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If there is a "Yes" vote that will be £22,000 of the Trust's money gone. That, I believe, is 25% -ish of their monies ---won't leave much for emergencies.
Maybe people better start supporting more of their fundraisers then!!! :raspberry:
I didn't pay 100 quid to join the Trust as a life member for PS to take his team on a **** up in Scotland.I'd hope the Trust would use any money they have in the bank to help towards bailing us out of a possible future Administration or towards a future Exeter style Supporters takeover of the club.:angry:

Do you really think the Trust has anywhere near enough money in the bank to be able to do what you suggest if it was needed to? And if so do you think the Trust should be throwing cash at the youth team or at physio equipment as they just have done? In the event of administration I'm fairly sure the youth setup would be one of the first cuts.

I'm just curious as it does not seem clear what people actually want the Trust to do or indeed what the Trust is actually set up for?

What, and take the criticism that was levied when Ron was loaned the £60k all over again? :omg: It's precisely because we've listened to the criticism and because time wasn't against us, that members are being given the opportunity to vote on this occasion. Honestly, there's no pleasing some people.

The operative words in what I wrote were "help towards."The Chairman(of the ST) has admitted that the Trust could have helped put the club into Administration last summer but didn't because it wasn't clear that the Consortium would have beeen able to take over complete control as new owners.I have no problem with that logic.
The whole problem with the 60k loan was that members views were NOT taken into account in advance(for various reasons).
The operative words in what I wrote were "help towards."The Chairman(of the ST) has admitted that the Trust could have helped put the club into Administration last summer but didn't because it wasn't clear that the Consortium would have beeen able to take over complete control as new owners.I have no problem with that logic.
The whole problem with the 60k loan was that members views were NOT taken into account in advance(for various reasons).

So should the members have been consulted about the continuing sponsorship of the youth team?
Oh I do so agree with you Kay. The trust are damned if they do and damned if they dont. The choice is there vote yeah or nay and accept the majority decision. Some how I dont think it will be that simple whatever the outcome people will still winge. Its democratic to take a vote and the trust are doing the right thing.

I think the Trust have learnt from the £60K shambles & the vote is the right way to go forward, especially as nobody trusts Wrong Martin.
I didn't pay 100 quid to join the Trust as a life member for PS to take his team on a **** up in Scotland.I'd hope the Trust would use any money they have in the bank to help towards bailing us out of a possible future Administration or towards a future Exeter style Supporters takeover of the club.:angry:

I joined for the **** up
It's pleasing to see that people are much happier with being consulted, they may not always get their way BUT at least they had a say!

Exactly! Whether you like the decision or even the people that make it, at least on something so major as parting with Trust funds, this is the fairest way!
Exactly! Whether you like the decision or even the people that make it, at least on something so major as parting with Trust funds, this is the fairest way!

Personally it's something I have always championed to ask the membership on major decisions I think it could also work for split committee decisions.

What also has been a key factor in this is as trusts go we are a very computerised which allows us to act fast with ballots.
When's the deadline for voting on the matter and when's the result expected?
I have read the e-mail from the Trust and all the contributions here and have changed my mind a number of times but have finally plumped for NO
How about spending the £20k needed for the Scottish tour on sorting the North Bank out and return it back to the home fans. Surely that would generate a positive mood around the place and set the season up nicely!
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