Sounds like your windscreen seal has perished somewhere around the windscreen.My car (2010) windscreen appears to be letting in moisture but there is no obvious chip or crack. Companies I have contacted such as Autoglass do not seem to want to have anything to do with it.
Thanks for thisSounds like your windscreen seal has perished somewhere around the windscreen.
This site explains a lot. It happened to my mate's car. He didn't use this firm, but the advice helped him locate the problem.
Quick & Easy Fixes for Leaking Windscreens | The Windscreen Company
No one wants to find a leaky windscreen, but if it does, here's a few handy top tips that might save you some stress and keep you and your car safe!
Is it definitely coming in from the windscreen seals? I thought I had a leak on my fiesta (everytime it rained I had a little puddle in the front foot wells)My car (2010) windscreen appears to be letting in moisture but there is no obvious chip or crack. Companies I have contacted such as Autoglass do not seem to want to have anything to do with it.
I cannot be 100% sure - fortunately the footwells are dry.Is it definitely coming in from the windscreen seals? I thought I had a leak on my fiesta (everytime it rained I had a little puddle in the front foot wells)
Turned out the drain holes at the top if the bonnet were blocked with leaves dirt etc and the water was coming in via this little resivour that was building up.
Cleaned the blockages and now as good as new
I joined a life insurance scheme having seen their television advert, the gift card incentive made me sign up. Like you several months had passed and they were taking my premium payments but no gift card. When I rang to chase them up they said only available on some life insurance schemes but not all of themSigned up for a magazine subscription on the 21/01/24 and it stated I'd get a £20 Amazon voucher within 30 days.
I chased up on the 23/02/24 as I hadn't received it and they said they would chase up and it would be with me within the week.
Chased up again today as still not received.
I'd raise it with Which? as to inappropriate sales tactics to sign up for a subscription. Just one issue though. The subscription is with Which?
My car (2010) windscreen appears to be letting in moisture but there is no obvious chip or crack. Companies I have contacted such as Autoglass do not seem to want to have anything to do with it.
Think of it this way: if the smart meter says it cost less than getting in a professional cleaner then you've saved money.We have a built in convection oven which is self cleaning. So far so good. I set it up to self clean on max as its a while since its been done. Off it goes at 250°c for two hours, oven door locked so you can't turn it off until it's finished. Now every time I pass the smart meter I really wish I hadn't!
'O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light?' - Nope.Clocks went forward on Sunday here. Drove to work in the dark this morning. Need more sleep. Balls
If it's what we had, it's not at all clever. I wish now we'd done a Covid test. Wish you a speedy get better, with lots of honey and Scotch.The lurgy has arrived
Usual diversionary tactics by the media to shift the focus away from important issues that actually matter but in which we have no say. Mature democracy at its finest.All the fuss over one photo....have they nothing better to talk about![]()
Thar's one problem they don't have over here.There's a drought atm!Poxy rain (again). Will it never stop?
No laughing matter,apparently.According to this moring's El Periodico the rain we had on Sat.only filled Cataluña's resevoirs to 0.3 % of their capacity.Also we'd need 10 times that amount of rainfall before drought restrictions could be lifted.It would appear global warming is here to stay,Thar's one problem they don't have over here.There's a drought atm!