or bleach, or what ever they labeled vodka back in the day).....I honestly didn't even knew it was still around.
I thought it died out around the time of HI-TEK trainers.
You should have suggested a networking meeting at Roller City instead!!
Plenty more ammo in your post, after they have had a couple of sambuca's on roller skates !!!