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The immigration card really doesn't play too well for UKIP in London.

I wonder why that is?

Because Londoners have first hand experience of immigration and the benefits it brings. Those who oppose immigration tend to be those whose experience is more second-hand anecdotal and abstract than those who live in areas of high immigration.

I'm not so sure it was misjudged. I am very far from a Farage fan and would never dream of voting for UKIP but I thought it was an effective tactic from him. There are clearly 85% or so that wouldn't contemplate voting for UKIP. Farage can use that to his advantage by turning it into a them and us issue so being jeered looks good to his core because it looks like a "liberal conspiracy to silence UKIP".

UKIP's issue is getting their core support out to vote not trying to broaden their appeal. Taking on the BBC and the audience was an effective way for him to do that.

I still think that's a strange tactic. Whilst it will play well to elements of the electorate I don't think it plays well to the vast majority of it. It seems to be a tactic to win 15% of the vote rather than to win seats or develop the party.

This year's Clegg effect seems to have gone to Sturgeon when it was all set up for Farage to establish UKIP as the third party in British politics.


Bizarre story as an English teacher marks a UKIP candidate's flyer for grammar and spelling, the story goes viral and the UKIP man then claims that the Lib Dems have a vendetta against him and sent the flyers, along with hacking his emails and sending death threats.

It's really strange how the more vehemently someone opposes foreigners, the worse their English is.

I took a selfie with leftie poster boy Owen Jones and South Thanet's next MP Will Scobie and got bear retweets by sending it to Croydon Central's next MP Sarah Jones telling her I had a new Jones in my life.

Really not all that interested in all the canvassing but please tell me more about the tweeting bear.
I chased you up because you posted on this thread at 09:31 without a reply. Maybe you forgot.

You have not answered the question.... In both cases I mentioned in post 841, the convicted had been released. So do you think someone who has been convicted of rape or child abduction and been released in their own country should be allowed into Britain.

Three potential female labour voters are waiting for your answer.

Why do you make accusations about people you no nothing about. My mother was not born in England and back in the seventies suffered racial abuse that you up on your moral left wing pedestal would have no clue about.

1. At 9.31 I was waiting for the kettle to boil so I checked my phone and replied to a conversation I was already having rather that to a new one. Then I took the 5 cups back to my team because we all look out for each other. The new conversation was a bit over specific in how I was told to reply so at that point the tea took priority.

2. I felt I had answered your question - murderers and rapists should stay in prison. As I want them to stay in prison I clearly don't want them walking down my high street which is not very prison-y. So 'No', other countries violent criminals are not welcome here.

3. Three potential female (those words should probably be the other way round unless they are contemplating sex changes) Labour voters are waiting on my answer - why on earth would they do that? I'm grass roots, I dish out literature that is issued by the central offic and I have no influence on party policy. I'd suggest they research a bit more than putting any decision down to a comment from some bloke you have never met and don't have much respect for.

4. The accusation being that you don't understand a left wing mindset? I apologise if that was a slur, I genuinely didn't think that was something you aspired to. It was based in this instance on that you felt the need to ask if I welcome violent criminals - and as I was the only person you asked I assumed that was because of my political leanings. Why was I chosen then?

4. Why would I know that your mother has suffered racist abuse - I have never met her. Even though I am 'up on your moral left wing pedestal would have no clue about' that isn't the reason I have no clue about it, it's because I don't know her and a right wing pedestal or no pedestal I still don't know her.
Because Londoners have first hand experience of immigration and the benefits it brings. Those who oppose immigration tend to be those whose experience is more second-hand anecdotal and abstract than those who live in areas of high immigration.

Thanks.Actually,my question was ironical (if not rhetorical) but I completely agree with you anyway.
Because Londoners have first hand experience of immigration and the benefits it brings. Those who oppose immigration tend to be those whose experience is more second-hand anecdotal and abstract than those who live in areas of high immigration.

I still think that's a strange tactic. Whilst it will play well to elements of the electorate I don't think it plays well to the vast majority of it. It seems to be a tactic to win 15% of the vote rather than to win seats or develop the party.

This year's Clegg effect seems to have gone to Sturgeon when it was all set up for Farage to establish UKIP as the third party in British politics.

It's really strange how the more vehemently someone opposes foreigners, the worse their English is.

Really not all that interested in all the canvassing but please tell me more about the tweeting bear.

I think your post backs up Farage's statement about the London 'elite' who are out of touch with ordinary people. Why is the extreme left so desperate to silence the sensible call for more stricter controls on immigration.

I lived in East Ham for a while and worked in Tower Hamlets for over 10yrs. Can't remember anyone who moved away that did not mention 'diversity' as won of the reasons they were leaving including my girl friend at the time who lived in Whitechapel . She was groped three times by Asian men in the space of 18 months. Including in a shop in broad daylight, wile the owners turned a blind eye. So of course her experience was not second hand is was definitely first hand so to speak. She obviously moved away not quite as left wing as when she arrived.

Out of interest how many MP's would move their families to East Ham or Luton. Strange how those that preach the most about the benefits of diversity don't actually want to live any where near it. Of course if you could become an MP one month after entering the country or say a judge, barrister or the head of the BBC then do you think for one minute we would have immigration at the current levels.
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I think your post backs up Farage's statement about the London 'elite' who are out of touch with ordinary people. Why is the extreme left so desperate to silence the sensible call for more stricter controls on immigration.

I lived in East Ham for a while and worked in Tower Hamlets for over 10yrs. Can't remember anyone who moved away that did not mention 'diversity' as won of the reasons they were leaving including my girl friend at the time who lived in Whitechapel . She was groped three times by Asian men in the space of 18 months. Including in a shop in broad daylight, wile the owners turned a blind eye. So of course her experience was not second hand is was definitely first hand so to speak. She obviously moved away not quite as left wing as when she arrived.

Out of interest how many MP's would move their families to East Ham or Luton. Strange how those that preach the most about the benefits of diversity don't actually want to live any where near it. Of course if you could become an MP one month after entering the country or say a judge, barrister or the head of the BBC then do think for one minute we would have immigration at the current levels.

Can't remember who it was now but some journalist or broadcaster bloke - anyway it was on QT a while back and his take on immigration was on these lines. Basically it the immigrants coming into the country were taking news readers,politicians,judges,journalists jobs etc rather than construction and low skilled jobs then the Bourgeois class may well sing from a different song sheet.
Who was the labour MP who went to court to oust the travellers who had moved in close to her home? Where was her sense of community then?
Can't remember who it was now but some journalist or broadcaster bloke - anyway it was on QT a while back and his take on immigration was on these lines. Basically it the immigrants coming into the country were taking news readers,politicians,judges,journalists jobs etc rather than construction and low skilled jobs then the Bourgeois class may well sing from a different song sheet.
Who was the labour MP who went to court to oust the travellers who had moved in close to her home? Where was her sense of community then?

The Greens have that Aussie bird. If she's indicative of the quality we'd be getting if there were immigrants going for jobs in politics, put up the fences now.
Whereas,Caroline Lucas Green MP is ,to my mind at least,one of the best MP's (if not the best) in the 2010 intake.

Lucas always comes across very impressively whenever she is on the telly. Very polished, if a little condescending (although she's not alone there among MPs). Certainly appears to be better than Bennett though.
Whereas,Caroline Lucas Green MP is ,to my mind at least,one of the best MP's (if not the best) in the 2010 intake.

Can't say I've studied ALL of the 2010 intake in depth as much as you but will agree that Lucas does come across well. Bennett IMO doesn't and I would say puts a few off voting Green which is a shame as it would further split the Labour vote:winking:
Can't say I've studied ALL of the 2010 intake in depth as much as you but will agree that Lucas does come across well. Bennett IMO doesn't and I would say puts a few off voting Green which is a shame as it would further split the Labour vote:winking:

That's not an uncommon opinion, even within the Greens. I was speaking to a few Greens yesterday at a solar industry event and they all said they'd much prefer Lucas to be leading the party.
That's not an uncommon opinion, even within the Greens. I was speaking to a few Greens yesterday at a solar industry event and they all said they'd much prefer Lucas to be leading the party.

She was of course leader of the Greens from 2008 to 2012, when she stood down to devote more time to her parliamentary duties in Brighton Pavilon.
Can't say I've studied ALL of the 2010 intake in depth as much as you but will agree that Lucas does come across well. Bennett IMO doesn't and I would say puts a few off voting Green which is a shame as it would further split the Labour vote:winking:

I wouldn't say I've studied all of the 2010 intake "in any depth" but certainly of the new Labour MP's, the one who's most impressed me has been Stella Creasy.
"Personal" letter received from Mr Farage to hubby and I yesterday, they are really trying hard in this area!
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